Page 193 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 193


         L'école primaire élémentaire comprend trois  'l'he elementary prima-r,v sohaol ie composed
       cours réguliers de deux années chacun: infé-  of three regula.r courses of two years each, viz:
       rieur, moyen, supérieur. Une section prépara-  lower, into:rmediate and superior.  A prElpar-
       toire, 8,ppeloo 1èro année chez les catholiques,  atory section designa,ted as let yC'ar in catholic
       prépare au progl'anune élémentaire los enfanti3  8chool8, for children who h:1;VO Dot :rat attend~
       qui n'ont pas encore irécÎuenté l'école.  Dans  cd sehool, prepa.l'es them for the elpmmtary
       la. section préparatoire et dans le COUl'S infé-  COUl"R€l.  In the prepaJ'a,tol'Y :-f'NÎon and in the
       riEJur, l'ollSf'jgu€lment est purement oral.  lower gmde, teachirlg i:; purely oral.
                     3 -  Statistiques dei! é.::oles primaires élémentaires,
                        3-Statistks of Elementary Primary Schoo15.
                            r;ombre des          Élèves inscrits   l'réSl;mCtl moyenlll'\
                            Numbcr of            PupiL~ Enrolled  Average Atrendunce
                            1  ID8~itu~  Ins~itu-                         Pour.
           YEAllS     :t:coles  t,m,  trices  Gar~on,~  Filles    Nombre  cen!.age
                            1                 -            'l'otll.1
                      Schools  Male  Female  BOl'S  Girls         :r.,·umber  Per-
                             Teo.chcrs  1 , Teaehtlrs  1  1               ceotlL~
                           :t:COLE8 CATHOLIQUES--CATHOLIC SCHOOLS
       Hla2-33,        6,6fol    0525  9,685  148,073      297,':']4  24::1,183  SI .7'1
       1933-34.        6,805     MS  1  9,MO  ,  14,'),421  149,781  242,490  82 14
                                                    149,441 1 295,202
       19:34...35.     6,950    563   9,076  146,6'J,~  145,710  2':12,405  ~3S,932  81. 71
       193i'i-36., ..  0,997    483   9,724  142,540  14:1,512  286,052  232,242 , 1  81.19
       1936-37..       7, ~'2"1    1  10,105  145,962  147,313  283,27."i  237,781  81.08
       19.17-38. '     7,32~    482  ,  10,253  14:'.11\0  146,976 '  292. HW  238,609  K1.67
       1<)38-::10..    7,376    485   9.995  140,~)72  1:l9,677  280,649  231, 8iH  82.02
       193[1-40.       7,477    512   10.131  1:38,7!'l8  137,358  276.146  230.6;)0  52
       194()..41. .    7,474    529   9,971  1.16,176  133,747  269.\)23  222,301  "
       1941-42.        7,418    511   g,879  131,4,'50  127,8:<.'5  259.275  213,5(1)  82.37
       1942-43.....    7,459    493   0,890  1:::8,136  125,460  2.">3,596  :207.063  82.00
       194:1-44 (1).   7,489    5QO   9,[)2<'>  125,354  122,·144  :M7,808  (2)  (2)
       19H~4.5 m.      7.378    49.1  9,7GO  119,2JO  115,962  ~,",5.172  (3\  (2i
       1945-46 (o.     7,310    :)20  1  9,520  119.307  112,120  2;~1. 4''''  (2)  (2\
       1946-47..       7,401    5:;,"  ,  9,762  119.770  114,426  234,196  (2)  iZl
       19-17-4.8.      7,4:;;4  (3)  5.15 1(3) !J.900  1 123,24,)  115.918  230.161  12:'  (2)
       1932-3.1..        532    110    1,539  2 i3,7:.'1  21),372  52.0fl3  41.890  80 41
       1933-::)4..       539    126    1. ;;.52  27, .~:2",  25,827  .':i;l.152  42,6Tl  80.21
       1934·33.          Ml:!   129    l, .'i30  1  :26,641  25,121  51,762  41,.1H  79 S7
       HI35-i.l6.        525     un    1,4 iiG  2;,,463  23,666  49, lY~  3'J,O::;;  79.44
       1936-37..         ,~}'~2  117   1.461  24,7ll2  2a,105  47,R17  3.S ,388  '0 1.5
       19.17-38.         5<:5    132   1,·101,2  24,197  22, lI38  46,1'35  3S ,035  81.2l
        1\.1:~&--39.     :'531   144   1,452  23.8i1  22,142  46,\113  ."37,180  81.04
        1<J3IHO.         5Z7     1.'51  1,431  2,),028  21,457  4-1,4..;"5  36,25:'>  81.51
        1940-41.         :;02    142   1,405  22.451  zn, ,:-126  43,377  3,1,202  ,  7S.!:'!)
        19·11-42..       olï,}   137   1.;-13.'i  21,357  20, Hi2  41,519  32,870  79.17
        It 1 42-43.....  M,6     \lI   1 ..':19':;  :2n,lM  10,310  39,474  32 . .120  81.90
        1943-44 (1).     430     III i  1.:'1:1<)  19,50.5  548  38,ln."3  (2',  (2)
       1944-45 (l) ..  .: :1  403  lIa  1.301'  1S,125  .8'17,186  1  35.310  (2)  (2)
       194,)-46 (1).     ::)8!)  117   1,2,17  18,1.21  17.30.';  3fi,"2'J  (2]  (21
        1\:HO-47 ....    359  1(3)  100  1.  1,190  17.665  16.81\1  34.4S4  (2)  (21
        1';14748 .•.  1  aZ6     III 1(3) 1 , 182  17,716  16,870 !  34,r;8~  ..n  (:2)
        1932<l3.  .,.::1,  7,193  635  Il, ~24  174, 7\'41  IH,S13  349,607  2'5.07:' 1  81. M
        1933-34..       7,344    674  lI,W2  172,746  175,608  348,3[.4  2~i), 123  81. ~5
        1934-35.        7,4135   fi'J2  11,20fJ  173,336  170,8:n  344,107  2/<0,;(73  81.44
        Hl.'15-36..     i,522  1  602  11.190  168,008  167.178  33:),186  271,275  80.9::1
        1936-37..  >1   7, Hô i  581  11,066        170,4E  341,172  2','6,169  80.Q.')
        1!J37-38...     7,854    614  11,69;,)  170·7.'11  169,614  339,001  275.fi4{  81. GI
        HI38-39..       7,907    629  II ,447  104,84:,  161,819  326.662  269.170  82 40
        1939-40.        8,004    663  11.5&2  161,816  158,815  320, D:'ll  266,894  R3 24
        1940-41. .      7,976    671  Il,376  1,'j8,627  154, (Ji3  313,:100  2.56,503  S1.87
        H141-42.        7,897    648/  11,267  807  1  147,8971  300,794  24;:;,436  81.93
                                             148 •.100
        W42·43 ......   7.915    604  Il,285  152'  144, 770 1  293,070  240, :'::91  81. 99
        194:3·44 (n ..  7,919    620  II ,327  144,919  140,992  283,911  (2)  (2)
        1944-45 (1"1 ..•  7,781  603  II ,060  137,335  133,147  270,482  (2)  (2)
        1945_46 (1) ..  7.69(1   637  10,757  137.ol2S 1  129.428  266,856  (2)  (2)
        194ô-47..       7,760    647'  10,952  137,435  131,245 1 268,680  (2)  (Z)
        1'd47-4."l.     7.750  I(3)  646  (3) 11.172  140,959  132,791  273.75û  (2)  (2)
         (1) Inscription d'aprêllies bulletiIll3 d'inspedion.  (1) Enrulment bw.wd UPOll the bulletins of in~~ection.
         (2) Pas de ra.pport.  .              (2) Ka report.
         (3) EstimntioIls,                    (a) Estilll:l.tes.
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