Page 499 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 499

474                          CONSTRUCTION
          En 1947, la valeur des contrats de construc-  In 1947 the value of construction contracta
        tion adjugés, au Canada, s'est ~le"ée à un  awarded reached an unprecedented lavel; in
        niveau jamais atteint auparavant; dans la  the Province of Quetee contracta awarded
        province de Québec, les c.ontrats accordés  amounted ta $255,200,000 and according ta
        s'éysJuent à $255,200,0Cl0 et OD calcule que ce  present calculatiolls it appears that tbis figure
        chiffre sera facilement dépassé en 1948.  will he easily exceeded in 1948.

          16-Valeur des contrats de construction au Canada, par provinces, 1938-47.
            16--Value of Construction Contracta in Canada, by Provinces, 1938-47.

                  PROVIKCES             1938     1939    lIHO     1941     1942
                                         •        •                •        •
        Ile-du-P-E ..  .... ...P. K IsIRnd. ... ....  1,781,400  946,100  2.135,100  413,800  .,)G6,100
        )J.-Ecos~e.... .. .. ... N. Bootil!.. . .......  10,537,600  9,&0,j,400  12,106,900  25,300,300  19,780,500
        N.-Bwnswick. .. ...... ......  7.203,800  5,694.800  6,900,100  11 ,013,300  5,958,900
        8Uébec ..       ...........   65,778,900  62,846.000  96,326,300 154,541 ,200  92,235,500
         nlario.......... ......      73,070,100  82,605,500 146.806,100 145,&98,600 108,679,500
        MRnitobll .......        ... ...  6,115,ZOO  &,374,400  28,003,700  11,701,600  13,914,300
        Sa.skRtchewRll. ........ ..   3,969,000  3,246,100  12,566,700  11,098.700  5,480,200
        Alberta.                      8,180,000  5,234,900  23,940,100  15,&98,800  14,401,100
        Col.-BL"Ît. ..... . ......Blit.  <i>i ..... ....  10,641,900  11,724,700  17,224,800  18,116,000  ZO,578,0IXl
              TOT~L.•. .... .... ... .... ......  187,211.900  181.118,500  346,009.800  393,991,300  281,594,100

                  PROVINCES             1943     1944    1945     1946     1947
                                         •       •    1   •        •        •
        lle-du-P.-E .. ....  .P. E. IsIRIld..  7Hl,300  6&7,900  904,800  650, ZOO  400,000
        N.-Ecosse..... .. .... .K. Scotia...  7,535,500  9,157,200  14.681,900  13,489,400  28,8&0,000
        K.-Brull~·ick. ... ...... ... ...  6,620,600  9,898,000  10,720,000  26,698,500  27,010,000
        Québec ..  ...... .... ... .. ...  61,816,700  89,884,800 121,9;43,400 226,8011, .joo 255,200,000
        Ontario...  .........  .. ....... ..... 83,025,300 111,141,800 151,856,000 252.787.400 258 ,800 ,000
        h'1a.n.itobR..... ... .....  .... ......  10,083,900  12,906.400  22,228,700  25,741. 500  34,460.000
        Saakat.chew8.D.. . ... .. . ...... .....  3,970,000  5,677.600  15,986,100  19,497,500  23,040,000
        Alberta....           .... ....  18,529,300  19,.'501,900  32,677,800  38,971,000  47,420,000
        Col.-Brit... ......  .. .Brit.'Col:,:: .... ..  13,803,300  32,536,200  38,033,900  58, 709, 2QO  89,(1)0,000
              TOT.'lL.••••. .. . . ,..  ... .....  206,103,900  291,961,100  109,032,700  663.355.100 118,240,000,
          Extrait de Revu!! Sf.atiBt-fqur du C'al'lada, Ottawa.  Extract from CaTladian S'(lt~~lî~al RcvieUJ, Ottawa.

          C'est en 1945 que le Bureau Fédéral de la  In 1945 the Dominion Bureau of Statistics
        Statistique a commencé le :relevé des unités  commenced a survey of dwelling units and new
        de logement et des nouvelles maisons cons-  resldentIal buildings completed in Canada·;
        truites au Canada; ce relevé s'est contmué en  tms SUl'yey was continued in 1946 and 1947.
        1946 et 1947,  Il repose sur des états reçus  The basic data was obtained from 623 muni-
        de 621 mUnIClpaJités représentant 67 pour cent  cipalities representing 67 per cent of the total
        de la populatIOn totale des WlTItoU"es organisés,  population in organiZ€d are8.S.
          D'après ce relevé, 6,997 nouvelles maisons  Acoording to thia 8Ul'Vey 6,997 new bUlldings
        contenant 12,628 unités de logement ont éW  containing 12,628 dwelling units were comple-
        tenninées dans la province de Québec en 1947.  ted in the Province of Quebec in 1947. More
        On trouvera il. ce sujet plus de détails dans le  details on this subject will he found in the
        tableau de la page 476.              table on page 476.
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