Page 123 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 123

D1!:MOGRAPHIE-VITAL STATISTICS                     107

                  62-Population de la province de Québec, par com.tée.
                  62-Population of the Province of Quebec. by Counties.

             C01l-ITÉS                        tation
                             1931     lIJ41             1940   1947 (2)  1948 (3)
             COUNTIES                         IncreU8e
       Abitibi.....  . ,  .   .23,692  67,689  43,997   74,197   75,800   'il ,450
       Argenteuil.. .     .   18.970   22,670   3,694   24,845   ,13.428  34,365
       Arth! .  .  27,159  30.039   2,880   32.923   19,.')44  20,H15
       B!  .    .       16.914   17.642     728   19,:i35  .n,z3B   51,188
       Beauce..........  .. ..  41,720  44.743  3.023   49,038   34. (Yl."  34,625
       Beauharnois     " .    25.163   30,21)9  5.100   33,174
       Bellechasse. .. .  .  .  22,000  2~.676 1  1,670  25,948  26,357   27.0'35
       Berthier         .     19.mO    21.2.33  1,727   23,271            44,837
       Bonayenture.. .    .   32,432   39,196   6,764   42,954   43.611
       Br6me            .     12.433   12,485     52    13,682   13,625   14,25û
       Chambly            .   26.801   32,4.14  ,] 6.~3  35 ..166  36,066  37,125
       Cbampl\in..........  .  .  28,8HS  1  32,6ÜO  3.i:\02  35.825  1  36,222
       Charlevoi~-Saguenuv  .  42,517  52.014   9.497   .'i7.005  .">8,355  .'>9,500
       Châ.teauguQ.Y· .. ,',:  ,  !~,1~6  14.443  1,318  15,83ft  16.1SO
       Chicoutimi.  .     .   .JU, 724  78.881  2<::.1,';7  86,4<;2  F;~,240  90.240
       Compton.  .      .     20.364   20,756     392   22.7Ml   23,147
       D"lIx-~·Ionr.a.gnes...•.......  14.284  1fl,746 1  2,46:4  18.353  18,525  19,1.'i7
       Dorchester         .   31,Om    33,0,'55  1,988  30,227   37,128   37."1.')
       Drummond           .   20,179   36.083   10.504  40 ,2()4,  41,205  41, 9('>5
       Frontenac  " . , .. , , .. ' .  23,SOO  2û.789  2.983  2fl.358  30,1&~  30,645
       Ga.sp{,-e~t .. ,..........•......  28,433  <::3,671  5,438  37,122  3S,220  38.750
       Gasp~-DUe:3t      ' .1  9,242   12,:\97  3,}1>5  13,587   13,675   14,1~
       Gatinea.n.  .   ,  .   26,825   29,754   2,829   32,608   3.1,350  34,CHO
       Hull..       .     .   36,945   41,434   4,cl8t!  45.408  46,275   47,400
       Hnntiugdon         .   1~,345   12,39"     49 .  13,58·]  la.750   14,175
       Iberville          .    9,402   10,273     871  1  11,257  11,078  11,750
       lles-de-la~Mad",Leine  .  7,942  8.940     998    9,797    0,950   10,230
       Jolictte  '. .. . .. .  . ..  27,585  31,713  4,128  34,755  35,<::2S  36,2'i5
       Ka.mouraska..........•...  23,954  2.j,535  1, 581  27,985  28,251  29,210
       Labelle......  ..  .  .  20,140  2.1,M2  2,902   25,254   25,763   2ô,3GO
       Lae Saint-Jean     .   20,217   2:'i,245  5,028   27JJ69  28,309   28.880
       L'Assomption..... . . .. .  .  15,323  17,543  2,220  19,226  19.503  20.070
       LavioleHe.. .. . . .  .  _, .  31,M7  35,3137  4,320  :~8,7B2  39.564  40,460
       Lévi<;. . . ..  .  "  .  35,656  3!~.1l9  2,40..1  41,778,  42.383  43,660
       L'Isle~         , ..   19.404   20,580   j'~~             2::.071  23.530
       LotbinièN............  . ..  23.034-  26'66'41   g~:~~~ 1  2a ,624  30.500
       M8l;kinongé..... . . .. . . .  .  .  16,039  18,206  2;161  19,9.'i2  :tO.2M  20,825 .. . . . .  .  .  2(1,971  25,488  4,511  27,935  28,635  29,100
       Mntapê  .   ..   24 ,295  29.926   5,631   32,799   34,050   34,235
       ~~f~i~~'~·.:·.:::::::  .  19,636  40.478  4,986  44.363   23,445   24 ..">30
                                                         23 ,498
                                                1. 806
       Montcalm         .     13,865   14,731     866   16.144   16,447   16.850
       Montme.gny. . . . . . . .. .  .  20,239  22,M9  1,810  24.10.5  24,580  25.225
       Montmorency. . .  .  .  10, !l55  18,60:3  1,647  20,387  20.395   21,280
       Montréal & Jésus  _  .  1.020,018  1,138.4:l1  118,413  1,248,275  1,2.')9.923  1,a06,8oo
       Napierville-Lapruirie....  . 1  21,0':11  22.059  \lM  24,177  24,375  25.235
       Nicolet       ", .. ,  28,673   30.085   1,41Z   32,970   33,460   34,415
       Papineau        ,  .   29,246   27,551  (l)  1,695  30,195  30,392  31,ii20
       Pontio.c     ,     .   21.241   19,852  (1)  1,389  21,757  22.000  22.710
       Port,neu!.  , , . ,  .  35.890  38,tl96  3,106   42,738   43.552   44,610
       Qnébec.  .. . . . .. . . .. .  .  170,915  2(12,882  31.967  222,350  227,300  232.100
       Richelieu  .           21, St3  23,a:H   2,208   25,962   26,600   27,100
       R~cbmD,n.d.. . . . . • .  .  .  24,951)  27.456  2.500  27,898  28,475  29,120
       Rlm.DU~;[I. •...•••..••..•.•.•.  33,131  44,130  10,988  48,372  48,500  50,500
       Riyi~re-du~Lonp. .  .  33,589   34.493     904   37.S01   38.360   ,)9,460
       Roberval. ......•...........  30.D.'l6  39,061  9.025  42,807  44,100  44,680
       Rouville  ,       .    13,776   15.842   2,066   17,363   17,315   18,120
       Shefford  "       .    28.262   33,387   5,125   36.537   37,380   38,190
       Sherbrooke. . . . . . .. .  .. ..'  40,814  ';9,984  9,170  54.781  M,381  ,'57,180
       Soulll.nge~        .    9.099   9,328      229   10,220   10,310   10,565
       Stanlltead       .     2ti.118  28,630   3,512   31.378   31,672   <::2,750
       Baint-H}·aeinthe  , '"  25,854  31, M5   t:i, 791  34.~3  35,000   36.200  ,. .  .  17,0·19  20,584   2,935   2:!,560  22,571   23,550
       Saint-Maurice     .    69,095   80,353   11.257  &i.061   91,2Oü   91.920
       Témiscamingue•...........  20.609  40,471  19,862  44.356  47.000  46.300
       Témisoouata       .    16,705   23,216   6,751   25.510   26,050   26.630
       Terrebonlli!     .     38,611  1  47,281  8,670  51,816   55.287   54,085
       Vandreuil..............  .  .  12,015  13,170  1,155  14,435  14,520  1.'),065
       Vli'.rchères  , . . . •. .  .  12.603  14,214  1,611  15,571  15,100  12.450
       Wolle.. _.. _     .    16,911   17,492     581   19,171   19.3R3   20,010
       Yam.aska   _.. _. ,  .  Hi,820  16,516  (1)  304  18,100  18,400   18,890
       Nouvl!3u~Québec....• , ..  2,177  3,067    890     .       4,000    4,000
        (I) Diminution.                       (1) Decreasll.
        (2) Re\'iséll.                        (2) Revised.
        (3) Préliminairllll.                  (3) Preliminary.
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