Page 96 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 96

LANGUE-LANGUAGE                             81
       44-Langue offieleU. parI'. et Iftn.ue rnllltornell. de la population de la Pro'Vince,
                                  par comté•• en 1941.
           44-Gfficial Language Spoken and Mother Tongue of the Population of the
                              Province, by Countie., in 1941.
                                               LlIoligu," pa.rJéo  Langue maternelle
                                              Language Spoken      Motàer Tongue
           COMTtS MUNICIPAUX     Total
                                         Anglais  FrancaiB       Anglais  Franco.ill
          MUNICIPAL  COUNTIEB     (11   seule.ment  aeulement  1 Angl.',.t  -
                                         Eoaliah  Fn!DCh  En lÛlh  Engliab  Frencb
                                          ooly  1  ooly  and ~reDch    1
       Abitibi ..• , •...•..•.• , ...••.••••...  67,689  5,999  47,655  12,364  4,224  68,7.aS
       Argenteuil...•.... _..........••..•.  22,570  e,5BO  7,914  8,158  8,187  14.,236
       Arthab8êka..••..••....•.• , ..•.••..  30,039  26.4;~Q  3,403  .01   29,698
       Bagat..•... , .. ~ ...••.•.••.••.•• , •..  17,642  15,902  1,7105  70  17,0548
       ~eaucl' ..............•.•............  48,073  "  .0.2~B  7,780  2'7  47,768
       Beauha.rnoia .•..•••.••••.•• , ..••..•  30,269  1,711  19,151  9,404  2,611  27,349
       &Ueeh~........................  23.676  •  22,377   1,287     50    23,511
       Berthier..•••••.••.•••..•••..••..••  21,233  37  18,359  2,835  97  21,077
       B<:ma'·enture...... , ................  39,196  6,506  23,080  &,872  7,499  30,796
       Brume ..•...••••.••••• , •• ,., ••• , •.  12,485  C,llC  2,680  3,77e  6,834  5,4'85
       Cbambly..• " .••...• , ..••. ,., •.. ,.  32,454  8,646  12,062  11,108  10,862  2<],,",,
       Champlain .....•..•. , ••.•••.. , '"  68,057  600  52,861  14,469  1,616  65,986 ,'  1~,077  3.  12,247  796  100  12,973
       CharJevoix-Oueat·W6IlIt, •••••.•• , ..• ,  12,586  77  11,886  688  128  12,398
       Châteauguay••..• , •.••• , .•• , , ••••.•  14,443  2,416  8,188  3,839  3,191  11,197
       Chicoutimi .. , •.•.••. , .•.•••••••••.  78,881  1,056  FiS,225  0,560  1,076  76,468
       Compton., ...•..•..• , .. , ••.•• , .• , •  16.U6 ...  11,473  6,116  6,009  16,508
       Deux-Montagnes-Two Mt!! .• , •••.•..       13,018   2,562   1,228   14,989
       Dorchester .. " ..•••..••••.•• ", ••.  29,869  161  27,4W  2,213  70.  .29,089
       Drummond........................  ali,esa  1,478  28,998  6,203  2,329  34,220
       FroLLtenac, •...•••.••••.•••••••. , ••  28,596  33.  25,095  3,148  410  27,927
       Glli!pé·Est-ElU!lt ...••.•••..••••.•••.  33,871  5,495  21,022  7,361  7,537  28,303
       Gaspé-Ouest-West .••••••••..•••••••  12,397  lI,778  6'.      n     12,320
       Gahnea.u.• , •....................••  29,754  7,1740  12,537  9,984  8,729  20.270
       Hull ..............................  41,434  2,099  20,943  18,343  3,220  37,880
       Huntingdon ..•...••...•••.••..•••.  12.394  5,136  2,949  4,165  4,870  5,304.
       Iberville..• , .....•..• ' ,.'" .• " •.• ,  10,273  10.  7,700  2,467  272  9,917 bl'e••.•• , .•••..  8,940  .20  7,308  1,012  711  8,214
       Joliette.. , .........................  31,713  2<0  27,363  1,116  '4'  31,036
       Ka.mouraeka ...•.•...••..•••• , •••••  25,535  10  24,100  1,426  3.  25,470
       Labelle•.....•••.•••..••..••.•.•••.  22,974  08  20,44j  2,412  lO'  22,629
       La.~-St-J..,u.n-E••• , .•• , •.• , •.•••.• , •.  25,245  239  23,618  1,382  '83  24,658
       La.~-St-JeB.n~O.·W..................  39,061  10'  37,066  1,564    38,374
       Laprairie . , .••...•••.•••..•.•.•••••  13.730  2,133  8,532  2.965  '"  10,739
       L'Assomption ........... ... .......  17,543  2.55  14,990  2,286  •••  16,lI99
       La.'va.l. •••.•..••••..••....••. , •..•..  21,631  7'4  14,528  6,303  1,247  19,951
       Lévis .•.•.••.•••••.•••.••••••...•.  SB,ll'il  107  31,222  0,788  <B'  37,ü18
       L'blet ....•• , •••..••..••..••..••..  20,589  7  ]9,36]  1,230  17  ZO,,')6a
       I.otbinièr"' ...••••..••.•.•••••..•...  î~:~g~  135  24,422  2,106  '74  26,286
       lIvlaakinongl! ...................... , .  30  16,435  1,572  102   17,870
       ~·IlLtane" ..•.... " ....•• , .•...•.• ,  25,488  132  23,864  1,502  370  25,096
       ~:Iatapédia...•.• , ..• , •.•••••••.••..  29,926  20  28,123  1,782  10'  29,190
       r,I,.;;galLlÎc.•. , •.••.•. , ••••• " •• , •••.  40,357  1,491  33,051  5,8U  2,237  37,954
       J\.liasisquoi. •••....•.••••••.•.••..• ,  21,442  4,570  8,403  8,458  5,1"127  16,190
       MontcalIn .. " •. , ..••..•••.• , ..•.•.  15,208  389  13,152  1,629  6..  14,340
       Montmagny ... , .....••. .... ... ,."  22,049  7  20,151  1,884  40  21,983
       Montmorency, No 1., ••••••..•.•.••  14,309  65  12,722  1,522  200  14,008
       l\!onj.morency, No 2 ....•.•.••..•...  4,293  2.  4,004  265  44    4,248
       Montréal I:e-bllllld .....•.. , ...•..  1,116.800  277.516  37s.523  45Q.620  204,78"  706,856
       NapiO:>Tvil 1 "'. , ••••••• "''''' ••• " •••  8,329  2'  7,158  1,148  81  8,237
       ~~~~e:~.;::'::::::::::::::::::::::::  30,085  2,770 8  28,335  1,739  3,896  30,007
       Pontiao .....•. ""'" , .. , •.. , •.•..  19.8.'l2  11,202  2,574  0.0.58  11,546  7,588
       Poü.ll"uf ...•..•...••.••..••.••....  a8,~96  343  34,785  3,864  8'8  3&,068
       Québec .••..•.. , •..•.• , ..•••.•..•..  202,882  4,133  143,747  54,925  Il,633  190,262
       RicheLieu,. , ••...•• , ...•.•.•• , ,.'.,  23,691  171  18,658  4.,846  292  23.316
       Richmond .... , .... , ••...•........  27,403  3,035  1,lJ,528  8,928  4,884  22,501
       Rimouski .... , .•• ' ...••.. , •.•.... ,.  44,233  82  40.304  3,840  202  43,996
       Rivière-du·Loup..• , .•.•••..••.••.• ,  34,493  46  29,0Il3  li,341  15'  34,312
       Rouville......• , ...••• , •.••••..•...  15,842  65.  12,132  3,047  l,03û  14,709
       Sll.gll(>nfLy ............••..••..••..•.  29,419  2,056  20,560  2,492  2,430  22,110
       Shefford... " •...•• , •.. ,.' ., .•.•.••  33,387  2,444  21,565  {I,369  3,{lOO  29,338
       Sherbrooke ..••• , ..•...•.. , ....•...  46,574  6,74-8  19,140  20,661  10,113  ,35,901
       Soulanges., ..••••...•.. " ••• , •.. , .  9,328  237  6,708  2,380  41'  8,860
       Stan~tead.......•.••..•...••..• , ••  27,912  6,839  11,241  il,884  8,075  19,236
       St-Hyacinthe ... , ..•. , , •.•••.•••...  31,645  108  25,591  1\,-84.3  242  31,326
       St.·Jelln-St;. John'II ... , ••....• , , " .•.  20,5&-1,  68.  12,428  7,488  1,45?'  )8,925
       8t,·l\laurice .....•••• , ........ .....  80,352  1,445  60,171  Hl,698  3,258  76,592
       TéIniscamingue, •........••..•.....  40,471  6,681  22.31B  11,206  5,504  31,001
       Témiscoup.ta••..• , •..•••.•••.•... , ,  23,182  29  20,287  2,863  92  23,082
       Terreboune ..... , ..• , .. , •.•. , •.. ...  46,864  1,865  34,806  10.]58  2,638  43,430
       VaudrE'!uil. , ...........•.••..••..•.  13,170  I,OOa  8,207  3,957  1,658  11,452
       Verchèrea ... , ••..•.•..•••. , ••..•.• ,  14,214  3.8  11,649  2,187  .3.  13,600
       'Rtolfe... , ..••••••.••.••• ' "" .• " .  480  14,706  2,302  O••   18,816
       YEUna.'lka•• , ..•••••••. , •.••..••..••  17'''21  2  ]5,257  1,257  .8  16,456
              PaoVINCE •• , •• ' "  •••••• ,  3,331,882  410,721  2.016,089  892,984  468,996  2,717,217
         (1) Y çompns les personnes QW ne parlent. ml fUl-glaiS  (1) Tnoludmg porllons I5peaking uelther  e~heb nor
       ni le 1~fL.nç et cdlell duat la IAnKue maternelle eat. une  frotlch and those witb. a. foreiin languaae q  tIlo-tber
       langue étrangère.                    tonllue.
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101