Page 313 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 313


          2-Subaidea pour les chem.ina de colonisation. par comtés électoraux, de 1939 à 1947.
          2-Subaidiea for Colonization Raads. by Electoral Counties, from. 1939 ta 1947.

                       1.939-40  1 194ü-41  li H141-42  1.942;-43  1943-44  1 1 1.944-45  1 1945-46  1  1946-47
            COMTts    1
                          $      $       $       $      $       $      $:5
         AbHlbL ...• " -. "'1  642,308  752,689  521,430  416,9.(9  384,543  303,782  415,464  8H,5.17
         Argenteuil ..... , •••  15,320  11,320  6,553  3,948  8,273  8,172  1,002  774
         Arthlloballkll.., .• , ••.  3.197  3,267  2,038  3,OM  3,418  2,453  297  3,997
         Beauce....••.•...•  14,~~~ .. • .. '8:094 .. ·.. 4;973 ·...... '4:2si ·.... 7::66ô ·.... iÙi9Ô .... 22·,.sis .... i7:382
         Belleeho.8!le .••.••••  50,777  22,047  6,675  6.0U9  5,200  6,349  5,480  3,388
         Berthier.......•••.  3,438  6,483  6,855  3,239  4,672  2,0151  540    998
         Bonaventure....••.  107,388  60,618  40,514  37,725  28,903  30,265  28,726  ,39,733
         Brome .....• ,  .  6,~~~  ~~~ .......798 :: :.. .. ... ..  323  . .. ..  7.96  300
         Champldll   .                                              .....   ...
         Cbarle\'oixSaguenay  100.945  31,101  34,3461'" 3'5',834 ... 'ù',3i4  3'2',043  39,715  .38:973
         Chicoutimi ..•.....  43,456  29,127  15,673  17,474  16,299  13,342  31,806  40,4"18
         Compton..•.......  6,317  5,848  36101   6431  18,727  17,446  12,542  24,251
         Deux-Montagnes...  2~:~~i  9:~~ .....:Ùio  7)~~                1,004  7,247
         Dorchester .....••.                             6,:~~ '" .'19;89ôl  38,991  66,825
         Drummond ... ,_ ...  3,99B  1,012  881   2,000  1,69ô   4.315  6,J04  6,298
         Frontenal1 ••••.••• ,  14,431  IO,OGl  8,654  9,43\1  10,025  3,991  24,981  20,147
         Gaspé ...••••...••.  ......... "1  79.719 ....  ..... ....  ....
         Gallpé-Nord.. , ., ..  122'2571  13,474  3<1,240 .... ·26;ôài  24",997  26,443  42',720  .":32:084
         Ga8pé~Sud.•..... "  103,917  16.625  31,427  22,155  21,753  21,617  22,658  30,831
         Gatlue!l.u..•• , " •••  13,626  .s,7~7  6,965  7,872  9,983  6.600  3,640  3,903
         Runtingdon  ,    1,382 ... , ..............•....•...... , .....•...............  .... ...... .." . ...
         lherville  , ..                                              " ...... .."
         nee-de-la.-Mll.d.•.•.  rI:m:::ùi~ :::l:iii :: i.~~ :~:~i .Hïï  ~:i~i
         Joliet·te..• __ .' _.•••  '                                         .Ï.s:47G
         Kam()uraska..•...•                                                    2,824
         Labelle .......•. " .  20,480  14,703  0,825  6,877  9,561  6,S98  21.179  32,893
         Lac-St-Jean.•.....  13,725  10,990  4,810  3,988  4,026  2,892  2,013  3.021
         L'Assomption  .  4~:~~~  '10',448' .... 5:389""                      '30:442
         Laviolette ......••.                     8:062···· ·13:045···· 9',840' ... '1Ii,659
         Lévis ......•••....  22,~~~  44',ois  33,~gg  iÙ75  25:iài  20,663 .,.. '10',1291'  57:ili5
         L'hlet  , •...•..
         Lothiniëre  .   25,639  12,702  10,995  11.580  7,723  10,486  7'2421  8,094
         MMkinongé ....•..  10,333  10,675  9,704  4,552  2 Q55  4.072  4,382  7,354
         Matane ........•..  60.301  37,302  44,473  3S,5521  43;254  102,811  85,312  227,452
         Mata.~di"   .   61,138  38,020  24,461  26,338  16,197  30,525  32,642  27,157
         Mégantic    .   21,397  23,239  9,379    9,002  8,468  18,276  29,430  37,266
         MiMisquoi. .' .•.• , .  3,698  484 .•...•.....•..........  .. " . 6:'189 ..... 9',682  ....
         Montcalm    .   21,960  8,740   5,337    3,U98                10:506  . ÏO)96
         Montma.gny  .   20,43~  21,616  11,368   7.017  6,802   7,642  4,008  3,SUO
         Montmorency  .  10,816  2,208   2.031     943    971    1,961   500    500
         Nicoll't ...•..••••••  12,162  3,964  2,613  4,453  3,973  10,168  8,18R  6,663
         Papineau..••••.•..  58,565  10,833  6,111  5,39:1  12,821  2.524  15,470  20,169
         Pontia.e ...••......  5,171  7,468  3,970  2,790  3,811  3.608  1.714  1,700
         Portneuf. ..•...•..  22,288  4,830  31,002  12,20ti  7,094  6,692  6,919  5,200
         Québec .....•••••••  4,904  3,628 . . .••. . . .. ...  ..... 4',14i  .....  498  597
         Richmond ..••••...  5,454  3,141  2,29-81  3,982        3:â34  6,017  6,941
         Rimomki     .   58,681  33,283  88,914  107.151  65,730  78,572  56,141  61,617
         Riviilre-du-LOllp..•.  5,680  5,042  7,268  5.112  4.679  5,688  (1)  .5,43-1;
         Roberval.  , " ..•  52,558  43,929  27,406  44,798  33,677  29,253  27,564  75,063
         Rouville    .
         Rouyn-Noranda  .                            ::::::::::  6·0,808 ····49',i47 ....48:374
         St--Hyartnthe  , •                                                    ~:~~§
         Saint-Maurice  .  ." "li.s34 ..... 7:867 ..... 4·,990· ...... 3',6Si ..... 2',giG  2',279 ..... '7;760
         BhefIord    .
         Sherbrooke .....•••  2,b~~ ·····3:404 ······1:746 ·······ï,799 ·····2:â48 ·····4:396  ····7·,Ô37 ····4;008
         Boulangee. _  .  1,168 .......•....••.• , .•.....••.••........................•......
         Btanste&d   .    1,293 .•. . . . .. .. ..  . . ... . .. . . . .  . ...
         Témia<oamingue  .  289,910  :l/32,321  . ïù:œ?8  90,020'" 85',370  24:722· .. ·3S:62i .... 80,043
         T~miMouata  '.  65.464  79,459  77,481  143,021  110,993  133,518  fi9,60.5  80,276
         Vaudreuil   .   ::::MI  1~:~!!::::: ':7~8:::: 4~~':: :":~~::: ~:~8"1:'" .1~:~0l  ~::~:
         Verchère8   .
         Wolfe       .   u,n5    1.1:~~~ ..... ~:~~~ ....... ~~~~ ..... ~:~~: .....1~:~~~ .::: :1~:)~~  14,~~2
         Yama8ka  _  ..
         Divers-Sundriea  .  ..........  14,105  12,088  11,026  7,524  13,207  27;488
         Remhoursem(-nte  . .;.~~:~~; ·~.8~~:;~1·~.~;:;;~ 1,2:::::: 1.'::::~ ~~I·~.;~~·.~I 2.11'~:~8
            TOTA.L ....••.•
           (1) Comprie dans K.a.mouTaW.         (1) Inc1uded in Kamouraska.
           NOTA..-Les chiffres dee années 1934-35 è. 1937-38 se  Nora.-Figute<J for the years 1934-35 to 1937-38 will
          troU\'ent à la page 180 de l'Annuaire 1938, ceUll: de 193()..  be found Il.t page 180 of the 1938 Year Book, ror the
          :n à 1933-34, à la page 170 ,:le l'Annuaire 1935, ceux de  }· 193()..31 ta H133-34 at 170 of the 193J Year
          1867 à HI20 à la pago 155 de l'Annuaire 1931.  Les  Book: for the years 1867 to 1920 at page 155 of the 1931
          chiffres pour les apnéee 1920 à l'él30 ont étê publié~ daM  Year Book.  Figures for the ye".f8 1920 to 1930 have
          lee éditions annuelles des annuB.iree 1922 à 1932.  beeo publiBhed yearly În the annual editions of tbe Yee.r
                                               Book frOID 1922 to 1932,
   308   309   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318