Page 301 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 301

pAr '"  ~  1946.  en provinces,  par  et industrie.,  1946.  in Province.,  by  and Industrie.,  by  Tra.vail ct  (1)  !sc.on  à  Usines  ~  Miney Doubles réllarAtiQOtl ~I<l(ltriquœ  Total iWlr.riptiofl8 MBdlufaeturœ  - Construction  -  -  ;;  Cl1stow Electric Minlng  -  Duplication  Repaîr  And  PQwer  Si  VALUE BRUTE-GROB8  t  $'00
             production  Production  Clweo  -  Trappine  VALEUR  "000  VALEUR  ,  .'000

             la         P"c~  -  Fisberies  "000  7,490  55,061  23,~S2  11,143  6,297  4,871  1,149  1.339  65,130  563  1n,025  "000  4,156  31,488  la,gg"  7.220  6,297  4,1.;71  1,149  1,339  36,83{J  563  Dl,SOI
             de  of  1    1   1      1                                          province.
             S--Valeur  S--Value  Forl!ts  -  Fore;try  "000  1,709  41,646  97 ,342  500,909  m,391  15,595  9,798  11,655  249,927  23  1,.U8,9H  ,'000  1,161  24,155  54.020  287,041  167,772  10,291  6,751  11,211  14B,SQl  10  m,OZl  chaQ.ue  de

                         Agri.::ulture  .  "000  19,008  44,132  48,071  322,994  554,204  173,345  373,114  310,212  91,471 ,  1,837,301  "000  ·· .. Ïâ;âro·  32.071  35,U80  2.14,102  405,074  139,846  292,232  24S ,R<14.  66,298  1."&1,827  total  du

                                     [     1 .... . , .... ......  ...) .,. ...... .  , '1  ....  . .....  , .......  ,'  , ......  , •.•...•.  ' .......... ,  , .....  ......  déduire  ê.

                         PROVINCES      ~ti~;:;~~..::::::::::::::: :1 N .-Brunswick..... , .•.....  Qnébeo.. . . . ..  .  ....  .. Ontario  '" Mamtoba....  " SlI.Blmtllhewa.n....  ....... Alberta... Co'ombl.-Bnt.. NO................... . .  TOTT,  e~  Yukon  CUf.lDA  1. ..........  E.  P. S('.Qtia.....•.•.....•••.. ' N.  ....•...•.. N.-BrUMWick.,
   296   297   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306