Page 308 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 308

        2l-Salairell l gages et revenu supplémentaire du travail, par province., 1938-46.
       21-Salariee, WageB and Supplementary Labour Incarne, by Provinces, 1938-46.
                         (M:illions de dollars-:Millions of Dollars)
            PROVINCES      193~  1939  1940  1941  1942  1943  1944  HI45  1946 (1)
                                --- --- ------ --- --- --- ---
                            • ,   •     •     •     •     •     •     •     •
       Ile-du-P.-E ...... P. E. I. ...  8  9    9     9    11    13    14    15
       N.-E............ N. 8 .....  101  100  122  145  183  207  222  220   230
       N.-BruIlEwick.............  .7  69  77  89    104   115   123   130   138
       ~~:i~·.·::.·.:::::~:::::::.  1,032  1,074  1,240  1,524  1,187  1,338  1,380  1,365  1,414
       1-1a.nh.oba................ ..  13~  145  159  187  204  212  238  247  269
       Saskatchewan............ ..  99  105  115  126  133  142  160   170   187
       Alberta.... .....     129   134   147   171   184   205   228   238   271
       C.B. (2) .. ..... .B"C: (2):.  241  247  279  326  430  520  500  487  524
                          --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------
             CANADA •••••••• ...  2,476  2,565  2,922  3,555  4,219  4,703  4,869  4,85'  5,111
            22-Revenu net des entreprises individuelles, par provinces, 1938-46.
              22-Net Income of Indivi.duaI Enterprise, by Provinces, 1936-46.
                           (Millions de dollars-Millions of Dollars)
                                                  ~-I---'""-        ------
            PROVIKCES      1938  1939  1940  1941              1944  1945  11946 (1)
                            • ,   • ,   •     8     8     •     •     •     •
       Ile-du-P.-E ..... .P. E. I. ...    7     8     12    14    13    15    16
       N .-Ecosse..  .N.S. ... ..  31  27  32   315  40     52   55     5'    74
       N .-BI1Jnswick..  " ....  18  20   24    28   37    45                 52
       Québec..    .. ....   175   190   218   2.52  294   333   352   34;Pi  424
       Ontario               298   300   328   398   494   480   533   5S5   661
       Ma.uitoba........ .. .....   62    72   89    142   153   155   132   181
       Saskat.chewan... .....  "   133   129   111   332   238   393   24:i  332
       Albertu ... ..... :::8". ·C: "<2i  104  100  123  112  2clG  178  240  193  263
       C.B. (2).              63    63   68    90    99,   112   117   132   148
                          ---               ---~:r··..I~I",o.       --------
             CANADA..   ..   soo        1,001                         1.742  2,151
       23----Revenu de8 exploitants agricole8, provenant de la production agricole cou_
                             rante(3). par provi.nces, 1938-46.
       23-Inc.ome of Farm Operators from Current Farm Production (3) , by Province8,
                           (Millions de dollars-~fillions of Dollars)
            PROYINCE'S     1938  1939  1940  1941  1942  1943   1!>44  1945  1946 lI)
                                                  --- --- --- --- ---
                            •     •     8     8     •     8     •      •     •
        L P.-E .. _ ....P. E. 1.. ....  3  4  4  5    8     la    •     10    la
        N.-F..... .. ... N.S...... ...  13  •  11  •  12    1•    17    14    21
        N.-B...  . .. .:"{.B..... ..  7  8  11  13    20    26    25    23    26
        2 ui-bec.. ... ... .... ......  6'  78  92  107  138  170  175  152  108
         ntario ....... .... ... . '"  131  129  137  178  267  246  282  301  324
        Manitoba .... , .... ........  34  38  43  55  107  115  114    86   128
        Sat;lœt('hewau. ..... ..... .-..  25  110  103  81  301  205  355  205  284
        Alberta.. ...   ...   79    74    .3    78   208   138   196   135   208
        C. B. (2) ...... B.C. (2) ....  14  13  14  22  28  40    40    45    49
                          --- --- --- --- --- ------- ---- ---
             C.l..N.l..D.l.. •••••••••••  .71  46.  50.  54.  1,089  969  1,213  971  ',244
         (1) Préliminaires.                   (1) Preliminary.
         (2) Comprend le Yukon et les TerritoireB du Nord·  (2) Ineludes Yukon and Norlhwest Territories.
         (3) Ces chiffres sant compris dana le tableau préeédent.  (3) Thelle figures are included in Table 4.
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