Page 110 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 110

96                            POPULATION

        53-Fam.ilIes selon le nombre de perllonnes par famille, Canada (1) par régions,
                                     1941 et 1947_49.
            53-Fam.illes by nurnber of peraons per farn.ily for Canada (1) 1 by Regions,
                                     1941 and 1947-49.

                                 FamiUea   1 Grandeur  FamilIee 81':10n le nomb:re de personnes
                                   -         mOvenfie            -
                       Annél.'S  Families   des ll.lmilles  Fa rnilies by Dumher of perllOD~
           RÉGIONS      -    -----Ipersonne:;-  -
                       Yeflfa                Average      2             3
                               Total   -      ~ize                       ,
                                      Per..,oI!S  offamily  ~-I--~   No     %
        --------- ---- ---- ---_.-                                --------
        CanadA...... .....  19-11  2,525,2?9 9,937,986  3.9  742,557  2\l.4  594,469  23.5
                        1947  3,037,000 11,390,000  3.8  951.000  31.3  744,000  24.5
                        1948  :l.O88,OOO 11,6IJ6,OOO'  38  960,000  31.1  747,000  24.2
                        1949  3,187,000 11,9'14,000  3.7  980,000  30.7  777,000  24.4
          Maritimes. .....  1941  236.630  '<185,872  4.2  65,955  Z7 .9  52,379  22.1
                        1947   278,000 1,loa.OOO  4.0  78,000  28.1  65,000  23.4
                        1948   285,000 1,134.,000  4.0  75,000 1  26.3  71,000  24.9
                        1949   290,000 1,146,000  4.0  84,000  29.0  68,000  23.4
        Québec .. " ....  1!Hl  647,946 2,937,828  4.5  160.920  24.9  129,46.')  20.0
                        Hl47   801,000 3,468.000  4.3  211.000  26.3  158,000  21.0
                        1948   804.000 3.519.000  4.4  212,000  26.4  162.000  20.1
                        1949   835,000 3,013,000  4.3  210,000  2;).2  177,000  21.2
        OntMi(l ...... ......  1941  909,2101 3.235,793  3.6  300. 296 1  33.0  235,319  26.9
                        11147  1.089,000 3,734,000  3.4  379,000  34.8  290,000  26.6
                        1948  1, 117,000 3,848,000  3.4  388,000  34.7  2!:i2,0001  26,1
                        1949  1,151.000 3,929,000  3.4  396,000  34- .4  306,000  26.6
          des Prairies... ...  1941  532,130 2,109,322  4.0  1·12,612  26.8  995  23.5
                        1947   58D,000 2, 163, UÜO  3.7  ISO, 000  30.6  124.  1  25.1
                        1948   590,000 2.211,000  3.7  170,000  28,8  147,000  24,Q
                        194\:1  610,000 2,277,000  3.7  176,000  28.9      24.9
        ColmnbÎe--                                                  152'0001
          Britannique. .....  IgH  199,383  ü69.l71  3.4  72,714  36.5  52,311  26,2
                        1947   280,000  922,000.  3.3  103,000  36.8  73.000:  26.1
                        1948   292,000  9.'34'0001  3.3  115,000  39.4  75'0001  2~.7
                        1949   301,000  979,000  .'l,3  114,OOO  37.9  74,000  24.6
                                           Familles sel(1n le nombre de perS(lnnell
                                             Families by Dumber of perWIl8
                     1 Ann',"  1
           REGIONS      -                       .,
                               )l'o. %                 ------ ----
                       Years.      4                         6      7etplus-7ao dover
        -------                           ~I% ---               %     :-l"(I.
        Canada.. ........ ..  1941  452,978  17,Y  276,ô},)  11.0  IM.OH  6.7  289,666  11.5
                       1947  • 583,000  19.2  327,000  lü.8  178,000  5.8  254,000  8.4
                       1948    591, ûoo  19.1  329,000  10.7  185,000  6.0  Z76,000  8.9
                       1949          20.1  343,000  10.8  184-,000  5.8  263,000  8.2
        Maritime               640'0001
                       1941     40,050  16.9  26,357  11.1  11,430  7.4  34,4;)9
          Provincel'l.. .... '                                              14.8
                        1947    51,000  18.3  34,000  12.2  19, 000  6.8  31, 000  11.2
                       1948     54,000  18.9  33.000  11.6  21,000  7.4  31,000  10.9
                       1949    48,OUO  16.6  37,000  12.8  23,000  7.9  30,000  10.3
        Québec....      1941   101,954  ]5.7  71 ,988  Il, 1  52,.:'81  81  131,038  20.2
                       1947    141.000  17.6  92'0001  IL",  61,000  7.6  128,000  ]6.0
                       1948    ]34,000  16.7  92,000  11.4  65,000  8.1  139,000  17.3
                       194'd   154,000  18,4  97,000  11.6  62.000  7.4  135,000  16.2
        ODtario....•......  1941  168,762  18.6  94,476  10.4.  50,100  5.5  f,(),256  6.0
                        1947   213,000  19.6  1I0,OOO  10.1  51,000  4.7  46,000  4.2
                       1948    224,000  20.1  110,000  '.8  52,000  4.7  51,000  4.0
                        1949   240,000  20.9  ]11,000  9.6  51,000  4,4  47,000  4.1
          Proyincee.. ......  1941  104,535  19.7  05,017  12.2  30,569  7.4  55,342  1  10.4-
                       1947    119,000  20.2  65,000  11.0  37,000  6.3  40,0001  6.8
                       1948    125,000  21.2  67,000  11.4  35,000  5.0  46,000  7.8
                       1949    132,000  20.6  68,000  11.2  38.000  6.2  44,000  7,2
          Columbia... ., ..  1941  37,677  18.9  18,717  9.4  9,333  4.7  8,571  4.3
                        1947    59,000  21.1  26,000  '.3  10,000  3.5  9,000  3.2
                        1948    54,000  18.5  27,000  9.2  12,000  4.1  9,000  3.1
                        1949    66,0001  21.9  30,000  10.0  10,000  3.3  7,000  2.3
          (1) A i'e:lclu~ion du Yukon et des Terriloires du Nord-  (1) Not iDeluding Yukon and Northwest Territorie5.
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