Page 100 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 100
Le tableau suivant répartit la populo.tion The foUowing table ·sbows the diBtribution
Mtive de 1110 Province par groupe d'occlIpations. of the gainfllUy oocupied in the Provinco by
Ci-ILprès, à la pa~e 87, IID texte explique les occupation groups. The differenoo which
difl'6ronces qui existent entol'e la. chtssiflcation exista between the classification by "OCCUpik-
par "occupations" et la clll8Bification par "in- tions" and the classification hy "industries" is
• dus!Jies". ell-p\ailled in the text on 87.
45--Population (1) active de la province de Québec, par groupe d'occupations,
~6--GlIIinfully Occupied (1) of the Province of Quebec by Occupation Groups,
GnOUPE D'OCCUPATrONB 1~01 101l 1921 1941
194,381 291.&90 217,416 225,014 261,631l
~ro~o.ul.\u~~~~,~~:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4,317 4.431 1,00G 6.4i8 8,081
AbnL'lo du bol , , , .. 3.651 JI ,278 10.838 16.f)fi7 30.407
Mln,,"/ o...,ièr , , , .. " . 1.338 6,560 4,118 6,128 9.977
Manu I.oturoll .•.•••••••.•.• , .•....•....... 7~ ,288 87,7113 111.35~ 173.288
Co,,"t.ruoHon , , . 101,884 35,08li H,8117 62.831 60,961
Trnollports et oommuoioations l' 34,052 41.263 66.018 70,317
Co'mm uree et. flnn.noe ....• ~ ••.......•...... 45,171 lil, i31 63,176 78,388 81,684
Beni0•............................• , ..... 27,618 33.729 46,116 73,714 89,067
P,o/...ion nel , ....•••. , .......•..•. (1) 1~.1(J6 BO.3M 19.468 38,180
Per8Dnnel , •..... , •• , •.•.•.•...•..... 1~.'0' 16,808 I/J ,763 35,081 jl. 5S .f
Comml8 do .. , ... , .•.....•......... 10,31l6 17,219 a3.01l6 48,208 0,404
Mnoœuvr , .....• , (8) 41..241 77,008 ~ 1.308 133,368 SI,038
Non donn6••...........•.........•....... 242 2.373 341 3.751
TOUTIl8 OCOUPATION•••.•.••••. 415,034 552,140 848,4-40 123,287 928,464
AII':I?ulLur•..•...........•.. , ..•...•....•. l,Ua a,017 a.620 4,633 3,li44
l''olllng ~nd trnpplog" . 3 14 II 40 62
f.JIIJ.{J.{lng •••..•...••••.••••••••..••••••.•• ............ ............ . ......... ............ .... -.....
MllIin.or , . 1 21
Manufaoturos .•.•••....•••....•••........ " .. "s-i;iàs" ...87:633" 40.396 68,227
Con.1tuotloD . { 27,115 4 13 22 246
TrB.lIlij)(lrt.o.Lion and oommuniolltlOnB .•....•.. 1,107 a.3-1O 4,503 4,3-017
Trad. nod finnne•......•.......•.......•. 2.132 6,934 JO ,:i22 14 ,597 18,460
Ba,vico , , ....•. 42,607 4~,1l3G 65,130 104.7M 126,84.6
Pro/..~iono.l , , . (i) 111.941 II),b~17 30,017 4J.S Il
P6J's(}Ra.l ..•.•...•.•...•.....•..•...•.•. tfJ ,135 36,731 85,088 68.6f6 85,810
Clorionl .....•. , .. , ......•.... , ..•........ 2.841 5,776 18.050 27.887 37,373
LLl.bourors.••..•..•. , . 1,096 36 466 376
Notstel"d '.......•....... II .......... .... ï ;àiâ" 63 680
TOll'l'Il8 0 OOUPATIONS •••.•••... n,245 101,101 139,151 202,422 280,181
(1) Allée d. 10 nna 01 pluo de 1901 1 1931 O'l d.14 ena (1) 10 yean 01 "1' and ovor (rom 1901 10 IIl31 and
<11& plu. 'n 1941. 14 YCM_ and ove, for 1041.
(!I) Co. doon!!... n' .ont p". dl.ponibl.... (2) Not av.ülable.
(3) Bont oomllfi. ~••• IIJ"l)po; 1.. mt>llœvvr... di> (3) Ino_Judl,d 10 thl. group are Inbou,or. in .n Indua-
&oul.e.llllllnduetri•• &aull "Krloulture. la pêche. 1ab"blo tr(cl c-"copt açlculLuro, fiohing, logginl nnd minlng.
du bole .t 101 min...
80ur..: H"ill~",. , .......mont dll CalUlda, Vol. VII Souroo: B;ghtA C.".... •/ CUllada, Vol. VII.