Page 120 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 120

106                           POPUL.4TION

                        64-Nombre de maisons, au Canada, par provinces.
                       64-Num.ber of Buildings, in Canada, by Provinces.

                  PROVINCES           1891    1901   1911   1Q21    1931  19-n (2)
        De--du·Pr,.tdou..o.rd ..•Prince Edw. Island •. '  18,389  18,530  18,237  18,628  18,521  19,719
        Nouvelle-1!:ooss5., .••. Nova. Scotia .•..•....  79,102  85,313  93,7B4  102,807  101,630  114,451
        Nouveau-BlllIlllwiok •• New Brunsw:ick ...•..  54,718  118,226  60,930  70,428  72,197  8::1,429
        Québec, ••....... , .•• Quebec. , ••• , ....••• ,  246,644  291,427  340,196  3GB,3M (l) 381,052  436.012
        Ontario .....•.......•. , ........•........  406,948  445,310  529,190  637,552 1  746,889  779,751
        ManUoha........•..... , , ...•...•....••..  30,790  49,784-  8lS,72Q  U7,MI  134,663  149,206
        Sultat.ebewan...•..•................•...• ...... ,...  17,465  118,283  103,561  192,752  206,291
        Alberto.." .......•.. , ........ , .......... ...  14,842  87,672  136,125  165,3~  185,585
        Colombie-Brit..•..••. Brit. Columbia.••••..  '20',OÎO'  86,938  74,577  119,003  166,2Hi  207,120
                C,O(ADÀ .. ...... ............  856.607 1.D18.D15 1,401.689  1.764,129  1,984.216  2,181,564

          (1) L'mc1uslOn des plaID-pIed comme classificBtion  (1) The inclusion of "flats" a.':I a distincti...e c!Msifica-
        distinctive, en 1931, e::lplique la différence letl  tion in 1931, explaiD!:! tbe difference belween the figure>!
        chiffres deI! deux derniers recensement.s,  for t.he IMt two cenSUSI'-!I.
         (2) Chifires levisés,                 (2) Revisl'd figures.
        6S-Maisons, logem.enh, ménages, fam.illes et personnes dans les familles, par
                                   provinces, en 1941.
        6S-BuiIdings, DwelIing8:! Households, Families and Persons in FamiBes, by
                                   Provinces:! in 1941.
                                Logeme.llts-Dwellings         Fo.mille&   Enf.llJlh
                      l\laÎ~oIlfl                   M~Df4l:es   -         do.IlB la
          PROVINCES     (1)   VlI.cantIJ  Occup!!s-ûccupil'd  -  FlI.milie8  famille
                      Buildings  -                  House-                  (2)
                              VlI.eant  Pos!!édês  Lonés  holds  1 Per~nIles  Children
                                       -      -             Total        inFllmiJy
                                     Owned  \ Rented               Persons
                                     RURAUX-  RURAL
        Ile.du-P.-E.... , ....•  15,512  1  13,771  1  376  15,310  14,li41 1  61,929'  31,535
        N.-tcos~..........  70,378  3,3Hi  57,487  11 1,,068  1  70,404  65,613  271,633  134,781
        N.-BruD.ll'l\iek ..•....  61,697  2.525  40,612  11,268  62,278  62,101  282,727  152.555
        ~ébeo.•...........  217,308  8.367  177,242  35,330  218,653  212,722 1,117,715  657,138
         ntario..•.........  351, 770  12,8l3  2,'H ,930  102,323  363,258  335,236 1,260,123  567,971
        Manitoba .....•....  91,570  1,405  65,889  24,4&3  92,578  86,638  366,034  184,807
        SaskatcheWIiD..• , ...  140,266  4,761  91l,047  8.5,457  137,347  122,243  537,068  28::1,650
        Alberta, .......... '  118,872  2,853  89.381  27,058  118,209  101,463  428,041  220,679
        Colombie-Brit. _. _. , .  503  3,358  34,003  106.639  87,327  308,393  133.194
                       100'  1        69,400 1
           CANÀDA. ... , .•. 1,173,906  40,052  875,659  2S2,!26  1,184,676  1,087,184  4,633,663  2,3GG,41.O
        P,-E. hlBnd., ..•. , ..  4,177  98  2.498  2,434  5.122  ,',049/  20,121  9,625
        Nova SCotia ........ ·  44,073  525  27,899  26,730  58.237  57,948  228,049  IDS,170
        N .Brunswick....... _  21,732  397  11,785  19.216  32,321  31,378  121,413  06.349
        Quebeo.............  218.704  5,954  1 110,146  321,811  444,773  435,224 1,820,113  888,733
        Ontario .... , .......  427,981  8,651  261,973  293,108  û06,009  573,974 1.975,670  802,327
        Manitoba ..........  57,636  957  34,947  37,366  84,364  79,611  270,672  106,287
        Ba8ke.tcbewan..•....  66.02.'i  1,704  34,628  37,051  77,592  67,894  247,924  111,362
        Alberto. ............  66,713  1,187  37.645  39, l62  83'5871  74,281  259,683  109,936
        Brit. Columbia, .•..  617  2.503  60,346  65,765  129,408  112,056  360,778  133,372
                       100'  1                                          -
             CANA.DA ... , 1,007,658  21,956  5111,867  832,7B3  1,521,413  1,437,415  5,3D4,323  2,326,161
        I1e-~u-P.-E....... , ._  19,719/  753 ,  16.269  3,810 1  20,432  19,590 1  82,050  41.160
        N._ •eosse..........  114.451  3,840  85,386  37.798  128,Ml  123,501  499,682  242,951
        N.-Brunswick.......  83,429  2,922  61,397  30.484  94,599  93,479  404,140  209.004
        8u~bec.............  436.012  14,321  287,388  357,141  663,420  647,946 2,937,828 1,545,871
         ntario............  779,751  21,454  513,903  395,491  969,267  909,2lO 3,235,793 1,370,298
        MalÛtoba ..........  140,206  2,342  lOl,836  61,819  ]76,942  166,249  6.16,606  291,094
        BaskatchcwaD., .....  206,291  1  6,465  134,575  72,598  214,93B  190,137  784,992  395,012
        Alberta ........... ,  185, 5f\51  4,040  127'0261  66,220  201,706  175,744  687,724  330,615
        Colombie_Brit.. ,....  207,120  6,861  129,746  9G,268  236,047  199,383  669,171  266,556
                     2,181,564  52,DO&  1.457,526  I,W,S29  2,7OG,089  2.525,299  9,937,986  4,692,571
          ) MaisoDs ser\'S.nt d'habitations Ileulement.  (1) Buildings use<! tor habitation only.
          2) 24 ans ou moins,                 (2) 24 years and under.
         ~ uimme r«:it'1WIement àu Ca7JQda, Bulletin HF·3.  Ei(Jhth Cm8U' of Canllàa, Bulletin No. HF-S.
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