Page 84 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 84
Le tableau suivant montre la répartition nu- The numerieal and per cent distribution of
mérique et proportionnelle, suivant les princî- the popul.'l.tion in cHies of 5,000 and over,
paies religions, de la population des cités de a.ccording ta religious denominations, Îa given
5,000 âmes et pl us. Dans trois cités seulement, in the table below. In anly tbroo cities did
les eatholiques ne représentent pas la moitié the number of Roman Catholics squal less
de la popuIa.t.ion et, dans l'une d'elles, une autre than one baU of the population and în only
one did the adherent.s of Mother denomina.tion
dénomination compte pillil d'adeptes que la re-
outnumber them. The percentage of Roman
ligion catholique. Dans l'ensemble des cités, le
Catholics in the aggregate population of the
pourcentage des catholiques est de 80.29 à rap- cities Wll.S 80.29 while it was 86.87 for the
procher de 86.87 dans la Province. Province as a whole.
29-Religions principales de la population des cités de la Province, en 1941.
29-Principal Religions of the Population of the Cities in the Province, in 1941,
PopulatioD CathoU· ~li;se Preeby- Aut,tal
tota.le qu~ AlJ.glicaDs mo Juif, térienl reliawns
CITlls - eITIES (1) - - - - - - (2)
Total Roman Anglicans United Jew. Preeby- Other
Population CfLlholil':S Church teriaos Reliuions
Cnp·de-la.Madeleine. .... ,.... 11,901 11,838 6' 21 .......... 29 g
Chj(~outimi ...........•........ If1,040 15,983 19 15 ....• ,'205' 6 17
Drummondville..••••.......•.. 10,~55 9,190 380 220 67 73
Granhy....... , •••... , ••.•... 14.197 12,829 557 395 26 3D 360
Grand'I\'lêre...•....•.••...... '.008 8,202 lB7 130 1 6.
BuO...... .......... ,......... 32.947 31,921 377 111 lB 350 172
Jolio;tLe .... ,.......... ..... 12,74V ll,90U .. 39 5B l' gO
Lachine ... ....... " ..... ..... 20,051 14,200 2,534 1,551 153 Bl5 73B
Lé\'H...........•••.•.•••. .... Il,001 1 1 l' 24
Lon.gueuil .....•.......•.. ..... 1,087 S,875 B35 242 22 191 122
Muntrlm.l ..... ... .......... ... 903.007 699,885 64,798 33.717 60.772 26,1H7 26,888
8,642 ..
OutreJnont............. ' ..•... 15,180 1,997 1.290 10,306 1,304 60B
lS0,7~7 140,312 2,169 681 359 485 751
~f;i~~~~·~-·L~~p:: : ::: :::: ::::: 8,713 lB B 2 7
St·Hyacinthe....••......•..... 17,798 17,624 2. 29 12 17 gO
St._Jean·St.. John .............• , 13,046 12,997 325 219 48 19 3.
St._Lambert. ...... ....... " .... 6,417 2,460 1,9.59 1.180 5 531 2B2
Sbnw:iniga.n Falls.. ............. 20,325 19,3V'J 3" 3\)5 35 133
37 ..
Sherbrooke. ................... 35,965 80,157 2,667 1,421 200 931 589
Sorel ..... , .....• , ••.....••... 12.251 12,075 50 2B 21 40 31
Thetford ~1inet;j..........•. .... 12,716 12,283 "B 69 l'
Trois-Rivières .....•. ' .......•• 42,00. 40,453 659 420 62 213 lOI
Valleyfield, Sa\9.b!.'rry de.•. ..... 17,052 l.'),868 424 355 9 239 I57
m,341l 37,225 14,056 6.549 5,9.f.7 3,l30
Westrnount. ..... ....... .. . 26.047 7,54.4 7,669 4,953 1,578 2.866 1,431
Verdun ............. ....... '.' '42
TOT.H ...•. ...... .. . 1.510,987 1,213,199 102,288 54.064 64,173 41,253 16,010
0,18 ... .......
Cap-de_la.-Madeleine ......••... 100 98.97 0.54 0.09 ... 0.24 0.07
Chwoulimi. ...... , •.... " ..... 100 99.64 0.12 1 0>.'1.;,··· 0.04 0.11
DrummondviUe......•.•....... 100 92.75 3.60 2.09 0.63 0.139
Granby....................... 100 90.37 3.!i2 2,78 0.18 0.21 2.~4
Grand'Mère.......... .... .. . 100 95.29 2.17 1.51 0.01 0.28 0.74
Hull ........ .................. 100 U6.89 1.14 0.34 0.03 1.06 0.52
Joli(!~te..... .......... ,....... 100 IlS.21 0.21 0.31 0.45 0.11 0.71
Lachine .... ....... ,. ......... 100 71.12 12.64 7.74 0.76 4.06 3.68
Lévis....... ........... .. ... 100 99.29 0.30 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.20
LQngueuil. .. ........... ...... 100 82.90 8.96 3.41 0.31 2.70 1 72
Montréal ...•.....•... ........ 100 77.51 7.18 3.73 5.132 2.D8 2.9S
Ouhcmont .....•....... ...... 100 49.37 '.50 4.21 33.51 4.24. 2.17 ................. .... 100 97.05 1.44 0.45 0.24 0.32 0.50
Rivi"'ro·du-Loup..•...... ... 100 99.19 0.41 0.21 0.09 1 0.02 0.08
Bt-fll'!SCiTltne......• , •.•..•••.. 100 99.02 0.15 0.16 0.07 0.10 0.50
St-lian-St. John............... 100 95.25 2.38 1.60 0.35 0.14 0.28
St-Lambert ....•..........• , .. 100 38.34- 30.53 18.39 O.OS 8.21 4.39
Sba.....inigllll Fa.lls.........•.. ... 100 95.30 1. 70 l.\H 0.17 0.66 0.23
Sherbrooke ..•..•••••..••....•. 100 83.S5 7.41 3.95 0.56 2.59 1.64
SoreL .........••....•. ' ...•••. 100 98.513 0.46 0.23 0.17 0.33 0.25
Thetford Mines.. , .•....••..... 100 96.59 2.19 0.54 0.11 0.29 0.28
Trois-Rivières ...•... , ••...•••• 100 00.30 1.51 1.02 0.15 0.51 0.45
Va.lleyfield. Salaberry de.. , .•... 100 Oa.06 2.49 2.08 0.05 lAD 0.92
WBlit.mount . .................. 100 ..... 29.44- 10 02 6.06 11.00 fi.52
Verdun .....•..•••..•.••....•. 100 5.5.27 20.87 9.72 0.66 8.83 4.65
TOUTES CITi&-ALL CITIXS .•. 6.17 3.58 4.25 2.7.3 2..J8
(l) De 5,000 iimes li't pius. (1) Or 5,000 poplllatlOn and over.
(2) Comprend lœ personnes Qui n'ont pas déoLar6 leur (2) Includel'! perllOll/I with reliaion not stated.