Page 189 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 189

172                           POPUL,lT10N
                              87-Décès causés par quelques maladies, au Canada, pLr provinces, en 1945.
                              87-Deaths Caused by Certain Diseasetl, in Canada, by Provinces, in 1945.
                                                  Tubetculooe     Maladies du oœur
                                                   Tubeteulo.i.   . Heart. Disease.
                                                Nombre   'l'aux  Nombre    Taux    N'OIl1bre  Taux
                                                          (2)               (2)              (2)
                                                Numbcr   llate   Number    Rate    Number   Il.ate
                          Ile-du-P.-É.. ,  P. E. 1  .  ·u  45.6     228     247.8     110    110.6
                          N.-F,~o..c  N. Seotla  .  :n7    5·1.2   1.250    201.3     765    123.2
                          N.-nl"unawick      .     2G6     5ü ..~   048     20:J.6    495    105.8
                          Québoc             .    2.567    7l.!>   6,471    181.7    ~.~~    101l.0
                          Ontario            .    LO:;:l   2.i.S  12.613    :ll;; 0  (',21")  131. 7
                          MILoitob  _        .     3H      42.7    1. -"l)(l  215 4   871    llS.3
                          Sa kat.obewaB      .     227     :":H.!·)  1.(;(';7  1!17. :3  1'12  !lU.1
                          AlIJcrta       .         2!)U    31.3    1, 6·14  10!1.0  8.,,30   100.5
                          Colombie-Urit  B. C  .   52!     ,5!i.2  3.017    317 [~   1.40R   1-18.2
                          __.....C_.'_"_·A~DA ......•....  5,559  54.9  29,644  245.0  1<1;41'1  U9.1
                                                   PmllllIloüle      Nephrite         "Yiolenee
                                                   Pneumonta         NephriLi.       VioleIlt Dea th.
                          ne-l\l-P.-É  P. E. (.  .  30     42.4      54     58.7       55     ,'m.8
                          N .-l1co~~c  N. Scotia  .  3JJ   5:l.U    302     48.6      :;:30   ~:J.l
                          N.-Brut wick       .     :?:?-(.  6U.:!   263      56.2     :l08    6ii.8
                          8~~~~:i~4": :.',","..:..:.':::..".  1,717  40.1  3,291  4;j..5  1,789  50.2
                          Ma.nil:oba...  .         3.).1   $;) .•j  20:3     27.6     415     60.5
                          Sa~h:al.chewtln  .       378     H.7      3:;9    40.1      ·1;13   5!. 2
                          Alberta            .     Jfll    H.I      25;3    30.0      5·16      .1
                          CoIOlubie-Brit  E. C  .  3 -.    40 Q     390     41.1      iltll    ':.8
                              CANADA.•..••....    5,540    45.8    ',917     57.2    7,7'2    64.1
                          88-Taux de mortalité (2) par certaines maladics dans les cités et villes (3).
                              88-Death Rate (2) (rom Certain Diseases in Cities and Towns (3).
                                             Maladies anfeclieus,,"    Affection. du C""ur
                            CITÉS ET VILLES       (l)                       Cancer
                                             Tnfectious Deseasea  Tuhr.rculo:;i~       Heart Diseaqes
                            CITIES AND TOWNS
                                               1044   19·15  1044  lQ45   1944         1944   1945
                          A.b."!.",,.           78.7   41';'9  B3.0  X1.5  47.2  114.1  47.2   97.8
                          S"p-d.o-Ia-;'\·IILdeleine.........  7.8  51.5  100.0  10:;.0  93.4  101.2  9:1.4  116.7
                          ClllOOuLlllll........... ......  17.2  20.0  114.7  121.8  45.9  98.6  6J.l  lil.2
                          nru"""oodville.............  8.9  17.6  62.3  70.5  53.4  97.0  124.7  IH.O
                          Granl,?:............... .....  6.5  6.6  05.4  (PL3  104.7  16~.9  209.4  150.8
                          GralldMêre................  21.9  10.8  120.4  :i'1.1  ï6.6  1lJ~.1  104.2  151.4
                          H1I11...........  .•.  11.4  J.6   88.4   5!J.3  Y'1.2  115.8  165.6  240.1
                          Joliette........      37.8   29.2  l.1.5.9  1~1.4  }[,!l.O  116.8  188.8  204.4
                          Jooquil'rc.......     10.4   47.~  IH7.5  1211.4  64.7  87.9  84.1  101.4
                          ](6.IIOP;:UHÎ. . • • • . • . • • . • . • . . • .  83.2  1S. ~  180.2  00.0  W.3  m.7  g.2  84.0
                          Lachine....................  10.3  ·L6  90.3  J7.1  1401.5  171.7  317.8  366,7
                          L.chute  ,                 "       8R.6  140.2  InO.5  227.8  124.0  122.6
                          Ll\'l'uque..          11.7   11.8  17J.7  141.0  70.~  10';.8  17:;.7  47.0
                          1,811'OU.....................  83.Y.....  36.0  5\1.1  107.9  04.5  203.8  212.7
                          Lévis                 40.6   17.8  56.8  1011.7  A9.3  93.1   137.9  j:n.9
                          L.ongueuil. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .  e9·.3  39.4  55.5  1;.,.7  13S.6  ln 7  374.3  27.; 8
                          Maltolt   ·           71.8   51.5  20.5   30.9   (12.3  164 ..~  205.0  20J7. 2
                          M<'lllt,"",gny  "   .. .. . ..  .. .. .  100.7  162.4  201.5  142.1  J01.2  1.<2.7
                          Montré"1.        ".    8.8   7.1   70.4   H.iA  14~.2  .HO.:,  2U4..2  2:30.4
                          MOlltr~ul-N      ".          15.1   70.1  60:;   79.1  .1;,1.3  174.1  196.0
                          Outn.~In.out...•.•..•.....•......... ,..  :::.0  3H.6  2·\.2  214.4  1';:1.4  270.5  320.8
                          Q1IelJoc   ".........  24.2  3"."  112.7  DU.3  1:12.1  J;>3.7  114.5  IK2.7
                          Himouski.  ,..........  27.5  26.6  lM.8  7!1.7  12:1.0  02.!1  r  123.6  2.,2.3
                          Ri\ièm-dll-Loup.............  22.6  5:;.4  67.0  117.5  12·1.5  106.8  .16.a  64.1
                          Houyn ......... "..........  61.1".. .. .. .  30.6  &\.5  61.1  \)':;.1  101.9  74 0
                          St-Hyacinthe... ..... .......  16 of.  l.i.7  104.8  78 .4  21" .1  107 3  3,,8.a  2:10 1
                          St-Je..o-HL. Jobo...........  7.0.... .....  1O:i.O  75.0  !'4.0  9':;.5  2-15.0  231.0
                          8t-./6r6l1l6..................  8.3  65.7  49.9  904  110.3  ?:l.9  224.4  221.8
                          St-Jo.cph·d·Alm8............  56.1  10,8.7  1\-1.1  U5A  1-1.0  72.2  56.1  101.0
                          St-J,'''''l'b-de-Orantbam......  50.3  6'1.4  83.8  41>.3  67.0  80.6  117.3
                          St-Lamhcrt_.... .. .. . .. ..  .."..... ... ....  30.9  72.5  77.3  1,,0.5  231.8  319.1
                          St-l.aurent         "  ".    20.S   7!l.S  59.6  223.3  208.7  271.2  IM.O
                          Shawiniga. Falls............  18.2  13.7  ,.1.7  77.8  91.2  41.2  Ra.7  lœL9
                          Sberbrooka.................  18.4  7.8  102.6  31.1  126.3  I:J!l.7  202.6  18R.9
                          Sorel.......................  3R.6  7.6  61.8  60.8  131.3  6.'l.4  18.;.3  2:iO.7
                          Thetford·Mines......   7.4   22.0  ·236. ~  ·1l7.1  ·73.8  n,i.l  243.5  2H.5
                          Troi.-Hivihes...............  Hi.7  6.6  71.0  97.S  76.4  Q7.5  15.5.0  15,;.1
                          ~:.~~,~~~d....:::::..:::::::::: ""'7:3'  U  ~~:g  76.4  108.8  120.[  217.6  187.9
                                                                    40.1 1
                          Viotoria"iUe....      32.4   10.9  R(;.5  43. 7  17~.0  6;). (1  11'3.8  87.4
                          Westmouot..........  ......... .........  :J0.4  17.9  193.9  171.5  330.8  400.2
                            (1) Comprond la fiè,,-,.e tYllholde, la rougeole, la oeaT-  (1) Inclurlin8 typhoid f.,.-er. meul.,., .carlet fever
                          latine, la coqueluche et la dipht~ric.  whoopin~~O\lgh and dipbtheria.
                            (2) Par 100,000 am...                (2) l'P.r 100.000 population.
                            (3) De 5,000 ame. et plu•.           (3) HaviDg 6,000 population and oveT.
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