Page 195 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 195


                  "HIGH SCHOOLS"                           SCHOOLS
         Depuis 1923, les académies catholiques por-  Binee 1923, Catholic academies are styled
        tent le Dom d'écoles primaires complémentaires.  complsmentary primary 80hoo18.  In 1929,
        En 1929, on a ajouté au programme de ces
                                             th.ree grades were added ta the course in these
        insticutions trois années d'études qui consti-
                                             institutions. constituting the Superior Primary
        tuent le cours primaire supérieur.  Depuis
                                             Course.  Binee 1939, this course comprises
        1939, ce cours se compose des lOème. 11ème
        et 12èml:l années.  Les académies protestantes  IOth, 11th and 12th grades. The Protestant
       conservent l'appellation de "High Schools".  academies retain the name of High Schools.
            S-Statiatiquee des écoles pl'im.aires supérieures et des "High Schoola".
               S-Statiatica of Superiol' Primary Schoola and of High Schoola.
                            Nombre des           Élèves insoritll  Préllence moyenne
                               -                     -                 -
                            Number or            Pupils Enrolled  Average Attendance
             -              1 In,,,,u-I  Inst-itu-                        Pour-
            YEARS     Écoles  t.eUŒ  tril!611  Garçons  Fillœ             oentll.((8
                        -             -       -      -     Total  No~b" 1  -
                      Scbool9  Mal.  Fema!e  Boys  1  Girl~       Number   Per~
                             Teaehers  Teachers   1      1                oentap
       1932-33..  ...    172    742   2.203 1  20,100  41,843  61,943  54,790  88.45
       1933-34.  .....   20'    896   2,384  23,058  47,143  70,201  64,541  91.94
       19M-35.. .........  212  1,005  2,355  25,630  42.900  68,530  61,466  89.69
       193.;.36.. ... .. ....  211  1,053  2,307  26,717  42,880  69,603  61,840  88.85
       1936-:-17. ......  2:17  1,174  2,577  31,293  46.HO  1  77,433  68,741  88.77
       1937~38.          2.'il  1,209  2,730  33,058  49,216  82,274  73.440  89.26
       H)38-39 .. ... ... ...  297  1,356  3,1.67  38,·5R7  56.392  94,979  84,511  88.98
       H)39-40.. ... ... ...  274  1.285  3.099  34,161  55,574  89,735  80,305  89.49
       H140-41. .... .....  297  1.336  3,097  35,276  52,811'1  88,001  78,452  80.06
       1941-42 ... ...   288   1,298  3.231  31.976  54,092  86,008  75,091  88.41
       1942-43...... .....  320  1,389  3,375  34,174  .57.167  91.338  81,230  88.93
       1943-44 (1) ... ....  32,'5  1,31)1  3,403  33,927  5.5.007  89,024  (2)  (2)
       ]944-45 (1) .•.   364   1,502  3,923  39,070  6:1.550  103,220  (2)  (2)
       1945-46 (1) .•• .....  382  1,539  4.046  41,622  67,756  109,378  (21  (2)
       1946-47. .... .. ....  402  1,615  4,32;)  43,924  67,965  111,889  (2)  (2)
       1947-48.          412 (3)  1.674  (3) 4.510  47.082  70.535  117,617  (2)  (2)
       1932-33.  ... ..  66     250    f)95  11,075  10,688  21,763  18,366  84.39
       Ig33-34 .. ... .....  67  2.i7  567   10,685  10,404  21,089  18.103  85.84
       H134-3.ï..        67     262    546   10,617  10.126  20,743  17,073  85.20
       1935-36 .... ... ...     293    56;)  10,875  10,643  21,518  18.648  86.6B
       1936-:17.         "      305    588   11,162  11 ,001  22,163  10.103  86.19
       HJ:37-3>i .. ....  7l    323    627   11,134  11,478  22,612  19,622  86.78
       1938-39 .. ..........  7l  335  653   Il. 297  1l,444  22,741  19,669  86.49
       19::19-40. .... .... ...  72  346  609  11.443  11,698  23,141  20,032  86.56
       1940-41. .... .. .. , ..  69  329  66.ï  10,990  11,460  22,450  19,005  84.65
       1941-42.. .... ...  Qg   304    697   10.713  11,281  21,994  18,640  84.75
       1942-43. .. ....  68     267    721   10.852  11,09,5  21,947  18,328  83.54
       194.~-4,! (1~ ......  70  327   7;39  11,907  11,944  23,851  (2)   (2)
       1944-45 (1 .. ..  7'     351    80'!  12,819  12,924  25,743  (2)   (2)
       IM."i-46 (1) .. ....  72  489   779   U,Ul   12,722  1  26,143  (2)  (2)
       1946-47. . " ..... ...   'Il    728   12,427  12, 013  1  24,440  (2)  (2)
       J!:H7-48.  ....   ~ lOi)  421  (3)  716  12.378  12,052  24,430  (2)  (2)
       10J2-33 ..  ...  238     992   2,798  31,175 i ,  52.531  1  83.706  73,156  87.40
       19::Ja-.34 .. ...  271  1, 153  2.951  33,743  57,547  91,290  82,644  90.53
       Ul;)4-35.. ..... ...  279  1,26.7  2,901  36,247  1  53,026  89,273  79,139  88.65
       1935-36..  .. ...  279  1,346  2,932  37.592  53.529  91,121  8,0,488  88.33
       1936-37. .. ........  306  1,479  3,165  42.455  57,141  99,596  87,844  88.20
       1937-38.  . ....  322  1,532   3.357  44.192  60.694  104,886  93.062  88.73
       1938~39. .... .....  368  1.691  3,820  49,884. 1 1  67,836  117,720  104,180  88.50
       19a9-40. ..... .....  346  1,631  3,708  45,604  67,272  112,876  100,337  88.89
       1940-41. ..........  366  1,605  :3,762  46.266  i  64,275  110,541  97,457  88.16
       1941-42. .... .. ...  357  1,602  3,928  42,680  65,373  IG8 ,062  94,731  87.66
       1942-43 . ...... -..  388  ].6;)5  4,096  45,026  68,259  113,285  99,558  87.89
       1943-44 (1) ......  395  1,688  4,162  4,'),834  67,041  112,875  (2)  (2)
       1944-45 (1) .• .....  438  1,853  4,727  52,489  76,474  128,963  (2)  (2)
       H)4fi-46 (1) .. ......  454  2.028  4,825  5."i.043  80,478  135,521  \2)  (2)
       1946-47. ..........  468  2,086  5,045  56.3151  79.978  136,329  2)  2
       1947-4-8. .........  481  (3) 2,095  (3)  5,226  .ï9,4r.O  82,587  142,047  (2)  1 )
        (1) Illllcription d'aprêslca bul1et.ins d'in9pectioQ.  (1) Enrolment ba.sed upon tbe bulletins of inspection,
        (2) Pae de rapport.                   (2) No report.
        (3) EstimatioJll!,.                  (3) E.,tirnate:'l_
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