Page 82 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 82

66                            POPULATION


            26--Princ.ipalea religion. de la population du Canada, par province., 1941.
            26--Princ.ipal Religion. of the Population of C.nada, by Province., 1941.
                                totale  Catholique AIlilieane EllifJe-Unie  Juive  PJoeabyté-  Au_
               PROVINCES                                             rienne  re1~oDB
                                 -      (1)     -      -       -      -       2)
                                Total                 United        ""'by.  Oilier
                              Population  Cat,holio  Anglioan  Chun:b  Je'WÏsb  terisn  religioDII
         lIe-du-P.E..• , ...P.E.I. ..•.•••. ,  95,04.7  42,743  5,739  24,005  18  14,724  7,818
          N.-:&OIllIe•...••. N.SOOtia•••••..  577,962  188,944  103,393  124,301  2,167  47,415  111,742
         N.-Browwiok ..•••.•••••.•••..  457,401  220,454  55,155  63,268  l,Hl6  15,382  101,946
                               3,331,882 2,894,621  162,056  100,196  65,683  56,086  53,240
         ~~:i~·:::.'.::~::::::::::::::: 3,781,655  882,369  815,413 1,013,425  69,217  433,708  513,523
         Manitoba., , ... , .. , ...••.•....  729,744  203,259  125,076  194,001  18,715  43,073  146,620
         Sa.Ill<lIotOhewaD...•. , ....•......  895,992  243,734  117,674  230,495  .,076  54,856  245,151
         Albel'ta., ..•..... , ....... ,., ..  196,169  191,343  113,219  193,664  4.052  68,910  224,921
         COL-Erit..•..... fuit. Col.•..••.  817,861  113,282  245,531  200,817  3,235  94,300  160,696
         Yukon ........ , ...............  4,914  742  2,545  .0.  2    422
         Ter. du l'l'.-O .... l'l'.O, TelT .....  12,028  5,061  5,327  2••  •  271  1.OM
              CA.~A.D"................ U,506,655 .c,98&,552 1,751,188 2,20.c,175  1I1,SS7  Rt,UT 1,561,52.6
           (1) Y ~ompris les uniates.           (1) Jnoludes Greel< Catholio,
           (2) Comprend les perBonnes qui n'ont pas décla.rê leur  (2) JndudeB Pf!MOIl8 witb reliaion not stated.
            27-Populatlon de la province de Qu'bec clae.i6" aelon la religion. 1871-1941.
         27-PopuIation of the Province of Quebee: c1aa.i6.d accordln. to Religion t 1871-1941~
            RELIGIONS    1871   1851   1891    1901   1911    1921  1931     1941
         AdventilltM. " • ' .. ,  3,150  4,210  3,364  3,079  :1,433  1,620  1,114  ••2
         ADglicaIlI, ..... , , . ,  62,449  68,797  1.5,472  81,630  103,812  121,7~  149,843  1(1:1,006
         Armée du Salut", .•  5,173  4,66,)  2.7  202   510     .58   1,135   1,092
         Baptistea , , .... , •. ,  8,686  8.SS3  1,991  8,483  9,258  1l,2M  10,910  12,303
         Catboliquel. , ..... ,  1,019,850 1,170,118  1,291,709  1,429,260  1,724,693  2,023,983  2,4e.3.160  2,894,621
         ConlréiationaliatN..  5,240  S,244  4,296  3,173  5,197  4,113  (1)
         ~reca ortbodo:lu, . , ......... .., ... .... .......... .... , ..... .......... ..........  8,g92  ." '12,Ô40
           lt\ise Unie, ... , ,., .....  ...                        (1)88,233  100,196
         Jwb .. ". , ...... ,.  'M9  ..... '989'  . '2',+03' . ... 7",4.98 ... '3'0,268 ' •• 4:7',766'  3Q,736  65,683
         LutbérieJU .... , .•..  4.8  1,003  1,3SS  1,642  2,619  2,209  8,261  1,081
         Métbodist~." •.•..  34,100  3'3,221  3'3,,544  42,014  42,Mfi  41,672  (1)
         PreabyUriel:ls,. ,. , ..  46,165  50,287  52,673  58,013  64,132  73,7.7  (1)59,.532  .,,3tl,086
         Protwants.,., .•..  4,1gS  2,432  2,342  5,211  8,634  14,147  11,279  4,228
         Autrell seotu. ...... ,  2 ..........  3,913  4,861  8,075  12,644  10,0.58  13,137
          Non spécifiéell." ..•  1,461  2,668  2,846  1,/42  3,497  6,.595  2,432  2,397
                TOT'-L, ••  1,191,516 1,158,027  l,.cI8,535  1,648,898  2,005,776  1,310,615  2,87.c,662  3,331,812:
           (1) Les méthodistes et les 1l0ngrél!:RtionRHatell, avec un  (1) Methodiste and CongregRtionlllists and Il. l8.rl!:e
         grand nombre de presbytériens, ont formé l'Eglise Unie  number 01 Presbyterians formed the United Churcb of
         du CanRda, en 1925.                   CRnads., in Ig25.
             28--Proportion du principales religions, province de Québec, 1871-1941.
             28--Proportion of the Principal Religions, Province' of Quebec, 1871-1941.
            RELIGIONS    1871   1881    1891   1901   1911    1921   1931    1941
         Catboli'lues, .......  857  883  868    8.8    SOO     857    85'     85.
         ~D~lioans, .... , ... ,  .2  51  51      48     52     52      52     49
          li: Ise Unie .. , .....  , .... 30· .. · .. ··37·  ,.,.  ... '"i6' ·.... ·32·  ....  31  '0
         Preebytériens...... ,            '36'                "'sÏ      21     17
         Méthodistes... , ... ,  29  29   27      25 ,   21      18  ·.. ·.. '2ï .. ·····20·
         JuiIs ..............      1      ,. 2           15     20
         Autrl:l religions., •..  .. '''23'  19   18     '0     22      18     15
                TOTAL. "  1,000  1,000  1,000   1....  1,000  1 ....  1,000  1.000
           H~ recensemel'll du Canada, Volum.l JI  Eiah/JI. (''''''ru, olCa1looa, Volume II.
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87