Page 127 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 127

Dft.IfOGRAPHIE-VlTAL STATISTICS                    113

                     rO-Population de la province de Québec, pal' com.tés.
                     70-Population of thfi' Province of Quebec, by Counties.

                 CO::\1TÊ8                        tation
                   -             1931     2941     -       1945     1940     1947
          Abitibi. .....          23,692  67,689   43, 9g7  72,742   74,197  00,000
          Argenteuil...          18,976   22.070    3,594   24.358   24,845  25.250
'kg.,         27,159  30,039    2,880   32,277   32,923  33.628
          Bagot.                  10,914  17,64-2    728    18,956   19,335  19,044
          BE'auoo........        41,720   44,743    3,1J23  48,076   ·t9,038  61,238
          B~auhll.rnois..        2.3,103  30,269    ".106   32,.324  33,174,  34,075
          BeLlecha.sse.           22,005  23,676    1,670   25,439   25.948  2IJ,457
          Bertllier., ...         19,506  21,233    1,727   22,815   23,271  23,670
          Bonll.yenture ......    32,432  39,196    6,764   42,112   42,954  43,871
          BrÔme ....             12.433   12,485      52    13,414   13,682   I.3.725
          Chambly ..   ....      26.801   32,454    5,653   ai,869   35,56(1  36,166
          ChampI& ,..........  28,888  32.1390  3.802  35,123   35,825  36,422
          Charlevoh:-Saguena~"..  42.517  52.014    9,497   55,887   57,005  58,555
          Cllisteauguay..  . .. ....  13.125  14,443  1. 318  15,519  15.829  113.150
          Cllicoutimi.   ....    55,724   78,881   23.157   84,757   86.452  91,500
          Compton........ ... ... .  20,3134  20,756  392   22,303   22.749  23,147
          Deux-Moutagnes.. .. .........  14 ,284  16,746  2,4132  17,993  18.353  18,725
          Dorchester.....  ........  31.067  33,055  1,988  35,517   36,227  37,128
          Drummond...  ..... .....  26,179  36,683  10,504  39,416   40,204  41,205
          Frontenac.    ....     23,806   26,789    2,983   28,783   29,358  30,135
          Gaspé-est...  " ..     28,433   33,871    5,438   36,394   37,122  38,220
          Gaspé-ouebt .. ..       9.242   12,397    3,155   13,321   13,587  13,975
          Gatineau...    ...      26,925  29,754    2,829   31,969   32.608  33,550
          Hull........      ...  30,945   41,434    4.489   44,518   45,408  46,475
          Huntingdon...  ...      12,345  12,394      40    1.3,317  13.583  13,750
          IbemJe............      9,402   10,273     871    11 ,037  Il ,237  11.478
          Ile""de-la.-Madeleine. ...  7,942  8,940   998     9.005   9,797    9.950
          Joliette.  ...          27.585  31,713    4,128   34,074   34,755  35,628
          KamOUrLt5ka. ... ..  ...  23.954  25.535  1,581   27.437   27,985  28,351
          Labelle.......... .......  20,140  23.042  2,902  24,759   25,254  25,063
          Lac Saint-Jean ..       20.217  25,245    5,028   27,126   27,669  28,569
          L'A8pomption.           15,323  17,543    2,2213  18,849   19,226  19,593
          Lavioletr.e..  ............  31,047  35,367  4,320  38,002  38,762  39,764
          L~vi".. ....  .....     35,656  38,119    2,463   40,959   41,778  42,583
           L'18let.....           19,404  20,589    1,185   22.121   22,545  23,071
          Lotbiuièr€'. , ... .......  23,034  26,064  3,630  28,651  20,224  29,824
          Maekinongé..  .......   11,,039  18,206   2,167   19,561   19,952  20,364
          ]  .....   20.977  25,488    4.511   27,387   27,935  28,8.15
          Jda.tapédia,. .... .. .......  24,295  29,920  5,631  -'32,IJfo  32,799  34.050
          Jvlêgaude...  .... ....  35,492  40,478   4,986   43,493   44,363  45,213
          Mii'l8isquoi, . ...... ...  19,536  21,442  1,806  23,037  23,498  23,745
          Montell.lm.             13,86,")  14,731   ~6     15,827   16,144  16,447
           ::.\lonhnagny...  ....  20, 2:~9  22,049  1,810  23,692   24,16,)  24,680
           Montmorene~'..... ....  16,95[)  18,602  1,647   19,987   20,387  2O.7g5
          Montréal & Ib;us ..   1,020,018  1,138,431  118,413  1,225,337  1,248,275  1,259,923
          Napierville-Laprairie .. . " ...  21.091  22,059  9118  23,703  24,177  24,575
          Kirolet...  ........    28.573  30,08"    1,412   32,324   32,970  33,4130
          Papineau. ... ....  ...  29,246  27,551  (1)  1,695  29, B03  30, 19.'i  30,692
          Pontiae ...... ....     21,241  19,852  (1)  1,38g  21,330  21,757  22,000
          Portneuf....  .....     35,890  38.996    3,106   41,900   42,738  4.3,[)52
          Quêber....  .... ....  170,915  202.882  31,967  217,990  222,350  227,300
          RicbeJiI)'~.. .. ....   22,843  23, Gill  2,208   25.453   25,962  26,660
          Rirhmond. .. ...        24.956  27,456    2,500   27,351   27,898  28.47[)
          Rimouski. ........ ......  33.1[)1  44,13g  10,988  47,424  48,372  49,800
          Rivière-du-Loup..  ........  3a.589  34,493  904  37,060   37,801  38,560
          Roberval. .. ....       30.036  39,061    9,025   41,968   42,807  44,100
          Rouville.               13,776  15,842    2,066   17,023   17,363  17,515
          Shellord ....  .... ...  28,262  33,387   5,125   35,872   30,587   37,380
          Sherbrooke..    .....   40,814  49,984    9,170   53,707   54,781   55,681
          SoUlanl;ef...  .....    9,009    9,328     22'.l  10,020   10,220  10,310
          Sta,nstell.d......... . .. "  ..  25.118  28,030  3,[)12  30,763  31,378  31,872
  .. . ..... ..  2.j,8[)4  31.645  ,),791  ai ,003  34,683  3[),000
          SaLnt-Jean......... ..... ....  17,649  20,584  2,93[)  22,117  22,500  22,971
          Saint-lvlaul'ioe.....   139.09[)  80,352  11,257  96,335   88,061   91,200
          1'éloiseamin,gue. .. ,.  20.609  40,471  19,862   43,486   44,356  47,250
          Témiseouata .. ..  ....  16,705  23.276   6,751   25.010   25,510  20,050
          Terrrbonue.             38,611  47.281    8,670   50,800   51,816   53,250
           Va.udL·euil.  .......... .....  12,015  13,170  1,155  14,152  14,43,")
          VerclH'~1"% .......  ....  12,603  14,214!  1,611  15,272  15,577   14,6,.."(1
          Wolfe ..... ........ ....  16.911  17,oj.92~  581  18,79[)  19,171  19,563
          Ya.II:LBf>k13. ......... .. .. , ....  Ifj,820  16,516  (1)  30'  17,746  18,100  18,400
           Nol~veau-Qllébee.. ..... ....  Z .177  3,067  890  .....  ... ....  ....... ...
            (1) DimÎnution,                      (1) DeClTl'
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