Page 142 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 142
126 1AH"flGRA T fOlv'
83--bccupation du immilf1'anta arrivée au Canadu, ..n 1950 lit 1951.
8J-OccuPBtion of Immigrante into Canada, in 1950 nnd 1951.
l!MO 1951
Via porh n•• Yi.. porI<! De.
OCCUPATION oo6ani· ~tnl.8- o061LI1i- Ihato-
que.. Uni~ ToIni Que. Uni. 1'0101
Via JTrDm Vin From
Ooono Unit"d Ocelln United
Port. Stal•• Porto Stalllll
--- --- ------ ---
A~ri(:ultel1rs-Fa.nning , .........••........ j.\ .764 2ô3 15.027 2~,O39 251 25,890
'J'r>\\'oill urs n'm-Sl écil,liBés ut Sailli- pécinli.e6s-Unskillod
f),nd BcnÎi~15killod ..........................•........• '1,178 372 4,550 30,5:\1 '156 31.007
Tra\'oilleur. s"f.rialiB6s- killed workers . n,160 B71 5,821 32,fJ88 604 ;1:1.682
COIJHuerooutlS-Tradiog.......................•....... l ,81;J 8&1 2,697 2) 10,602 2) 1. i\ll2 2) 1~ ,254
...·ürvantl-' -l'oJnrdo domeetic8...............•.......... 2,58.5 37 2.(122 6.,177 M (1 ,!i;J 1
Autres-Oth"rs... .. .. . . . . . . . . 1) 1,()73 1) 6~2 l) 2,005 4,570 832 5,402
Toini des truvo.iUours-Totul wor!ccr8.....•.•..•.... 10,461 2,859 31,122 110,917 3,869 114,786
Él',\oh"'·lI<>-n"l'ontlQn~wi\'""." 1,.570 3.0<\9 21.B28 :12.11'10 I,U89 34,938
Enfant..~"h rRe-Del' ndontahiIJren 17.071 1.801 1,062 42,793 1,874 ,1,1.607
'faillI. p r"onnO/! à oharg To!.al derendents.. ..•. .. . 35,650 4,940 40,590 75,74'2 3,861 79,605
Sexe: Scx:
Hommes (arlultes) . Adult Mal 08..•••....... 27,878 2,1l22 30,700 ():1,133 2. (lM M, 18
FCUlIllU (ndoltes) . Adult 1?emalc8 . 21.07 3,0S.; 24,172 50,118 3,121 5:1.23,1
J';n(nnts do moins do 181\08. hildron und r 18 yen".. 17,148 1,8112 LO ,0-10 43,408 1, 020 45.33-1
Grand To l. ......•..................... 66,113 7,799 71,912 186,659 7,732 194,391
(l) Comprend leB mines. (I) Includos MininR.
(2) Comprend commiM ct hOnll1l ~s de prof ion. (2) Indllde" lerieal ond Profoe.ional.
84-Clnuification des immigrant. DU Cnnada, selon le port d'arrivée,
84--Classification of Immigrant. into Canada, accordinll' to Port of ArrivaI.
ponTS --------_. 1()48 1949 1050 1951
1935-39 1040-14 1945··)1)
C:nndcr..............................•..... 1,461 0,024
St·Jean 't..John'. (T.-N.-Nlld.) ......... , .. 030 853
Québeo............ . '4',633' ~44 'iO:20.~ . .22:828' 24.636 20.3 " T,l,n:lll
St-Jean--8t. John..... II 121 401 B:J7 40·' l, 17 6,072
Halirnx ............... ........... 1,148 1, 271 36.664 00.400 45,716 30,787 93,758
ydney-Nol1I-North .. 36'1 1,580 2,013 2,058 :100 4 1
Sydney....... " ... 8 1,13 l, Hie. 1,8:11 306 142 lY2
Montrolal .................... ............. 95 'lB "(I~ 700 077 Ml 1, l!l4
DorI'RI-AMoport--Airport........ 3,070 11,183 4,250 !JOI 1,027
Mal ton-Aéroport--A il'port....... ."'Z3ÎJ' .... i3Ï 1.610 2.304 178 202 :358
Vancouver ... .......... 308 481l 000 510 1,264
Vict..orio. ...•...•.. ..... .. , .... '15 32 70 80 120 7.1 7
New York .... ' .... 1.080 415 7,863 13,3,12 7,018 5.7Jll 10,'\53
Doslon....... _. 8 18 90 116 100 73 ]012
Autre Other.... '. '. : : . : : : : : : ........... ... 127 34() 2.062 1,007 3.043 2.G~~ 4,10fl
])". 'êtuts·r.;ni_FroHl li. S ....... ...... , ... 6,44.1 5,M7 8,486 7,381 7.74'1 7.79!l 7.7:12
--------- --- --- ------
TOTAl . 13,10& 9,908 75,846 125,414 96,217 73,912 194,391
Bouroo; Sèlru'.Ctl d'immiorah'on, Oi~awo. Sourco: lrnmiDraliort 8r/'lflch, OUawll.