Page 114 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 114
54-Nombre de maisons. au Canada, par provinces.
54-Number of Buildings, in Canada, by Provinces.
PROVINCES 181H 1901 1911 1921 1931 1911 (2)
Ile-du-Pr.-Ir:doull.rd, .. Prince Edw. Wa.ud. .. 18,389 18,530 18,237 18,628 18,521 19,719
{\,'ouve!le-~cœse Nova 8cotia..", .. ,... 79,102 85,313 93,784 102,807 101,630 114,451
Nouveau-Drnns~ick..New Brunswick. ... 54,718 58,226 00,930 70,42& 72.19i il:l,42'1
Québec Quehpc ,...... 21.6,644 :291,'27 340,HHi ;Hl~,384 (1) 387,052 436,012
Ontario ..•........ , • . . . .. . . . • . . . .. . . . • . 406,948 "'./1,310 529,190 637,:>52 745,889 779,751
Manitoba••.• , •.....•... _............. 30,71JO 49,7340 85,120 117,5'1 134,665 149,201\
Saskatchewan . 17,'65 118,283 W3,661 192,752 200,291
è~~~~bie.Èrit.:···'.:. D'rii:C"I~bia':::::' '~ù),àio' 14,842 87,61:2 135,125 16Il,3f\f\ 207,126
CAN.6.DJ.. .•••.••.•.•..••.••• 856,007 1,018,015 1,408,U9 1,764.,129 1.9Stl,28R
(1) l.'incLusion des plain~pied eornflle c!a.'l6ifioatioll (1) The inclusion of "fiats" as t\ dÎBtincth'e classifioa'
diatinclÏve, en 1931, expliQue la diHêlenre enlre les tion ln 1931, expll\oinl! the differeuce betw€en the figure~
ehiffres des deux derniers l'eeenscmen(,s. for the \1IBt. (wo een6Wles.
(2) ('hiffros revi...6a. (:l) .Hevised figures.
55-Maisons, logements, ménages, famille. et personnes dans les familles, par
province., en 1941,
55-Buildings, Dwellings, Households, Families and Persons in Families, by
Province., in 1941.
LogementEt-DweUinge \ Eni....
!\!a.i60ns Ménages - dane la
PROVINCES (l) Vallants Occupéll-Oellupied - Fami\ies fl\.flliUl!
Buildings - Rouse- (2)
Vacant Possédés Loués holds \ Porsonnes 1 Chiidren
- - Total - inF~ily
Owned \ Rented Persans
Ile~du-P.~E .....••..• 15,512 6" 13,771 1,376 15,310 14,541 1 61,921:1 3],1>35
N.~&osse......•... 70,378 3,315 57,487 11,008 70,404 65,613 271,633 134,781
~.~BruD8wiok.,•. , .. ô1,697 2,525 49.612 11,268 02,278 62,101 1 2".127 152,655
Québec..• , ..••....• 217,308 3,367 177,242 35,330 218,653 212.722 1, 117,715 1357. ]38
Ontario .... ........ 351,770 12,813 251, 930 102,3:l3 363,258 335,236 1,260,123 567,971
Ma.nitoba .......... 91,570 1,-105 6U,8B9 24,453 92,678 86.63B 366,034 184,807
8aakatabewan.••...• 140,206 4,7U1 99,947 35,457 137,347 122,243 537,068 283,650
Alberta .......••. ' . 118,312 2.853 89 ,381 27,058 118,209 101,463 428,041 220,679
Colombie~Brit.... , .. 106,503 3,358 69,400 34, S03 106.639 87,327 W~,393 133,104
CA~~DA,•••• , • 1,173,906 40,052 875,659 282,926 1,184,676 1,087,184 4,633,663 2,366,410
URB.l,.I~S . rRBAN
P.-E. bIRnd.... ,.,. 4,111 98 2,498 2,434 5,122 5,M9 20,121 9,625
Nova 8cotia .. , .... 44,073 525 27,899 26,730 58,237 57,948 228,049 108,170
N.fuuIlbwiek...... ,. 21,732 397 II ,785 19,216 32,321 31,378 121,413 !iB,34Q
Quebec... ..... 218,7(h1, 5.054- 110,146 321,811 444,773 435.224 1,820, lI3 888,733
Ontario ..... , •.... 427,981 8,651 261,973 293,168 006,009 573,974 1,975,670 802,327
Mauitoba .....•... 57,6.36 937 34,047 37,366 84,364 79,611 270,572 106.287
SIlol!katchewan..•.• ' 66,025 1,704 34,628 37.051 11 ,592 67,894 247,924 111,362
Alberto. ...... '" . .. 66,713 1,187 37,645 39,162 83,,')81 74,281 lOg, 936
Brit. CollIrnhio.. 100,1317 2,603 1l0,346 5.:1,765 129,403 112,056 1 259.6" 133,372
CANADA. •• , 1,007,658 21,956 581,867 832,703 l,521,41J 1,437,415 5,304,S23 2,326,1&1
1 1
lIe~du-P.-E........ ,. 19,719 753 16.269 3,810 20,432 19,590 82,050 41,160
N.-lt.cOM.€... , ...... 114.451 3,840 85,386 31.798 128,641 123,561 490,682 242,951
N.-Brun.'lw1ck.•.... , 83.429 2,922 61,397 30,1.8-1 D4. , 599 93,419 404,14.0 209,004
8uébec.. ..... .... .. 436,012 14,321 287,a88 357,141 663,426 647,946 2,937,828 1,545,871
nt.rlo.......... .. 779,751 21,464 513,903 395,491 969,267 909,210 3,235,793 1,370.298
MllIlitobllo........ .. 149,206 2,342 101,836 61,811:1 176,942 166,249 636,606 291,094
Btloakatehewan.•. , .. 206,291 6,465 134,575 72,598 214,939 190,137 784,992 a95,012
Alberta .....• ' ..... 185,fi'lfi 4.040 127,026 66,220 201,796 175.744 ti87,n4 330,615
COlombie·Brit..... .. 207,120 5.861 129,746 90,268 236,047 199,383 669,171 266,566
2,111,564 62,008 1.451,516 1,US,1.29 2,106,a19 [ 2,525,299 9,937,$86 4,692,571
(1) M.ai80ns eer~nt d'habîtatiO:D9 Beulement. (1) BuildiD&8 UBed [or habita.tIDD only.
(2 24 am ou mol.D.ll. (2) 24 Ye&nl and under.
Huihm~ rtet'1',Stm:eflt du Call1lda, Vol. V. Eir;h(j, Ccn~l(.8 of Can(l.àa, Vol. V,