Page 363 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 363

grandes Québec.  de province  la  da,!:s cultures  Quebec.  of Province  the  in  Crops  Field  HI47  1!H6  1045  1941  IQ43  1942  HJ41  1940  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  "'CBEEl)  (IN SOWN ACR~El)-AREA  (EN  21,800 22.500  2:1,400  1 26,900  27,mO  1 28,700  29,600  30,100  1  1,399,700 1,46li.500  ~  1,6M,000 1,685,OOU 1,6\10,000 1,688,0

             des  of  1939  1  ENSRMENCÉES  34,400  1  1,717,000  167,800  7.700  18,500  122,100  168,400  138,100  38,200  3,646,000  56.100  17,800  1  (6,139,000  QUANTITÉS  577,000  45,293,000  4,05.5,000  111,000  290,000  126,UOO  2,483,000  4.71J3,000  10,737,000  6,H17,000  4,917,000  55~,OOO  .4~,OOO
             rendement  Yield  and  1938  ,  '1  W,'oo  1,662,000'  177,000  7.000  •.  7,900  20,100  145,400  ,  142,7()()  139,900  37,600  . , 3,640,000  53,800  16,400  6.100,100  75~,OOO  138,492,000  4,lU4,OOO  111,000  29f\,r:IOQ  134,000  2,710,000  3,472,000  9,9.'i7,OOO  6,58::',000  5,238,000  528,000  ~~.'~~~

             et  30-Acreage  SUPERFICIES  . . . .  ..  .  , ..  , .  ::::  .  .  '  ,  .  •••• 1  .  , ,  .  ..... ,  .::::1···
             Jo--Supcrficie   ..  '  "  ::  ::  ::  ::  .  clover.  , , . . . . . . .  who::at..... (1H-l~h.).  ".  , •• . . (<;wt.)  ••  claver... (tolU) ..  "  .,.  "  ...  ... ..

                      CULTURRS---CROPS  whellt .•. Spl'Ùlg ~~i~><::::::::::::::~~~{~~<:::::::::::::·.::::·  Peas.  Buckwheat,  :~:,;to!.:~~~6  ::  Tur(ljp~l bcet~,. ,  ana  Hay  curn ' ...• Fodder  ,Sllgllr  ,  41{Z~;~<::::  ' ••• , , .• Reanll,  Buck""heat  grains . Mixed .Potatoes.. beets.. , • ,  ,.' TurniplJ,  and  Hav  Foddercorn.,  Allalfa.
                                                                 • ,

                                     '  .'  ::  ::  .'  " LUJ.f'mc ...•...... , .....•. Alflllfa ù"ets,  , .. b"cre, ••.  printl'mpB.. (b~!8.)... Spriag  :;  •  •.  "  ,..  "  ..  terre .. (qh) .. ,  ,.  ,. (tonnes)  "  .. sucre" ."
                              printemps  '  .  ~~=e~~~II~:r~~·,:.'  betteraves.  fourrager  il.  TOTAL  ~~i::~:::::::::~:  • . . ••  , ..•  mélang~B.... Pommes betteraves de

                              du     Sllrr8.~in,  Navet/!, trillle  et  Betteraves  ~u  F?lV<:.!!. • .•  8an·lIo2!in  NIIovch, trôfk  et  Mafsfourrl!iiger  J,ull6rne.. .. à Bett<eraves
                              Blé   Pois..  Foin  Mais      ~Ié     Graiu~  Foin
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