Page 341 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 341

320                            AGRICULTURE

                      ll-Valeur des fermes  au  Canada,  par provinces.
                           ll-Far:m Values in Canada by Provinces
                                                     Outî et
                         Anuées  TeL'min   B:l.1.iml'nt.1'l  1  frlo.cuinerie  Bétail
            PROVINCES      -       -         -          -         -        Total
                          Years   Land     Buldings  Implerr.ents  Lilre~toGk
                                                    M,cl mu.cLinery
         Ite-du-P.-E. ..P.KI.. ..  1941  17,754,500  16,621,300  S  5,801,400  6,517,877  $ 46,6915,077
                          1931  •23,233,900  • 19,686,500  8,115,900  • 7,2[15,729  5S,332,O:.!9
         ::'or.-Ecosse. .... N. S. ..  Hl41  29,426,400  ,  36,344,000  JO,960,800  11.632,661  88 ,363,861
                          1931   38,624,000  43,890,500  10.5':;4,100  12.808,810  105.877.410
         N.-Brunswick... '" ...  1941  27,790,400  JO,206,600  10,824,500  11,973,8;';9  80, 7!)5, 359
                          1931   .38, ::l1i0, 300  38,680,500  13,252,500  13,217,318  103,530,GI8
         Québec ... .... ........  1941  317,942,000  12~,416,500  85,203,400  111.185,062  730,740,962
                          1931  426,213,0<Xl  257,!H7, BOO  97,269, ,500  9,),873,210  877,273,510
         Ontario .. ..... .... ...  1941  4·lS,707,r.oo  31l7,HO,200  150,358.900  203,093,601  1,189,600,261
                          1931  585, ~37, gOG  487,009,300  151,928,200  liZ,S90,362 Il,307,665,762
         Ma.nitoha ..•...• ,. .....  1941  157,602,Boo  71,884,900  58,886.600  50,803,976  339,178.2.76
                          1931  200,270,300  88,389,200  54,847,200  44,635,428  388,142,128
         Sa<ikatdlowan... ..... ..  1941  505,325,200  152,268,600  142,754,400  05,065,031  896,013,231
                          1931  766, 3-HI, 000  223,7!J4.,jOQ  Pi.) , 510 . ,')00  ~'8, 008,978  1,272,6132,978
         Alberta. ........ ...  1911  372,982,400  117,844,000  116,127,900  104,065,896  711,020,106
                          1931  534,092,700  137, 33l, 700  lJ6.3QO,uQO  81,706,8J8  869,431 , 858
         Col. Hrit. .. ... B.C.....  1911  75,657,800  38,630.900  15,128,400  20,1345,827  150,0132,927
                          1931   98,356,900  46,224,300  12,S,35,500  17,370,175  174,837,175
             TOTAL. ........  194.1  1,951,119,000  1,016,657,000  59G,D4G,300  615,583,850  4,241,476,150
                          1931  2,110,299,000  1,34.2,898,GOO  &50,G45,300  543,783,109  5,347,626,009
           La rerre agricole occupée est exploit.{je soit  The occupied fann land is cu1tivuted either
         par le propriétaire soit par un locataire.  Dans  by the oWIler or by a tenant.  Particula.rly in
         les Prairies en pB;rticulier, l'étendue des terres  the Prairie Prm,inces, the area of rented fanus
         louées représentent une proportion considé-  (;{)nstitute an important porcentage of the
         rable de la superficie occupée.       occupied fann land.
           Le loyer est payé en argent, en nature ou en  Rent is payable in cash, in kind 01" in shares.
         partage.  Lors du recensement de 1941, on  At the 1941 Census, an estimation was made
         a. fait une estim&tion de l'équivalent en argent  of the ""1Llue of the rent paid'" in kind and
         du loyer payé en nature et en partage. En  in mares.  In 1931, the cMh l'alue of the rent
         1931, il n'avait pM été tenu compte du loyer
         payé en partage.  C'est ce qui explique la  paid in sha.res had not been computed. This
                                               accounts for the difference between the figures
         difiérence entre les chiffres de ces deux recen-
         sements.  JI faut aus8i remarquer que le mon-  of these two censuses.  It should aiBO be noted.
         tant du loyer se rapporte à, l'année antérieure  that the amount of rent reported is for the
         au recensement, soit 1940 et 1930 respective-  year preceding the cenaus. that is 1940 and
         ment.                                 1930 respectively
          12-Super6cie. des fermes occupée. et loyer payé, au Canada, par provinces.
               12-  Farm AreBs 0 cu ied and Rent Paid in Canada by Provinces
                                      Superficie occupée J;ar-Al'ea oecupied by
                                                                         Loyer payé
                         Année.s  Propriétaire  Gérant  Locataire  Autres   -
             PROVI);CES    -       -     1   -         -          -      Rent paid
                          Yearil  Owner    Manager    Tenant     Otller
                        ,         acres     acres      RC'IeS    a.cres     •
         De-du·P.·E, ...P.E.I...  1941  1,058,713  7,870  22,544  79,741     43,8ll0
         N.-Ecosse . ....:'i. S. ..  1931  1,104,750  43,277  13,596  189,856  11.5,130
                          1931   4,032,784    28,549    78,915    161,783   153,800
         N.-BrUIUlwick.  ..  1941  .  3,570,271  47.600  96.,560  2~!9,672  106,150
                          1931    3,825,087   24,794    94,301    207,414   122,220
         Québec..... ,. .... ....  1941  16,5.33,174  151,546  542,308  835,:J36  1,168,600
                          1931   15,911,014  100, .">89  523,056  769,505  1,042,380
         Ontario ... ... ..... ....  1941  17,074,876  312,673  2,24},455  2,758,977  6,912,320
                          1931   18,416,406  138,335  2,070,148  2,216,009  5,690,900
         Manitoba......... ....  1941  9,251,725  Hl,412  3,424,526  4,043,659  4,433,980
                          1931   9,064,093   208,683  2,884.682  2,974,227  574,470
         Saskatchewan .....  1941  23,660,313  1,245,725  13,285,130  21. 769. 759  15,874,750
                          1931   29,848,077  Hl,M3    8,242,504  17,141,336  1.009,690
         Alberta .........  1941  18,151,638  1,052,279  7,200,490  16,863,8M  9,954,:510
                          1931   20,616,694  806,310  5,817,679  Il,736.774  1,092,9130
         Col. Brit..... .B.C.. ...  1941  2,222,553  219,628  284,072  1,307,317  830,380
                          1931   2,113,792   376,141   307,472    74-1,136  1,043,510
             TOT.'L •. ........  ,,4.1  95,021,429  3,252,016  27,189,412  43,09••400  1  39,439,680
                          19"   104,912,697  2,128,452  20,032,151  J6,020,512  10,116,790
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