Page 360 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 360

338                           AGRICULTURE

            29-Superficie, rendement et valeur du grandes cultures dans la Province.
                   29-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops in the Province.

                          Superficiel  QUAntités  Rendeme[l~
             ANNÉES       ensemeuoéu  rMaltéllB    à l'acre   V&.leur   Prix lDoyeD
                           (00 acres)  (&DboiIBUUX)  (en boiaaeauJ:)  totale  du boiBSll!l.U
                -            -          -           -           -          -
                            Are.       Total       Yield       Total     Average
              YEARS        Seeded      Yield      per Acre     Valull    Priœ per
                           (in acrel!l)  (in buahela)  (in bU!lhels)      BW!hel
                               BLÉ Dt' PHIKTEMPS----SPRING WHEAT

         1938....••...... _••.  50,500  758,000    15.0         705,000     a 0,93
         1939...•.........•..  34,400   Sn,DOO     16.8       • 508,000      0.88
         1940 ...•••.....•... ,  30,100  522,000   17.4         473,000      0.91
         1941 ..•...•. " ..•...  29,600  533,000   18.0         490.000      0.92
         1942 ..••. , ..•.••....  28,700  554,000  19.3         532,000      0.96
         1943 ..... ...........  27,500  503,000   18.3         543.000      1.08
         1944......... , ......  26,900  S06, 000  18.3         557,000      LlO
         1945......•....... .'  23,400  398,000    17.0         454,000      1.14
         1946 .......•..... , ..  22.500  389,000  17.3         486,000      1.25
         1947.................  21,800  325,000    14.9        507,000       1.56

         1933................  1,662,000  38,492,000  23.2  1 19,246,000     O.SO
         1939. ......... ... .. .  1,711.000  45,293,000  26.4  21,741,000  •0.43
         1940.............. ..  1.664 ,200  44,290,000  26.0  21,259.000     0.48
         1941. , ...........  1,695,000  47,291,000  27.9    26,483 .000     0.56
         1942 ......... ......  1,686,000  50,580.000  30.0  26,302, COO     0.52
         11M3 ..... ...........  1,690,000  38,025,000  22 .."i  24,716,000  0.65
         1944 .... ............  1.685,000  4·1,,484.000  26.4  28,470.000   O...
         1945 ..... ...........  1,654,000  37.877,000  22.9  24,999,000     0.66
         1946..... ...........  1,46<'0,500  34,156,000  23.7  23.982,000    0.69
         1947...... ...........  1,394,700  28,639,000  10.1  22.643,000     085
                                               1                      1

         1938. , ...... , ,. , , ...  177,000  4,164,000  23.5  li 2.665,000  .. 0.64-
         1939. , .........•. , . ,  167,800  4,055,000  24.2  2,555,000      0.63
         1940, , .. ' . , .. , , , ...  159,500  3,888,000  24.'  2,488,000  0.64
         1941, , ..... " , . .....  144,000  3,71."i,OOO  25.8  2,675,000    '0.72
         1942...... , .. , .. , .  138,600  3,812,000  27 .."i  2,783,COO    0.73
         1943...... ,., ,. , . ..  156,000  3,182,000  204    2,546,000      0.80
         1944 ........ , , .. , ...  136,000  3,223,000  23.7  2,675,000     0.83
         1945........ , .......  132,600  2,851,000  21.5     2,480,000      0.87
         1946........ ........  124,900  2.748,000  22.0      2,473,000      0.90
         1947. ......... .. ,...  156.300  2,885,000  18.4    3,231,000      1.12
                                     BEIGLE-BPRING RYE

         1938......... ......  7,000    111,000    15.9         89 .000     10.80
         1939. ...... ..... .. .  6,600  111,000   16.8       • 01,000       0.82
         1940. ....... ........  6,200  103,000    16.6         82.000       0.80
         1941. ...... .......  13.300   231,000    17.4        194,000       O...
         1942. .... .... . ....  11,100  196,000   17.7        165,000       0 ..
         1943. ...... .. ......  12.600  188,000   14.9        164,000       0.87
         1944. . " .. ... .......  9,300  151,000  16.2        146,000       0.97
         1945.  .... ........  8,400    139.000    16.6        133,000       0.96
         1946...... ..........  7.700   126,000    16.4        135.000       1.(>7
         1947........ .... .. ..  8.600  124,000   14.4        164,000       1.32
   355   356   357   358   359   360   361   362   363   364   365