Page 192 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 192

lï4                     INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION

                             2-Résurné deI statistiques .colaires.
                             2-Sum.m.ary of Educational Statistici.

                             tooJe&  tcolell col'll- tcoleB 8Upê- Collèges
                             ~lêmen- p1ementairell  rieures et  elas8i~  Autres  taoles  Doiver-
               ANNJ!;ES      talTœ  et int.erméd. High Schools  quee  éllOLes  normales  /litée
                              -       -        -      -     -     -     (3)  'fotal
                YEARS       Elelllellt- Complement-  .Buperior  Clu8ical  Other  Normal  Uruver-
                              "Y  aryand Inter-  and  Collegell  Scboola  Bcbools  sitief>
                             Schools med. 80hool8 High 8cbool9
                            NOMBRE D'~COLEB-  NUMBER OF SCHOûLB
         1928-29.             7, :.i2::: 1  66   682   24    181   20     4   8,200
         1929-30. .           7, 25G     76      ô\)4  25    204   20     4   8,279
         193().-31.,          7.347      73      742   28    234   20     4   8.448
         ~~~t~L:.             ~:i~~ 1 (1)  ~g~  (2)  ~g  ~~  ~~Z   ~~     ~   ::~~
         1933-34. .           7.344     827      271   29    308   32     4   8,815
         1934-35..            7,485     844      279   29    325   32     4   8,999
         1935-36.             7,522     909      279   29    336   33     4   9,112
         HI3B-37.             7".'8t~ 1  850     306   29    362   35     4   9,',','..2
         19:j7-38.              .->'t   851      ~22   30    386   -l3    4
         1'.138-39. .         7,907     915      368   31    4J3   51     4   9,709
         193!l-40.            8,004     939      346  (4) 47  410  63     4   9,813
         1940-41.    ... ,......  7,976  967     366   47    426   69     4   9,8rtS
         1941-42.             7.897    1,032     357   48    441   72     4   9,851
         1942-43.       "     7,915    1,016     388   48    500   75     4   9,97&
         1943-41.      . ..... '1'  7,910  1,058  395  50    554   75     4  10,055
         1944-45.      . . . . . . .  7,781  1,101  438  51  628   78     4  10,D73
         1!l45-HI....         7.59?    1,158     454   m     574   82     4  10,015
         1946-47. " .. .  . . . . . . .  7,760  1.13!l  4f,R  :5,'i  543  84  4  10,053
         194ï-48.       . ..... 5)7,7al  1,149  (5)  482  60  521  86     4  10,053
         1!l28-29..       .. 1364'6121  5.194  207,567  10,308  27,8881  1,921  7,111  524,601
         1929-30..          366,519   6,148   211,017  10,4,,)1  31,672'  1,98>1  6,002  614,757
         1930-31. ..        371,116    6,082  222,744  10,710  33.538  2,029  7,132  653,351
         H~.:n~32..         376,2S~ 1  (1) 160.190  (2) 76,386  10,8H'J  39,669  2,675  6,854  672,861
         1932-33..          349,fl07  188,210  83,706  10,734  35,441  2,849  6,703  6n,25D
         }933-34..          134~,354  189,436  91.290  10,752  35,102  2,724  7,021  684,679
         1934-35...         344,167  201,380   89,27.'1  10,001  36,343  2,581  7,293  65'1,644
         1935-36..         .335. 186 1  212,145  91,121  10,564  40, 103  2, ü02  8,538  700,259
         1936-~7.           341 '1721  203,407  90,596  10,785  43,668  3, 106  8,872  710,606
         1!l37-38...        1339 001  202,502  104,886  11,134  47,192  3,483  9,886  718.084
         1\n8-39 ..       •••  1326 ,662  210,355  117,728  11,10·5  52, 180  3,052  10,612  731,686
         1939-40..                   212,328  112,871\  12,642  47,0,il  3,882  10,528  719,Ua
         184().-41. .      .1 · .11:1,300  1·  215,451  1l0,5U  12,976  54,557  ,3,598  10,517  720,850
         1941-42....       .300,794  218,725  108,062  13,492  66,779  3,549  11,505  722,906
         1942-4.'1..       · 29a,070  213,751  113,285  14,04.0  69 •.''il3  3,975  Il,9n  719,715
         HI43-44.           .28;;,911 '  210,8H:l  112,875  15,668  71,679  4,471  12,482  7Z4,513
         1944-4" ..            482  1  201,H97  ]28.963  16,012  72.526  5!)2S  12,982  719,444
                           · 266,856
         1845-41').        · 27°'    208,313  135,521  18,643  76,405  5:561  19,456  728,755
         1946-4i.         ... 268,680  207,594  136,329  lû,;~56  77,51,3  5,748  23,594  735,964
         1\H7-48.         .5) 2i3,819  211 ,661  (5) 142,858  16.563  77,6f13  6,08G  24,522  753,172
                                  ~-----                 ~--------
         1925-29.            ]2"3821    200    7,9.Jl  991  1,364  281  1,019  24,168
         1929~30.            12.527     235    8,209  1,019  1,471  288  1,034  24,783
         lD3().-31.          1~~,676    237    Il.788  1,075  1,022  314  1,081  25,793
         HJ31-32             12_837  (1)  5,975  (2)  3,435  1,085  2,0(;6  423  1,100  2&,921
         1032-.33..          11,81)!)  1  6.747  3,790  I,IlO  1,792  456  I,OG7  26,821
         19.1.3-34.          11,806    6,742   4,104  1,147  1,727  468  1,061  27,U5
         Hl:H-31i..          11,898    7,066   4,168  1,127  1,775  477  1,099  27,610
         193!'i-~6,          11,792    7,497   4,278  1,120  1,820  486  1,006  27,999
         1936-37... ,        12,147    7,254   4,644  1,148  1.832  511  1.032  28,567
         l';J37-38, .        12,B8H    7,183   4,880  1,152  2.066  552  1,094  2'.245
         19.18--39 ..        12,076    7,.'184  ô,5Il  1,126  2,273  618  1.148  10,136
         19~9-40..           12,225    7,625   5.3~19  1,386  2,084  6i4  1,207  10',&00
         194().-41. .        12,04.7   7,835   5,427  1,3&.5  2,300  729  1.248  30,971
         1941-42.            11,915    8,153   5,530  1,441  2,599  740  l,IDS  31,U5
         1942-43..           11,880    8,131   5,i52  1,489  2,468  777  1,302  11,80S
         1943-44, ..         11.947    8,272   5,850  1,557  2,788  774  1,488  32,676
         1944~45...          Il ,663   8,104   6,580  1,433  3,413  841  1,616  :U,650
         H145-4ü.       :::::111,394   8,336   6.853  1,410  3.483  887  1,883  34,246
         1946-47         ..  1 11,59P  8,301:l  7,131  1,5(,8  a,~04  942  2,5-'14  15,907
         1947-48.. ,  ____:_,_)_,_l1,821  6 C ,cc _'_'C"C·)'--_'_'C'.'.C__C,"_·'_4:...c_ ,C'C'C''--__oc'CC':...c--='C'C'C'C''----='C • 356
           (1) Seulern~nt les écoillf! intermédillires  (1) Only Protel':tant intermedill.te lOohool. bdore 1931.
         a.vant 1931-1932.                    32.
           (2) Avant 1931-32, ll'.lll ~coleB complémentaires oatholi-  (2) Befoll~ lQ31-32, Cll.tbolic complementll.1Y Ilchoolt
         ques Bont incluaell,                 arp. included.
           (3) Lee. statistiques des éeoles affiliées aux universitél  (3) St.atisticB of ~b.ools affilialed to uwve18itielll WI
         lont compri9cB BOUS la rubriQue "autre!!- écoles".  ine1uded under the heading "Ot.her Bchoolt".
           (4) y compris collègee CIs,!IIIÎque8 pour jeunEili fillllf! et  (4) Includin,g c1aesieal oollege8 for girls and re1igiolY
         itl."titutl'l reliJlicux pour jeunes gem.  institutioDs for young men.
           (5) y  compris Je "GralllffiRT 80hoo\" et le "Hlgh.  (!':i) Including the 8ir George WiUiams College Gram_
         Se"ool" du Sir George 'Williams College,  CcpendRnt,  mllr 8011001 and Hil!:b Sohoo!.  However, theae school~
         ceB écoles n'apparaissent pas dans les tableliux suivants  are not Clomprised in the following tables an primary
         Sllr leI) ~coJe8 primaires.           schools.
           Source: Statiatiqu€S dt! l'Enseirtn~fIlen/, Québec,  Source: Educat-ional Strrtù/i~~, Quebec.
   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196   197