Page 362 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 362

340                          AGRICULTURE
          29-Superficie, rendem.ent et valeur des grandes cultures dllns la Province.-(Fîn)
               29-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops in the Province.-(Concl.)

                          SUl)f'rfieiea                                 Prix moyen
                         en~emeneées  Quantité~  Rendement    Valear    l'unité de
                          (en acres)  récolMes    à l'."re    totale     m~ure
             ANNÉES                     (1)        'l'                    (1)
                           Ar,.        Tate\      Yleld       Tate,1     A,,'erage
             YEARS         Beeded      YleLd     per Acre     Value     Priee per
                          (in ""cres)                                    Cuit of
                                POMMES DE TERRE-POTATOE8
         1938....  , " ........  139,900  9,[157,000  1  71.2  1l,152,Coo    L 12
         1939..... . ,  >0  .......  135.100  10,737,000  77.7  • 12.348,000  • 1 15
         1940.... ....  "  ,  14Ü,BOO  13,125,000  87.6      10.500,000      a 80
         1941 , "  ....     150.0[;0  1I,475,00û   7,"J.O    15,032,000      1 31
         1942....... . .......  157,COO  10,833,000  68.0    17,44\,000      1 61
         1'"  , " ....  , "  , .-  168,000  Il,256.000  67,0  20,824,COO     1. 85
         1944 , .-  ......  168,900   15,032.000   8!1Q      22,398,000      1.49
         1945 "  , .- ..... ......  156,100  9.0.:)4,000  58.0  22,635,000   2.50
         1946....... .... ....  1,)2.00Û  1l.400,OCO  n.o    21,090,000      1. 8.';
              " ........
         1947.-             148,700  10.558,000   71.0       22, 9n ~OOO    2.17
                          NAVETS, BETTERAVES, El'C.-TURNIPS, BEETS, ETC.
         1938 ... ... , , .......  37,1>00  6,582.000  175.0  3,291,000    .0.50
         1930 ... , .- .........  38,200  6,197,000  162,0  • 3,099,000     0,50
         1940 .. .... .. , . . .....  M ,000  5,975,000  163.0  2,465,000    0.41
         1941. . .... , " .....  45,000  7,335,000  163.0    4,181.000       0.57
         1942.  .- , .-      42,000   7,350,000    175.0     5,366.000       0.73
         1943.  ..........   43.400   7.855,000    181.0     6,20,5,000     0.79
         1944. ..... .......  36.700  6,019,000    164.0     3,852,000      0.64
         1946. .... , .- . .....  30.eOO  4,590,000  150.0   6,059,000      1.32
         1946 ..  .- ,       24,100   4,169,000    173.0     4,169,000      1.00
         lû47..  " .....     25,000   3,453,000    138.0     3,798,000      1.10
                               FOIN ET l'RtFLE-HAY AND CLOVER
         1938. , .- . ........  3,640,000  5,238,000  1.44  S 41,904,000  $  8.00
         1939 ......  , .-  3,646,OCO  4,917,000    1.35     44,253.000      9.00
         1940. .... , .-  3,661,000   5.2·23,000    1.43     49,723.000     9.52
         HJ41. ......... ....  3,871,COO  4,103,000  1. 06   69,701,000     17.00
         1942. .... ....... , "  4,001.000  5,52l,000  1. 3S  76,070,000    13.78
         1943.  ........ , .-  4.062,000  6,702,000  1. 65   77.408,000     Il.55
         19H ' ....        4.192,000  5.7ûl,OOO     LM       88.708,000     15.56
         1945 ... ......  4,2C7.4OO   6,774,000     1.61     85,285,000     12 ..59
         1948 ... ......  4,182,000   5,437.000     1.30     70,572,000     12.9g
         1947... , "  , "  .... .-  4,065,000  5,935,000  1.46  92,171,000  15.53
                               MAIB FOURRAGER-FODDER CORN
                             53,800    526,OCO      9.78     1,!l94 ,000     3.79
         1938. ..... ..... ... '
         1939 . ., ..  . .. '  1  56,400  559.000   9.91   • 2,28U,OOC     • 4,09
                             01,300     552.000     9.['0    2,472.000      4.48
         1940. .... ...... .- ' .-
         1941. ...... , .- ....  75,000  695.000    9.27     4,170,000      6,00
         1942.  , .- .... , .-  92,000  904,COO     9.83     4.719,000      5.22
         1943. ...... , .. ....  95,500  690,000    7.22     4,299,000      6.23
         1944..... , .-      86,400    776,000      8.98     4,090,000      ,'U7
         1945 .. _..... ... .,  96,600  838,000     8.67     4,894.000      8,84
         1946. _.....  , .-  89,700    771,000      S.59     4,703,000      6.10
         1947." ..  .- .- . ...  95,500  713,000    'j" .41  5,276,000      7.40
         1938" ... ..... , ....  16,400  43,000     2.62  ,  •  363,000     8.90
         1939 .. .... .- .... ....  17,800  43,000  2.4.2      452,COO    •10.50
         1940. ... ,  ' .- ....  22,400  57.000     2.55       641,000      11.25
         1941. ...... , ........  36,700  84 .800     1,594,000      18.80
                             52,000     126,000     2.43     1,881,000      14.9a
         1942......... .. '
         1943......  ' "  ' '.-  , .-  71,300  191,000  2.68  2,468,000     12.92
         1944..... , ........  70,100   14{1 ,000   2.13     2,570,000      17.25
         1945..... " , .... -...  72,000  179,000   2.40     2,495.000      13.94
         19-16, .... ...........  68,900  145,000   2.10     2,092,000      14.43
         1941...... .- .........  71,900  156,000   2.17     2,722,000      17.45
          (1) Pommœ de terre, navets, betteravee. eto., en  (Il PotatoC8, tUrnlps, bcetll, etc., ln Clwt.j hay aod
         quintaux; foin et t,r.l!fie, malll et IUlerne en tonnœ.  claver, core and alfalfa, in tODA.
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