Page 112 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 112

98                            POPULATION
           I-Femmes marleea et enfants néa vivants r~partiB ullan l'âge actuel de la
                  femme et l'âge au premier mariage, province de Québec, 1941.
          I-Married women and children ever barn and nC?W' living distributed according ta
             pre.ent age of W'omen and age at firet marriage. Province of Quebec, 1941.

                                               Enfan~ née         Enfl1n~ viYllln~
              Age actuel et
             au premier ma.~     Married     Chi.1dren 6\'er borD  Children DOW alive
             Present age lI.nd age
               a" tiret DllUTiaa:B                    Moyenne
                                  Total      Total               Total
                                                      Average              Average
         Ale aetuel, 25-2Q aM
         Present &&;e, 25-29••••.•.  82,B66  152,924  1.85  137,643  1,66
           Mariée. à mOÎne de 18 ans
           Manied under 18 yeal'8...•..•.  6.107  20.797  4.07    17,697    3.47
             ..  à-at 1S.19 Rnll-yeRre.  10,941  36,297  3.32     32,265    2.95
             ..  "2o-2~"    "     46,648     S4-,04ft  1.80       76,729    1.04
             ..  ..  25-29"  "    20,170     1l.7~     0.58       10,952    0.54
         Age &ciuet, 30-34 &DII
         Preeent age, 30-34 years,  .  88,578  260,418  2.94     229,953    2.60
           Maltées à moinr; de 18 ane
           Married under 18 yeal'l!  .  6.885  31,401  5.34       26.193    4.45
             ::  à~t ~~=~: o.~a--ye,~rB:  13,216  125,141  4.70  lll,866    4.07
             "   ..  25-29"  "    25,159     38,611    1.53       35,207    1.40
             "   ..  30-34"  ..   0,95(]      3,174    0.46       2,893     0.42
         Age o.etuel. 35--39 an~
          Pre!!ent age, 35-39 y-ear~.. .  • •.  83,535  341.176  4.08  293,024  3.51
           Mariéel'l ... moin6 de 18 ans
           Married under 18 years.......•  6,503  42.718  6.57    34,444    5.30
             "   à.-o.t; 18-19 ans-)--earfl .  13,151  7B,124  6.94  6S,7.52  5.00
             "   "20-24"    "     36,950     163,899   4.44      142,361    3.85
             "   "25-29     "     17,084     46.630    2.75       41,654    2A4
             "   "30-34"    "     7,582       8,988    1.19       8,064     1.06
             "   ..  35-39"  "    2,265        817     0.36         74.     0.33
         Age actuel, 40-44 SILS
         Pregen~ üge. 40-44 yea1"ll.....•• , .  74,420  376,213  5.06  311.052  4,18
           Mariées à moins de lB ans
           Married under 18 years  .  5,735  44.641    7.78       34,115    5.95
             "   à-at 1&-19 ans-yearf! .  12,228  85,762  7.01    69,373    5.67
             ,.  "  20-24"  ..    M.Mll      185,808   5.39      15,'),533  4.51
             "   "25-29     "     14,275     48,944    3.43       42.316    2,06
             ..  "30-34"    "     4,564       9,033    1.98       7.887     1.73
             "   "35-39"    "     2,394       1,930    0.81       1,752     0.73
             ..  "40-44"    "       733         95     0.13         75      0.10
         Age actuel, 45-54 ans                                   550,830
          Prel'ent·, 45-54 year<l.....•...  124,027  710.483  5.73    4.44
           Mari.ées Il. moins. de 18 anll                         61,345
           lI'Iarded under 18 yeo,rlS  .  20,107  86 ,325  8.73  llS.539    6.20
             "   à,-at 18-19 arlB-yellrs.    157,696   7.84      267,274
             "    "20-24"   ..    .55 ,609   330.807   6.11       82,864    4.81
             "   "25-29"    "     7,974      101,509   4.14       16,874    3.38
             "   "30-34"    "     3,390       4,213    1.24       3,532     1.04
             "   "35-39"    "      1.663       42.     0.26         362     0.22
             "   "40-44"    "
             "   "45 anfl: et plus  881         42     0.05         40      0.05
             and ove..
          Age actuel, 55-64 IUlS  86.229     533.917   6.19      379,083    4..40
          Present age, 55-64 years..•...•.•.
           Ma.riées Il. moina de 18 ans
           Married under 18 years  .  6,572  61, G39   9.38       40,310    6.13
             "   ~-1l1 18-19 ans-yeara.  13,345  113,956  8.54    78.830    6.91
             "      20-24""       38,291     258.384   6.75      184,871    4.83
             "   "25-29"    "     16,917     71 ,622   4.59       58,015    3.4.3
             "   "30-34"    "     5,960      17.262    2.90       13,178    2.21
             ..  "35~39"    ..    2,764       4.407    1.69       3,361     1. 22
             ..  ..  40-4o!"  "   1,311        573     0.44         455     0.35
             "   "4,-5 anl! et pluf!
                      yeW'8 IUld ol'ex  1.069   74     0.07         57      0.05
         Ase actuel, 65 aM et plus
         Pl'e'!ellt age, 65 yearl IUld over ...  76,233  489,911  6.37  3OQ,962  4..07
           Mariées l\ moins de 18 sIllI
           Mllorried under 18 yearll  .  6,067  58.342  IL62      33,636    5.54
             "  l-st 18-19 ans-yesl'8.  11,868  10.1,350  8.71    63,110    5.32
             "   ..  20-24"  "    32.196     22.,:1,090  6.99    146,350    4.55
             "   "25-29"    "     14,787     74,784    5.06       50,086    3.89
             "   "30-34"    "     5,634      18,739    3.33       12,802    2.27
             ..  "35-39"   ..     2,694       4,691    1.74       3.284     1.22
             "   "40-44"    "     1,500        72.     0.49         552     0.37
             "   ..  45 &'01 et plUll
                      yelLl'llil.nd over  1,488  180   0.12         142     0.10
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117