Page 302 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 302
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Total $'000 38,352 350,405 300.73.'3 3,441,764 5,06::1,716 625,319 62ü,522 708,612 1,OSO,437 7,375 12,213,235 ,'000 22,144 107,330 162,701 1,775,525 2,557,193 329,300 ~,858 434,902 583,013 0,599 6,457,51$
1 10
Doubles 6,089 65,128 84.Z17 'Kl3,971 l:l61,989 24.102 25,987 16,000 272,7~~ 1,360._ 2.235 25,911 37,238 233,000 1S4,G22 10,805 5.278 9,OHI 113,019 592,014
(1) iWlr.riptiofl8 - Duplication ,'000 "000
MBdlufaeturœ ,'000 11,200 178,793 170,75-l 2,497,9n 3,754,524 351,881 168,356 257,032 646 1144'52'1 8,0)5,691 ,'000 3,46g 11,739 67,784 1,125,992 1,659,285 122,781 38,460 83,735 293,352 409 1,."61,006 province. ea.cb
1946. 1946. Tra.vail ct !sc.on réllarAtiQOtl - Cl1stow Repaîr "000 1,381 11 ,490 6,946 95,922 119,634 18,083 14,626 17,083 ~:~~~. :l14,:nO "000 938 7,797 4,714 65,OB5 81,177 12,881 9,925 11.591 19.165 .....,.. .... 213,271 of wtal
en in à And 1 tho froni
provinces, Province., Construction "000 2,382 40,858 27,761 225,582 341,617 43,463 29,2n 51,573 ....~~:~~~·I··,,· • ...... "000 966 21,7.')4 14,400 101,329 163,266 HI ,936 13,856 25.171 48.009 ............ ",'96 deductod
par by .62 8,481 5,615 84,887 73.1123 12,067 7,706 9,822 23,009 205 ....... 344 7,077 4.867 81,822 73,M7 12.001 6,337 9.011 22,256 248 i 220,51.8 he to
et and Usines ~I<l(ltriquœ - Electric PQwer VALUE "000 VALUE .'000 Duplication
industrie., Industrie., Miney - Minlng BRUTE-GROB8 "000 ····34;3â8· 4,830 200,418 267,624 24,200 45,806 56,862 117,828 2,472 754.... NETTE---NET "000 ···20;425· 4,237 97,020 147,605 12,480 22,744 00,982 $,6~1 1,951 422,.n (1)
pAr by 19 .. 733 240 5,30B 7,793 5,01:'>- 2,671 3,428 31.m ~ 19 .. 733 240 5,308 7,793 5,012 2,677 2,974 2,894 3,428 11,011
production Production Clweo - Trappine VALEUR "000 VALEUR , .'000
la P"c~ - Fisberies "000 7,490 55,061 23,~S2 11,143 6,297 4,871 1,149 1.339 65,130 563 1n,025 "000 4,156 31,488 la,gg" 7.220 6,297 4,1.;71 1,149 1,339 36,83{J 563 Dl,SOI
de of 1 1 1 1 province.
S--Valeur S--Value Forl!ts - Fore;try "000 1,709 41,646 97 ,342 500,909 m,391 15,595 9,798 11,655 249,927 23 1,.U8,9H ,'000 1,161 24,155 54.020 287,041 167,772 10,291 6,751 11,211 14B,SQl 10 m,OZl chaQ.ue de
Agri.::ulture . "000 19,008 44,132 48,071 322,994 554,204 173,345 373,114 310,212 91,471 , 1,837,301 "000 ·· .. Ïâ;âro· 32.071 35,U80 2.14,102 405,074 139,846 292,232 24S ,R<14. 66,298 1."&1,827 total du
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PROVINCES ~ti~;:;~~..::::::::::::::: :1 N .-Brunswick..... , .•..... Qnébeo.. . . . .. . .... .. Ontario '" Mamtoba.... " SlI.Blmtllhewa.n.... ....... Alberta... Co'ombl.-Bnt.. NO................... . . TOTT, e~ Yukon CUf.lDA 1. .......... E. P. S('.Qtia.....•.•.....•••.. ' N. ....•...•.. N.-BrUMWick.,