Page 498 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 498

CONSTRUCTION                            473
           La valeur des travaux de construction dans  The 'value of construction work in the
         la Pro"inoo a'élevait à $225,582,288 en 1946.  Pro,,""ince of Quebec a,ttained $225,582,288 in
         C'est le plus haut chiffre jamais atteint; cepen-  1946. This figure represeDts an ail t.ime high;
         dant, il sera dfpassé en 1947 ainsi qu'en 1948  neyertheless, it will he slU-passed by the :figure
         alors que la valeur de la construction sera pro-  for 1947 as well as by that for 1948, wIDch
         bablement supcli.eure à $350 millions.  La  will most likely he oYer 350 million dollars.
         valeur des habitations et des maisons de rap-  The value of hauses and apartment buildings
         port constl1lites en 1946 était de $47,474,091
         comparativement à $33,399,975 en 194.5 et à.  erected in 1946 was 547,474,091 compared to
         $17,760,253 en 1943.                 $33,399,975 in 1945 and to $17,760,2S~in 1943.

           17-Statiatical Summary of the Construction Induetry in the Province, 193&-'1946

                                1                      1
             1M1         Hl42       1943        H144        HJ45       1046

                 003        2,969      2,774       3,776      4,346       5,386  1
                3.  1
               66,410      6'0,449     47,848     37. tif)    41 ,895    63,89S  2
                7,257       6,637      6,636       7,12.1     7,991       8,825  3
               49,153      63,812     41,212      30,023      33,904     45,067  4
           S 12,093,290  • 12,943,747  • 12,215,101  $. 12,035,842  • 13,675,794  S 17,574,328  5
             61,280,388  81,087,395  62,003,103  46.616,747  52.260,775  73,087,392
            105,307,131  94,610,394  80,087,983  64.351. 331  77,366,558  90,661.720  7
            181,859,687  905,400,74.8  159,875,335  151.064,132  150,166',968  2.e.r,582,588  8
            144.492.627  168,186,071  122,15t).658  81,924,078  92,699,155  157,186,288  9
             37,367.000  37,214,677  37,718,677  49,140,154  57,467,103  68,396,000  10
            111,87i!,181  111,388,978  9O,60S,630  66,548,308  82,f171,958  139,987,46!  11
             22,862,823  20,119,057  17,760,253  27,266,912  33,399,975  47,474 ,091  12
             1,230,779    733,881     706,153    683,618    1,331,533  4,230,119  13
             7,827,150   6,538,674  4,917,109   8,683,364  9,667,992  16,327,258  1.
             6,391,200   5,447,027  4,540,632   4,387,806   8,098,058  14,084,406  15
             61,280,905  69,338,182  53,227,132  20,387,076  25,050.841  47,145,921  1.
             1,676,265    861,4.23    783,922   1.283,090   1,477,449  4,403,890  17
               173,701    104,146     187,605    310,289     410,557     877,184  18
             3,457,472    833.251   1.850,973    484,988      14,703      9,866  19
             4,744,194   5,219,806  5,644,235   1.550,887    531,965     29,~,519  20
             1,597,642    796 ,492    521,363    337,422    l, 10.'i ,607  2,7.56,819  21
               630,000   1,395,034    463,113   1,160.850   1,577,278  2,382,389  22
            44,100,058  76',6'6'0,914  50,541,592  44,706',886'  42,521,589  4-9 ,366,86'5  23
             17,8.'i8,330  15,739,5019  16,538,234  21,182,078  22,856,023  20,803,591  2.
             1,531,663   1,578,111  2,521,530   2,363,3S6  3,401,274   2,921,481  "
             3,420,292   3,719,336  3,367,748   4,334,104  4,603,410   8.157.647  2.
              (1)        7,388,190  2,857,180    511,808    1,186,2{l3  1,100,852  27
             8,105,433  31,380,206  11,978,600  4,168,068  4,833,334   9,009,799  28
               987,867    892,202   1,085,789   1.146,466   1,564,119  1,021,715  29
            22,196,468   'tI,963,320  12,192,311  11,000,866  3,876,916  6,261,780  30
             15,887 ,453  17,350,861  18,725,313  19,811,104  25,112,931  30,227 ,961  31

          (1) Information not availAbltl,
          Extract from Reporl  411 Lha Cfmslrudùm Indwtrl/', Ottawa.
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