Page 273 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 273

         IO-Etat des revenus et dépenses (1) (Section générale) des corporations munici-
                                  pales de la Province, 1945.
         lO-Statem.ent of Revenue and Expenditurea (1) (General Section) of Municipal
                            Corporations of the Province, 1945.

                    REVE>IUS-DÉPE~SES            rurales  Citéll   Villc~
                 REVE:-lt'E-EXPENDITL'RES        Rural    Cit:t~H  TowIl.8
               REVE::'-1l'S        REVENUE         $       $        $        •
         ~f1xe8 m\lnieipoJe~'  Munip.ipal T.'l.x:
           f'(mdêr,,~...       j{"ai Property...  4.677,072  28 2.'i:1,53fl  4,448,045  37,377,653
           Pe~'golJ!,e:le!l    Per~onal....               222,Rt7   13.61[1  23G,432
           D'lI.ffairc~  .     Bu~ioes~..      .... 'iii:42f.·  4 (i44,486  149,725  4.81O.ln7
           De C'ari!D.tioo  "  .  PoIL  .          5,677   lIJ,747   !J.4P4  2ô,tJ!S
           D·anHtsemeot ..     Amusement.         22,350  8"l;':i,727  64.710  972,70B
           De n'nte'       .   Sa!es... . . . . . . . .. . ....  2.'i6,30 1  8,150,306  .'iOI,443  8 ,fl17, 140
           PI'opl-i~tai res et tocata i ree .  Household a!ld Tenant..  :.!8,Om  248,386  131.93·1  41l  ~()9
           Aut;".~   .         Otb~;r. .. . .....  11S,40S  1,198,424  IiI ,.544  1,78>l.373
         Liccnct'B IJt permis  .  Lirp.nSffi /lnri Permits  .  148,3.'N  J ,452.314  3111';,2[.13  1,905,996
         l1evenur. de placement".  Im'estmf'ot Earnings...••.  78,015  2,140.215  119.183  2,337,4·1:3
         Subventions de:     Orants froln:
           Autres ml1ttidpa.Hté,~...  Otl11"r ,r..{l'njriDa]jtil'~ ....  5,282  5~  5.3-li
           Gou\·crncmcnt ric  L'l.  P~O­  GoverIlment of the Prov-
            vioce:              ince:
            f\P'~ours do cbÔma~e.  Rclipf.      ... SOS :902' ..2:23.5:iÔ2'
            Autles.............•.  Other  . . . . .. ..                    .,' fi':17::~il6'
           GOllver~emeot féd~ra1. .... ,  Fedcra] Go'-ernment.....  5,100  3,000  8,100
         Frnh recouvrables de la detle  D,-t'cnltl"e Deilt  Ch!Lrge~
           ohU'l;!ltR.ire  .  .  H('COVNlth!p  .  377,362  4,16~,99[)  7flS .')2.'>
         LLilîœe pnhlîqnes et llervipcR  Pllblic l'tilitieii !lnrl Insti·
           instiL'lliotlllelR (shr[JJu~ ~'erRé  tllfiollal  Rerdres  f~ur·
           aux revenus\ .•...  rJ(l~ faJ,;Pll ink) Hf'\·t'Ilue)  13l,598  21~7 .332  6,832.396
         Autre!! reVeml<l,  ,  .  Othe]" Revenu!'_..  . ....  4Gl,171  403.0ge  7,689.844-
         Surplil~ des UO;I~('S prée{>deo les  ~'lrl,Tu~ from Pr('\·ioll_~veUf>
           (sl Il,ppropri6).   (if ll~ ..d).  .          1, 040 ,O_O_O+  I_l~'"_'4~O~,~O~OO:...
                TOTAL .•.                     1__.~.~73~O~.~30~9:...1--".9~.=1=01~.=7=12:...I-~7.~4=3=9.=.=72:... 83,271,713
               DÉPE!'i8ES       EXPENDITUfiES     s        s        $        •
         Provision de réserYe~.  . . .. .  ProYisiûn~ for Uespn'"~'''  12,069  2,777,Hi':i  ,'5] ,627  2,840,841
         Cont;-ibut!on  il.  l'ass'1TlLnce-  l:1l(\nlpIOVlYlenl  rmllrll,fiCe
           chômuge   .         Contrihutkm    .            11,729   14,752   26.48l
         DéplJ\lses de guen".  .  \\'ftr !Lori l1th<1r F merll;c[]cie~  33,088  1,070  3.">,064
         AUI,rF1'- d"p<mseB d'administra-  Othpr G"l1..r:r.! Govermnent
           tion "én<'!l'ale .. ,  .  Ex[\enrlit\ll·e~.  958,166  8,419,360  L3,'l(J,421  1O,7n,951J
         Protectioo coutre l'incendie.  Fire Prûtel'tio{} ..  1.'39,367  4,065,802  302.949  4,508,11"
         Fl?lVicl? de poliN' ....  Po1i,"c Pl"OtN'tioll  .52,538  3,193,594  432,1'01  f>,678,933
         Appli<-/ltion de [a loi  .  Law EnforCf'Illf'nt  295,5::18  :~'!,39\J  32fl,9:37
         Edaimge ries rn(>s  .  Strl'pt Lightiop:..  256,7-55  895, BElS  2VI,4t'12  1,365,9;32
         A1Jtr% pfflh«:,tioos.  Othcr Protf'ctiûf1.        14,613   19,4!i6  :H,069
         Travrulx pnbllr.s  .  Puhlic \\orks...  . '2;241;605'  7,4::17,777  1,395,452  II ,077 ,324
         Hyuiène et enlèvf'lllent  des  Sanitation  lLm1" '''';a'st~
           vidll.ngc.~,  .     Removal.   ,  .    R7,.'50"l  2,080,755  262,403  2,4:~O,6B6
         Conaervution rie ln santé.  Con."ernÜion of Hl":dtb.  27,631  1,902,941  37.40S  1.907,9S0
         Becoura de chôma'l"e,.... . ...  Unemp!nyment R.elief. ...  50,973  12,419  03,392
         Assistance de ebarit!> et diver-  Charity lLl1d Mi>cdlaneou~
           ses..... . .  ..    WI'1fare  .        54,304  736,347   87,OM   S78,60.">
         Bien--Nre dl' l'enfnnce  .  Child We1fare  _..   4')1,451  12,760  504,:<11
         Hospir,aiisation et. bf)rviees mf._  Hospita1ization and Med-
           dîcaux,     ,   .   ical Services  .   540.074  1,El03,568  129,97R  2,47:1,620
         In3titutions de bienfai~ll,ncf' .  Charitable InsHtllt]on~.  024,101  27,:::93  651,494
         S\lbvention~ aux commi>lsions  .Municipal  Glar.h  tD
           scolaires        .  SdlOols       .            1O[i,060  108,614  217,680
         ServiCf:'M de récréatioo et eom-  Rf'crclltion allè CommlJnÎ1y
           muIUtllx         .  ~ef'\·ke~.... .... . ...  li. ]0.1  1. 846 ,420  IHi,508  L9g0.031
         Rervip.e de la dette pbligutnire.  Debenture Dcbt Charp:f,~_,  .009.461  22,482.903  2,El86,544  26,37S,90S
         Service de la detto Wmpol"lLire.  Tcmporary D~bt Ck.,rges.  i4,!i45  :~31.250  63,651  460,440
         E~I'Oml)tf' sur taxes. . . .. . ...  Discount on True~.... ,.  10,.341  13i,830  12,840  161,211
         f.ltll~U~ pllb!iques P.t services  Pubhc UtiHti..~ /Ulr!  rn~ti-
           in~ti1utionnels (défiP.its irn-  tutionll.1 "f'r\"ic(;.~ (Df'fieit~
           put,r;~ fJ ~c('\jon ~6nérale) ...  proy;(!r;(1 fori .. , ...  206 965  303,958  23,701  M4,624
         Contribut.j':>Il5  municipales  :Mllnir·itJ.'tl  Le.·le,;  for
           pl)'l~ u!'s publi'luf>s (Ot  Vtiiitif's.  7 228              7,228
           seryil:,,~ inS(.itutiopm:ls .....
         D,{pcnJ;Cs de l"llpitlll à m,lme  Cupital Expenditnres prov-
           ]", TeveDil. . . . .. .  .  idpd out of reVlOoue ....  596,910  3,041,170  569,943  4,.')08 02
         Conseil CE' eomtk (si rlassifié  Connty Rates  (if segreg-
           ~·pln~m..nt)     .  a.ted).  .    .   240,098            7.442   248 3eo(;
         Contribution à la Commi~5ion
           ~f;ltrorJOlitaine Cf' M'lotréal  Montreal  Metropolitan
           (si (!LIS.~ifié s(.parément).  Cbarges (if segrcgated).  237,227  B,129
                TO'f,l.L .. , ...•.• ' •• "     6,835,188  G5,325,096  8,151,982  80,329.466
                                                (n Preliminar.~· 6gurea.
   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278