Page 196 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 196

178                    INSTRUCT 101'f~EDUrATlOS
            En 1948, dans leI'> 9,380 écoles primaires de  In 1948. there werf~ 9,380 primar,v sCfiools
           la Province, 27,531 instituteurs et institutrices  in the I-"rovince \\'Îth fi teac.hing staff of 27.5.':H
           dispensaient l'enseignement à 627,4,58 élèves.  persans a.nd 627.458 pupib 8lll'Olled.

                         6--Statistiques de Pensemble des écoles primaires.
                              S-Statistics of Ali Prirnary Schools.
                               Nombre des            Élèves iD9crita  Prl'lsence moyenne
                                  -                     -           1      -
                                Number of           Pupil~ Enrolled  A\'erago:> AttendRnce
                -                    o  1 IMtitu-                             PO!;t-
               YEARS      tcoles  1 In";'u  triees  GRrçoDB  Filles  1  Nombre  cenlaKl'
                           -      -      -       -      -      Total   -      -
                         Schoob  Male   Female  BO~'B   Girls        Nurnber  Pero
                                TeacheT9  1 Teachers  1      1             1 centag..
           1932-33.               3,813  15,841  268,821  272.u68  540,989  457.513 i  84 6
           1933-34.               3,952  16,020  272,780  1  275,750  ;)4R ,53O  473,771  86 4
           1934-35..              1,045  Itl,375  276,713  279.49\)  556,212  47I,126  84.7
           1935-36...             4,173  16,704  278,926  1  281,910  561,836  473,461  843
           1936-37, .             4,309  17,017  284,618  283,708  508,326  477,650  ",0
           1937-38..              4,336  17,258  284,800  2-"5,8:H  570,631  483,126  ~.7
           1938-39...•.           4,419  1.7,680  290.070  289,078  579,148  492,91)0  k;j l
           193940....             4,480  17,893  256,594  284,883  !S71,477  492,715  bP, 2
           194041. ..             4,523  17,910  282,652  282,949  50,';,601  479,559  1':4 8
           19·i1-42  .            4,608  18,138  277,340  278,083  556,429  471,985  84 8
           194243  .              4,694  18,273  Zn.502  277,982  551,454  467,109  84 7
           1943-44  .             4,738  18,468  273,4R7  277,657  4) 1551,144  (3)
           19·44-45...•.          4,865  18.646  271,157  273,3.14  41544,491  (3)
           194.5-46...•..         4,'.126  Hl,771  270.610  272,486  543,096  (3\
           HI46-47, .•....•.      5,085  19,251  272,198  275,159  547 ,,'lm  (3)
           1947--18...         1  5.079  19.750  279,819  281,:::30  5(\1, 140  (3)  1
           1932-33. . .  .1  674   381   2,361  41. 212  3ll,322  80.534  G: ",6 1 )7  SI 1)
           1933-3i, .  .1   680    413   2,327  41.219  39,331  SO,550  (;.5  ,~.j4  Ell 7
           19:Yi-35..  . .. '1'  677  427  2,285  40,,';:72  3S,2i2  78,014  (1:'':  .9M  Al 3
           1935-36. . .  .. . .  669  448  2,Z42  39,132  :37, ISo!  70,616  62  ,.539  SI 6
           1930-37.... ,    067    462   2,257  :)8,949  :;6,HOO  75.S49  62  Hl6  \;1 il
           ]Q37-38. .       676    50n   2,287  38,581  37,177  7,5.75::1  62  :703  ~2.8
           1938-39. , . . .  685   53,~  2,339  38,5.35  37,054  7,) ..')30  62  ,i92  ,~': ti
           1838·40. . . . .  lm;   550   2.326  37,834  :;6,.')24  71,158  al  ,792  '--:1 J
           1940-41.         655    54:l  2,3&cj,  37.305  .10,296  73 .WH  59  ,52.'5  ~,I) "
           1911-42. .       630    502   2,350  3D,on  3,j,131  71,152  57  ,501  .~n ~J
           19:12-43.        603  1  424  2,3S1  34,733  <;3,889  6S,fi32  56  ,;l26  :--2 0
           1943-44.         [:.;'5  4'"  2 ,,199  35.11 J  33,958  (-1) r,g,OG'!  ( 3)
           1944-45.         550    488   2,348  3-!,6J.'i  .33,71u  ('1) 6S,405  ,. ( 3\
           l!H5·46. .       5;H    fi35  2,251  .14, ù3:~  32.!1I''1  67,;"j'}4  1 '
          1946-47..         493    557   2, 14~ 'j  33,297  31,949  6ri,246  (. 1)
          1947·48..         460    570   2.132  33,840  3'l,-HEl  66, :iO~1  1 1)
           lQ32·33.. ......  8,222  4.194  IS,202  ::llO,I:·n  Sll,3ga  621,521  52::1,1211  6,1 2
          19;{3-34... .....  000  8,44.2  4.165  18,347  313,999  !  315,O'H  629,030  ;'laD,625  ,  1:'5.8
           1934--35. .........  8,OO>!  4,472  18,660  1 :H7 .O~;"j  317,'i41  634,S26  5J5, (H2
           1935·36..  ......  8,710  4,621  18. \l40  319.3.j5  :n9,m,4  f):l8,4,ï:>'  5.16.01l:l  " K: !j
           193()...37. ....  8,902  1,771  ]9,274  32.:1 ,.:;1)7  320,605  1  M4,175  539, S46  Y;:l 8
           1937-3R..  ....  9,027  4,836  19,545  32.l, .1>1I  10J,008  6-Hi,3S9  54.3,,529  b4 4
           1938-,'m..     9, HIO  4,952  20,019  328,60,5  326,132  OM,TJ7  ,'555,4.'52  84 8
           193940..  .00  9.289   5,030  ~0.219  ::124, U'1  821,407  645.8,35  ô;j4.507  ;'4 ,
                                                                               85 fi
           1910-41. .     9,309   5,065  20,244  320.0-17  319,245  6:l~, .b2  539.0S4
           1841-42..  000 o.  9,286  5,110  20,488  31:3,:117  3U,261  627.581  329,379  .<.4.4 ,
           1901~-4:1.  '0' ., ..  9,349  5, Ils  JO.6;J4  308,2.'35  311,871  620.1U6  523,43.';
           19{J-44.  •  0  .0  •  .00  9,372  5.2ü~  :l0,867  308,59:;;  311,6t5  i) 620,213  (3)  '0' "
           1944-1,'5. ......  9.320  5,3,j:}  20,994  305,b.'i2  a07.0l4  4) 612. S96  (3)
           194!i-46. ....  g,:~l1  5,561  ~l ,022  .103,243  30.'5,147  610.6ilO  (3")
           1946-47............  9,367  5,642 ,  21,397  305,495  307,108  (\12,603  (3)
          1947-48••••••••••.. 1  9,380  5,649 1  21,882  1 313,65g  31.1, i99  027,458  (~~)  ...  00
            (1) El6mentail'8S, complémen.tll.iree et Bupérieul'eB.  (1) Elementll.r),. complementar),' and Buparlor.
            (2) EI6D:l8Iltaires, intermé'eB et "Higb Bchools".  (2) Eleme.ntary 1 inte.rwédiate and. HÎgb Sehoole.
            (3) PaR de rapport.                  (3) No report.
            (4) IlUIcription totale selon le aBcrétaire-trhorier.  (4) Total enrolment  according  to the  seoretll.ry-
          Cette insonption eet g6néralement plus grande que  treaeurer.  Thll.t enroimeot ie ueuaUy grearor tbll.n tbe
          celle provenant du bulletin d'impeotion. l(l~uel fournit  one baeed. upon the bllUetin of inspeotion which gives
          la répartition des élèves selon le degré d(l 16001e.  Les  the distribution o.f pupils aooordin.g to ths de~ o.f
          chiffres de 1945-413 proviennent uniquement des bulletins  eoboole.  The figures for  1945-46 are based 80181y on
          d'inspection.                        inepecton' bulletiIUl.
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