Page 128 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 128
A l'heure Rfltuelle, notre nntalité est en At tho present time OUl" hirt,h rate i8 rising
Mcroi;;;f'I<'ment considérable. Pour ne consi- com:iderably. Ta tfJ,ke iuta account only
dérer que les années rooonteR. ru.ppelùl1s quo reeent yeaTS, it rftIl be pointed out tha,t in
l'année H.l44 enregistrait 102,262 nnÎssUllC€Il, 1944, 102,2\.)2 hil'ths ""rew registered. in 1915,
que 194.~ en emegistraiL lû4p83 et qlW 00 101,283 f1,nd tha.t in 1946. the figurfl had climbed
nombre en 1946 g'élovait fi 111,285. Lee to 111 ,285. The data for 1947 show [l, total
dOllilées ùe 19-17 aCCUf;e,nt un total de 115,768
of 1J5,768 births. lt uaturaUy follO"wi:l that
na,issanC08. Il ya de soi qu'un tel nombre de
such a numhel' of lil;ing bu'th.:; rai.~c;,; the figure
naissanc~s l-T\T1],ntes produit un accroissement
of our natul'a\ încrcase more a.nd mon",
naturel de plus en pius élEvé puisque, d'un
autre côtP, le nombre de no:; décès domeme on the oth0r hand, the nwnher of deaths l'f'-
stationnaire. On doit donc CODsttl,ter que mai..."'lS E1tu.tionary. 'Ve End. therefore, that
notre tau.."{ de ml,ta!ité est passé de 24.0 ou 25.0 our birlh rate, whi/Jh was 21.0 or 2f>.0 during
durant h:'..; ann('Cs 1936 et 1937. fi, 30.7 eD 1946 193fi and 1.937, had rotl,ehed 30.7 in 1946 and
eL fi, 31.2cn 194-7. 31.2 in 1947.
6B--Naissancee vÏ\'antee et taux de natalité, par provinces, au Canada, 1926-47.
68-Live Births and Birth Rates, i.n Canada, hy Provinces, 1926_47.
Ann,," 1I.'F.'E·I N·'B.I N.·B, Ont. · 1 1· Alt, 1 C.B.
Yefl.rp> P.E.I. N.S. N.B. 1 Man. 1 Sat>k. AJta. Re.
1 1
Nll.i.8Ban()e~ vivAnlca--Li"8 birthll
1 1
Moy.- 1 1
l\I1~:30,1 1.735 10,327 1 82, ;71 68.704 14.a.lJ~ 1 21. 298 15.924 10,355 236..'i21
l1.016 1
193t.... 1 1,87') Il,615 10,601 &1,606 69,209 14,37t1 1 21,331 17,252 10,404 24.0.473
1932.... 2,027 11.529 10,810 82,216 66,842 14,124 20.814 16,990 10,214 2J5,lJ66
193il... 1,940 ]l,164 1 10,037 76,920 63,646 1:3,304 1 20,145 16 .123 {I,553 222,868
HI34•. , . 1,943 ]l ,>1Q7 10,164 '16,432 62,234 1.~,:HO 19,764 16,236 9,813 221 , J()3
HIS5.... 2,010 Il'6171 10,a88 75,267 63,Otl9 / 13,335 1 19,569 10,183 10,Ol~ 1 221.451
1936.... 1.977 Il ,808 10.513 75,285 62,4S1 12,R55 19.125 15,786 10,571 220.371
1937... 2."31 11 '572 10,51'0 75,635 61,645 18,641) lü,903 11, 279 1 220,235
<2,888 1 18,230
1938... , 1,974 12.241 1 H,U7 7S,145 C5,5M 1 1a.47Ft 15,891 12,4;6 229,14.6
1939.... .:.l,US 11,825 1l,2R6 79,621 64,123 13,.583 18,05~ 1 16,470 373 229,4.68
HI411(Z). 2,097 12, SM 11,100 83,857 68,524 11,771 19,322 17,3Sg 1 13.830 1 244,316
1941(3) . 2,07°I,S,816 12,150 1 89,563 80 14,714 18,473 17,419 15,030 255.224
1942.... 2,150 15,204 12,549 05 ,43!;! 71,' 1 1,';,601 ! HL 283 18.385 It1,762 212,184
1943.... 2,171 15,256 1 12.g48 98,216 80 ,677 It1 ,333 18,639 lM211 1 18,743 283,423
1044-... 2.286 15,5\}8 13.4 67 102,262 78,090 16,008 1 B,138 19,372 18.9991284' 22()
1945.... 2,258 15.527 1 13.303 1 104,283 78,974j hi,253 B,926 19,939 ( 18,877 289,730
1046... 2,793 17.914 16.2174 111,285 97,446 18,71H' 21,4~.q 22,184- 22,509 330,732
1947.... 1 2.991 19,265 17.772 1 11S,768 108.851 20,410 1 23,333 24,630 26.283 :loO.3GB
Tau1: par 1,000 babîtanh-RR.teB peT 1,000 popula.tion
~'~I 1 1 1 1
1926-:10. 19.7/ 21.4 21.4 2.5.8 210 21,7 ~4 7! 24.2 HL2 2'1.1
~UL: ~à:~ 1 ~~:~ ~tf ~:i 1 îg:~ ~:g 1 ~~ à ~~:~ lt~ ~~:2
1933... 21.6 21,3 24.0 26.9 18.1 18.8 21.09 21.5 13.4 21.0
Hli\4... 21.4 21.5 :M.a 1 1 25'.3 17.6 HI...'! 213 21.4 13.5 20.6
Ig36.. 21.8 21.7 24.3 24.6 17.6 18.8 21.U 21.2 13.6 20,'!
19.3t1... 21.3 21.1 243 24.3 17.3 18.1 20.5 20.4 14.2 20,2
HI37... 22.5 21.1 242 24.1 16.0 18,0 20.2 2(1.5 14.9 20,0
1938.... 21.0 22.1 259 24.6 17.9 18.7 19.9 20.3 16.1 1 20.6
HI3q.... 22.6 2,l..! 1 25,2 2i.7 1 17.3 18.7 19.9 21.0 15.8 20.4
1940(2).1 22.1 2 <l 25.9 25.6 18,3 20.3 21.,'; 22,0 17.2 21.5
1941(3). Z1.S 23.9 26.6 26.9 19.0 20.2 20.61 21.9 18.4 22.2
1942... 231) 25.7 27.0 28.2 1 20.0 <11.5 21,6 23.7 19.3 23.4
WH.... 23:91 25.1 28.01 28.7 20.6 22.5 22.1 21: . .5 21J.8 24_lJ
~git:: r ~t; ~tg ~J ~g:~ ~~:? g:~ ~~:: 1 §tI ij:t ~~:g
W16, ... [ &9.7 29.3 ~36.. ~ 1. 307 2~.8 25.9 25.71 27.6 22.51 21'.9
~l9~'~7~.~.~.,-~3~1~.~'..1...---,:J~l~.O"-,_-,,o"'-':...c_~3~1,-,,2..1..._~2~6~.-'-_--'"27~.~5'_'__~2~7~. ~7..1..._~3~O~.U'-'-_--'"2.,j~.~2-'--_ 28. 6
(1) Blluf les Ter:ritoires. (1) Exclusive of th.e Territorics.
(2) Bulvllollt le liou dl'- naiBslIDce, 1926~40. (2) Ey pl~,ce of occurcnce, HI26-40.
(al Suivant le lieu de domieile, 1941~'!7. (3) By pJE!.N~ of residence, Hl41-47.