Page 93 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 93

78                            POPUL.{TION

               41-Lieu de nai.8Sance de ]a population, de la Province. p~r, ~omté8r en 1941.
                 41-Birthplace of the Population of the Province. by Countiea, ln 1941.

                                            Canada   1 Autres
             COMT~S MUNICIPAUX                         brit.lI~  UniB         ABte
                                 Total                 niquœ    -     Ewupe    -
             Ml"NICIPAL COUNTIE8  (1)                   -      United         Allia
                                         Total  Qulihec  Qther  Stat,es
                                              1       eounhies
          A bi~ibî...•..•....•.••..••..•.  67,689  64,313  59,:149  298  914  2,061  01
          lu genteuil .... , ..••.•.. ' •..•..  22,670  21,563  19,862  616  182  171  20
          A nbabllollkfl. ••.•••• " •.•••.•••••  :lO,039  29,402  29,277  19  573  32  11 ,
          B a,got, ••••..••••.•••.• " •••••  17,642  17,277  17,213  6  34.5  12
          B elLuce ...••• '., ., •••••••••.••  48,073  47,774  47,720  13  249  20  17
          B  e..uhllrnoill.•••.•.••• "' .•••••  30,269  29,020  26,806  m  476  191  9
          B cllecbasse•••••••.••••••••••••  <l3,676  23,439  23,400  4  210  19   4
          B ertbier, .... , .••.. , •..••...•.  21,233  20,780  20,633  Il  398  42  2
          B ooe.veoture .....••.•.•...••..  39,196  3S,953  37,666  77  131  25 ........
          B 10me........................  12.48-6  11,321  11,149  587  441  130  • "
          C bambly ......•..•.....•.•.•.  32,454  28.071  26,227  3,100  005  558  38
          C bamplain ..•.•.....••...••...  68,057  66,800  68,210  234  817  161  38
          C harl~yoix.E8t-Eeat..........  13.017  13,018  12.994  27  19  12      1
          C be.rle.vob:~Oueet-Wl'et ••••.•..  12,585  12,519  12,-470  18  46  fi ..  ·.. ·..ï
          Ch br;~~~~'f:::::::::::::::::::  14,443  13,908  13,611  '03  187  41
          C                       78,881  77,783  76,891  250    340     465     42
          C olnpton ....•. , .....•......•.  22,957  21,808  21,0.52  479  638  75  8
          D eux·Monta.gnœ'-Two MtB ....  16,746  18,299  16.023  284  75  81     •
          D  OtOheBter.••••••.•••• , •••••••  29,869  29,710  29,691  9  131  8  11
          D rwnmond ...•..•••...•.•.••.  36,68<1  3.5,170  34.9...>:i7  337  1,003  go  fi
          F rontenac.•....•..••.•.•....• ,  28.596  28,196  28.127  .8  ,"8  34  10
          G fl8Pé-Esf.-E&.8t ..•.••• " •••..  33,871  33,592  33,483  83  74  15  6
          G 'aIlpé-Ouest-WMt .•.•.•..••..  12,397  12.320  12,286  2     11  ·.. ·....2·
          G AtlneaU,. ....................  29,754  19,078  27,005  4<9  135  116
          H  un............ , .............  41,434  <10,556  35,096  257  379  221  18
          H ull.ti~dOI1 .••.•....• _... _..•.  12.394  11.570  11,244  288  391  141  1
          1 ben-ille ... ' .' ." ..••...•••.•.  10,213  9,904  9,832  50  279  39  ., .  .... ·Ô·
          1·le.-Madelein" 1el'e••.••..•  8,940  8,920  8,842  8  10  2
          J ol1ette .......................  31.113  31,008  30,155  68  399  230  17
          K                       25,b311  25,221  25,18.2  15   284      6      10
          L  a.belle., .................. .. '  22,97<1  22.118  22,581  34  93  12a  '" ....ii'
          L ao·8t..Jl.'lUl-E.....••••••..•...  25,245  24,982  24,784  108  108  49
           Il.c-St-Jean-O.-W •...•..... ..
          L                       39.061  38,785  38,liR3  44    17•     48      ,
          La                  ..  13,730  13,266  13.124  107    183     78
          L ,~~~tio~:::: :::::::::::..  17,li43  17.170  17,052  114  121  134   3
          La vaL •.• ~.••... · . .......... ..  21,631  20.768  20,349  291  207  7
          L évi&.........................  38.1rg  37,723  37,555  81  273  '"   8
          L  'blet., ...••.•.•...•. , •••....  20,589  20,414  20.341  1  166  •  3
          L otbini/lr6..... ......... ' ......  26,664  26.359  26,316  9  291  5 ..  .... "8'
          M  a.ekîoongé ..... ..•.....•.•...  18,206  17,951  1.7,921  15  212  19
          M atane.....•.•....••...•..•..  25.488  25,262  24,983  19  189  10    8
 •....••.••••..•....  29,926  29,680  29,243  3  222  14  7
          M ~g!!,ntic: ..•....•..••. ' ..•...  40,3[;7  39,602  aQ,418  88  588  52  47
          M l/j@-ISQUOI .... , .....•.••...••.  21,442  20,011  19,727  474  756  178  23
          M ontca.lm .........•••..•. , ...  15,208  14,883  14,819  95  113  111  1
          M  ontmagny..............•• '.'  22,049  21,836  21,806  5  1  185  17  6
          M  ontmorency, Nol ..•...... , ..  14,309  14,22<1  14,131  19  51  16 ........
           Mont.morency, No 2............  4,293  4.267  4,252  14  8       ....
           Montréal. I1e-Isla.nd..... ' ... ' .. 1.116.800  950,691  881,090  74,191  22,471  05.754  '2~808•
           NA»iervijJe............ , .......  8,329  8,113  8,079  12  18.  17 " 1  1
           Nieolet ......•.. , ......•.. , ...  30,085  29.142  29,694  6  333  6 .......
           Pa.pineau.  . .....•....••....  27,551  28,997  25,494  245  173  114  :iÏ
           Pontiac .•............ , ...•. '"  10,tl52  19,468  18,406  171>  89  8.  14
           POJtneuf. ............. "".,.  38,998  38.724  38,592  44  167  57    3
          Québeo ...... '" .... , .........  202,882  199,168  1  100,383  927  1,'824  783  161
           Richelil'u .............. '._. '"  23,891  22,004  22,754  585  72    18
           Richmond               21,493  26,354  26,OU   403    a'"     49      2. ,
           Rirnoueki. :::::::::: ::::::::::  44,233  43.843  43,400  17  353  14
           Ri'l'lèreM1u-Loup ............•..  34,.t93  34.241  34,056  17  212  15  8
           ROu'l'ille ...•.. " .. , "., .... '"  15,842  15,300  15,121  2<)5  1  294  40  3
           Saguenay. , ................ , ..  29,419  29,100  27,820  199  71  32  16
           Bhe.fford ................... " .  33,381  31,877  31,530  '80  1,027  83  19
           Sherbrooke...•................  46,574  '13,250  42,371  1,888  1,515  281  70
           BouJe.ngee.............. " .. '"  0,328  9,100  8,784  88  52  2.     1
                                  27,972  25,769  25,40ô  8.2   1,221    83      31
           ~tHi':i~·t6e·.:::::::::::::::: :  31,6'15  30,620  30.463  ."  906  64  18
           Bt-Jean-St. J(jhn'l; .. , .. ' ......  20,584  19,604  19,3U  214  611  142  12
           St·Maurice ............. .......  80,352  77,870  76,336  710  1,548  314  102
           T~mieoa.mingu€......... ,... ,..  '10,-1.71  31,11-i  32.126  536  542  1,594  82
           Témiscouata ............. , .. , .  23,182  22,876  22,140  7  293  6  ." .......
           Terrebonne.•.......... '" ' •...  46,8t14  45,297  1  44,430  533  283  719  26
           VIl\Jwt:uil.  .....    1~.170         12,11"   293     68     54      7
           Verohères .. :::::::: ...........  14,214.  12,72' 1  13,700  183  97  71  1
           Wolfe ............. "." .....  17,492  17,109  27,073  47  323  7     6
           Ya.mRska .. ' ...... ...........  16,516  16,245  16,2::l5  1  2.2    2
                                ---- ---------               1
                  PnovlNcE .... ...... 3,311,B82  1,107,939 ) 2,997,419  91,885  50,229  76.8.: 1  3,817
                                                     1       1
            (1) .Cornprend les Pl.\.yB de nll.t8ea.ll.ce aotrel! et " lion  (1) IDcludes  .. u,ler ..  and  .. unJlpcmfilld" countriaa af
           dé(Jl&r~e".                          birtb.
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98