Page 115 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 115
5&--MaÏllons, logements, ménages, famines et personnes dans les familles, province
de Québec, par comtés, 1941.
56--Buildings t Dwellings, Houaeholda. Families and Persona in Families, Provinco
of Quebec, by Counties, 1941.
Logements-DWl'lJjnge FamilieR Enfanh
COMTÉS - dan,;, la
:vIUNICIPAUX MaisoM OC()Up"l3~Ocçupied 1Iléo ages Famî\ics famille
- (~ Vacants 1 - (2)
MU~ICIPAL BuH juge - Poss[--d~ Loué," IIouse- Per~onnel3 Childr..n
CO"cNTŒS Vacant - - holtis Tolal <fi
Owned R~ntcd Pe:rl3on,~ Family
Abitibi, ... .. " 13.535 90g 9,801 3,SIr; 13,669 11,839 60.368 36,266
Argenteuil.." •..... 4. 505 134 2,904 1,094 4,747 4,479 19,006 9,537
Artbabaaka......... 5,017 310 3,915 1,G05 5,629 5.462 27,196 15,465
Bagot........ .... 3,59} 227 2,797 :'iU 3,660 3,399 16,077 8,867
Beauce,., ...... ... B. lt)5 233 6,719 1.511 8,394 8.195 45.415 27,841
Beauharnais,., .. 4,039 49 2,433 3.068 5,741 5,928 25.177 12,4140
BellechaS5e...... ... 4.147 153 3,624 493 4,196 3,919 21,457 12,{I09
Berthier.. ...... 4,013 120 3,008 978 4,229 4,128 19,105 10,210
6,429 117 5,787 572 ll,M4 6,835 3&.717 21,793
Bonaventure.... , .. '
Brome............. 2.912 107 2,110 822 2,994 2,798 10.723 4,916
Cbambly., ........ 5,444 70S 3,331 3,535 7,014 6.872 28,456 13,512
Cbamplain... ..... 9,878 237 7.160 4,7~6 12,299 12,243 63,497 36.705
CharLevoix..... '" . 3,892 214 2,950 692 3,952 4.245 22,819 13,628
ChAteauguay..... , . 3,101 2.280 858 3,208 2,906 12.398 6,277
Chicoutimi... ... 8,256 27 5,525 5,985 12,216 12,823 72,025 44,993
Compton.......... 4,651 136 3,480 1,264 4,826 4,579 20,792 11,097
Deux-1fontagnes... 3,571 134 2,599 881 3,567 3,325 14,959 7,705
Dorchestf!r... .... 5,327 197 4,612 532 5,241 4.899 27,094 16,880
Dlummond. .. ." .. 5,253 317 3,741 3,200 7,064 6.084 33,262 18,593
Frontenac.. ....... 4,904 179 4,030 1,035 5,134 4.898 26,910 16,497
Gaspê... ..... ...... 8,933 275 8,003 895 9,244 9,703 51,464 30.757
HulL. ...... ... ... . 11,511 92 7.264 6,159 14.037 14,011 64,737 35,215
Huntingdon..... , .. 2.928 89 2.2:M 694 2.963 2.089 10,669 5,02.5
rberville... , .... , .. 1.955 73 1,408 647 2,099 2,029 9,255 4,838
Joliette........ , ... 4,695 148 3,367 2,411 5,935 5,692 28,378 16 083
Kamouraska..... ... 4,020 89 3,.'157 721 4,197 4,212 23,515 14.150
Labelle........ ' , ,.. 4.354 153 3,281 866 4,274 4,050 21.274 12.190
Lac-St.,Jean ... ,.... 8,388 305 6,644 2,658 9.700 10,215 61,236 39,520
Laprairie, , ......... 2.579 122 1,751 030 :.l.814 2,637 12,255 6.458
L'AB50mption...• " , 3,219 85 2,242 1,250 3.582 3,366 15,593 8,271
Lêvig,., ...... , .... 5,359 62 3,934 2,4.)6 6.571 6.513 33.4&'1 18.336
L'hlet............. 3.845 116 3,141 '34 3.645 3.515 19,15.5 11,318
Lûtbinii;re., .... ... 4,890 116 4,252 600 4,94ll 4,671 24,840 14,635
Maskinonl:J;é.... ., .. a. lX2 131 2,390 807 3,297 3.306 16,729 9.444
Matane.... .. .... 8,874 317 7,232 1.703 9.232 9,HI5 52,118 32,392
Mégantic....... .... 6.471 141 5, I<12 2,199 7,483 7,147 35,779 20, (147
Miss:i~quoi. ........ 4,039 134 2,!i20 :.l, 027 4,077 4.435 18,464 9,057
Montcalm., ...... 2,960 64 2,a-H 711 3, W7 2,895 13,814 7,600
Montmagny...... .. 4,015 185 3,2û8 778 4,081 3,884 20,108 11,637
Montmorency....... 3,078 46 2,2l.'i 839 3.127 3.149 17.195 10,021
Montrfal. lle-IslanJ. 93,370 3,068 37,547 211,080 254,294 248.159 968,662 439,524
Nppicnille.... .... 1,633 96 1,237 385 1,644 1,569 7,622 4,189
l\kolet.. ...... ..... 5,239 191 4,419 841 5,363 5.268 2Ù,.551 15,028
Ptl.l'ineau...... .... 5,175 116 3,837 1,532 5,530 5,.389 25,251 13,771
Pontiac........ .. , . 4,024 '32 3.136 884 4.130 3,878 17,710 9,508
Portneuf. ... ' .. ... 6,385 142 5,075 1,915 7,171 ll,884 35,975 20,460
Québec, .. "' ., ... , 18,734 348 9,787 25,207 36,550 36,037 169,516 89,240
Richelieu.. ... .... 3,958 217 2,582 1,915 4,552 4,849 21,001 10,576
Richmcwi,.... ..... 4,574 131 3,112 2.394 5,668 5,435 24,913 13,596
Rimouski, ". ...... 6,301 180 5,118 1,551 Ù.971 6,948 39,874 23.656
Rouville.. ..... ... 3.049 59 2.200 l,I}i4 3.307 3,135 13,564 6,844
Saguena~'. " ... ..... 4.653 87 3,216 3,003 5,262 5,353 27,772 113,629
Sbefford..... ......
Sherbrooke.. .. ..... 5,380 138 3,108 0,460 9,967 9,i)17 29.636 15,.')05
:19 ,393
Soulanges. ...... .. . 2.050 182 1, 318 594 1,970 1,874 8,401 4.307
8tanstead.... ..... 4.797 74 3.176 2.890 6,209 5.910 24.613 12,287
St-Hyacinthe. 4,.567 280 2,948 3.265 6,350 6,124 26,282 1;:1,088
St--.Jean. .. 3,002 131 1,823 2,252 4,218 4,209 17,972 8.9M
St-Maurice....... 8,093 '03 4,827 9,316 14,707 15,004 72,282 39,881
Témigcamingue.. 6,882 366 4,608 3,140 7,945 7,388 36,09;.] 21,065
Témiecouat.a. .. .. ... 8,957 '.5 7.341 1, S90l 9,512 9,384 53,889 32,583
TerrtbonnlOl. ..... 8,M5 343 5,:lIl 3,793 9,436 9,034 41.081 21,833
VlltldrellîL .... 2,SB 219 1.810 894 2.777 2,652 11,576 5.763
Verchèreg. .... .... 2,4.'17 67 1,807 1.0'22 2,887 2.759 12,691 6,621
Wolfe....... .... 3,aU 83 2.81ol 523 3,393 a,210 16,479 ~;. 724
Yamaska, .. .... 3,375 330 2,567 539 3,169 3,143 15,241 8,445
TOTAL.•••. 43&,012 14,321 287,318 !57,141 &63,426 647,94& 2,937,828 1,S45,8n
(1) ::\llHsons s"nrant d'habltatl0na seulement. (1) BUildings \lfled for habitatioD only.
(2) 24 ans ou moins. (2) 24 years and under.
H~ilifms.,.ecom.sem.e1lt du Canada, Vol. V. E'ohth emBU. oJaa~aoo. Vol. v.