Page 251 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 251
Les contribuables, avec l'appui financier du The cost of education is bom by the rate-
gouvernement, pourvoient à l'entHltien de leurs payers with the help of the Government. The
éooles, Les revenus néoessitf':' par l'Ildminiatrll,: necessary revenue for the maintenance of
tion proviennent de [a taxe imposée sur [es sohools is produced by a. tax upon the im-
biens-fonds de la municipalité, de la rétribution Ulovables of the municipality, the lnonthly
mensuelle exigible pour tout enfant d'âge soo- contribution fol' each chiId of school age and
laire et de certllines contributions ou taxes sp&- certAin oontributions or special taxes. The
cia[es. Les octrois accordés par la Législature grants given by the Legislaturehelp to
contribuent au maintien des écoles primaires et primary schools and superior and technical
favorisent l'enseignement supérieur et techni- Needy municipalities are given add j.
que. Les munioipalités pauvres reçoivent des tional subsidies.
su bvontions additionnelles,
Le taux de la taxe scolaire, par cent dollars, The rate of the school taX, per hundred
varie d'une municipalité à l'a.utre selon les exi- dollars, varies with the different Ulunioipn.1ities,
gences ou la riéhesse immobilière des résidents; according to requirements or the landed wealth
il peut dépasser trois dollars dans certains of the residents, amounting ta more than three
a.rrondissements et n'être qu'une légère fraction dollars in sorne distriots and only a fraction of
de dollar ailleurs. L'Etal fin!lw:ù'( des corpora- a. dollar eLsffwhere. The Financial Stal.ement of
tions Bcolaires pu bHé annuellement par le School Corporation.~ published annuaUy by
Burea·u des Statistiques contient des rensei- the Bureau or Statistics gives more detailed
gnements détaillés sur oe sujet, Les corpora- infonna.tion on the subjoot. The school corpor-
tions scola.îres ont [e droit de saisir et de vendre ations have the power to seize and sell the
les biens-meubles et effets des personnes inscri- properties and effects of the persons insoribed
tes au rôle de perception qui n'ont pas acquitté on the assessment roll in order to recover
leurs taxes. aliounts due for taxes.
46-Montant des contributions scolaires.
46-Amount of Contributions for Schools,
l'a~'e par le.-Paid hy the
A]';NJ::ES Conlribuahl....-H",. J!:coles clu ~(lUvpr-
indépend. Dement Gr.nd
- Ta:te Tax.e Rétribution R.evenus Bubvention- Tolal provincinl tolal
généralo spéciale men.!:iuello di\~ers nées - (1)
YEAHS - - - - - ProviDc~nl
General S[)edlll i....lonthly Mlscella- Indcp.nd. Goverr~-
T:tX Tax Fees neoua Blll»oidize<! ment.
Seliool. Granta
..__ .. -- _.,._---_.._-
$ :1 $ $ J S $ •
1943-14 .... 22,826,712 728,K;6 566,083 1,448,211 11 ,670,391 36,674,170 15,390,295 62,070,465
]942-43.... 21,703,684 675,057 1,002,658 1,277,957 11,740,293 36,489,649 13,901,936 60,391,585
1941-42 .... 22,043,936 737,199 97L, 79~ 667,494 10,463,678 35,484, lOI 10,720,140 47,420,840
1940-11 .... 21,1~l,87S 676,017 1,031.913 *~82,198 10,15l,277 *3~, B66 ,283 *2)5,379,235 *39,490,422
1939-10 .... 19,6:}3,02() '-)51,,;78 974,740 *561,011 10,119,660 *:l2, 100,009 • 7,462,000 *39,637,126
1938-30 .... 19,171,795 511,529 9·19,414 "623,420 9,2n,D'la *aO,581 ,201 *7,119,361 *37,832,199
1937-38. 18,586,103 52·1,0.;7 890,137 1,113,716 8,6.14,917 20,7GS;930 7,786,169 37, 556,09!l
1936-37 .... 17,900,122 10:1,1<82 R67.877 1,215,305 8,226,429 28,703,615 fi ,76:1,651 34.467,266
103(,..36 .... 17,883,(159 ;;IO,lllU S~\),721 1,496,139 7,8SB,16R 2R,f,O!), 19G 6,524,726 34,133,921
1934·35 .... 17,566,:lôl 5GO.!<:i5 8:!,~,237 1,278,961 7.778,067 28,U22,461 5, 2a5 ,005 33,257 ,~66
1933-34. .... 20,2.,5,614 1,369,916 ........... 7,521,09l; 29,146,658 5,210,518 34,360,176
1932-33 .... 18,702,41:; 325,574 505,235 ........... Q,IOl,962 28, 72r" 184 6,866,779 34,691,903
19:1J·32 .... 17 ,808,405 400,593 632,791 ........... 9,818,971 23,666,761 6,81~,737 34,483,498
1030-31 .... 18,200,1106 490,377 616,735 ........... 10,036,360 2ll ,3ilO, 278 1),804,746 36,166,024
J()2(}-30 .... 17,084,462 ,;28,r,20 566,735 ........... 10,476,650 28,656,367 6,006,164 34, &82 ,530
1928-21) .... 17,0';5,200 014,429 560,006 ........... 9,769,07& 27,964,711 4,952,778 32,917,489
1927-28 .... 16,000.1!l!) fi65.138 .>63,616 ........... 9,500,3)3 26,729,566 4,152,310 30,881,878
1926-27 .... 15,0~'1,641 5S~,:lr.() M9,725 ........... 9,036,130 25,823,855 3, Ps:l, 763 29,807,608
1925-26. 1;), 12:1,mm 521,4H 030,762 ........... 8,738,021 25,Ol6,Sll6 3,790,545 23,816.441
1!l24-25 .... 14 ,550,164 978,81)0 636,261 ........... ll,043,ü:IO 25.200,251 3.771,317 28,080,668
1923-24 .... la ,860, 107 939, HB 612.311 ........... 8,670,1:i7 24,141.063 3.776,676 27,017,738
1922-23 .... 12,427,783 906,618 600,717 ........... 8,200,0'10 22,135,158 3,261,111 25,396,269
1921·22 .... Il,7,;8,793 907,7e:; .520,49S .. ......... 8,180,734 21,367.788 2,604 ,409 23,072,107
1920-21 .... 10,796,468 715.~~7 497,683 .. .. ... .... 7,762,000 19,771,608 2.351.471 ~2, 122,(178
19W-20 . .• 9,181,296 626.2:J:j 44(1.050 ........... 6,610,718 10,867,297 2,334,100 19,201,406
(1) y COmprL3 J.. oontrlbutlons au.vaute~ du gou'-'er- (1) The following oontrlbutions by the FederRl
nement fédéral: 31,210,040 en I!HI-l2; S244,OO,1 en Goverement are illcluded: SlL2IO,040 in li}41-42; 3244,904
1940-11; $26,117 On W39-10 el $131,63G Cn 1938-3il. in 1940-41; $25,117 ln 1939-10; and 1131,636 ln 1033-39.
(2) L'année financière du gouvernement DO couvre (2) The 11140-41 fisrlll yenr of the Government cove."
Que 9 moi. en Ill40-4L niDe montho only.
• Chiffree revisés et qui ne sont pas at.riclerncnt com- * Jo'iguTea revise<! and no~ otrlot.Jy oon,parabl e witb
pATBblea 1\ ceu:a: deas BDnéee ant(·rieurp.~. thos6 fof' previouB years.
Extrall de SIRltRtlque" dfl l'EnrelQlIfltltmt, Québee. E~tr"et from Educat-ional Slah.liu, Qucbec.