Page 307 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 307

266                           PRODUCTION

             4-Cheptel sur les fermes de la province de Québec, par comtés, en 1941.
             4-Live-Stock on Farms of the Province of Quebec, by Counties, in 1941.

                                                           Volailles-l'oull.ry  Abeilles
                                                                        (nombro de
                             Chevaux  BoviWl        Porcs  1-----,-----1 rucb...)
          COMTI1:S-COUNTIES                                      Poules e(  -
                             Horees  O.Hle  Sheep  .swlnn  To~~l   -      Be,,"
                                                                 Hens ~nd (N umber of
                                                                 Chiekens  Hives)
       Abltibi             .   0,188  33,096  7.447  Il.030  128.397  126,705  G03
       Argenuw(}   ,       .   3,028  19,7-19  2.238  G,10\l  95.952  90,114  268
       Anbab""kll  ,       .   7,453  11,6':;7  0.058  18.323  154,440  152,460  403
       BagoL ...............•........  6,'l1O  :JO,003  5.065  20.133  223.019  217,438  2,880
       Beauce .. ,        .    9.511  G:J.:J~ti  40.296  19.121  173.3U7  166,S-0  892
       Beauhl1rnola        .   ~,y~~  12.615   752   6,931  98,518  \l2,\)82  882
       Belleeba"'"     ,  '.'  .v,0.);)  29,88'1  B.1Z!  13,331  114.015  1-14.:J03  r>(l(1
       Bertb,cl         .      -1.875  2',;,041  6.S·!8  J 1.011  151,;20  14').916  2,0:J2
       Bonaventure         .   6.830  22.R14  18,487  \l.U81  13:I,Bj2  131.545  104
       Brome .................•......  4.U53  30,S·1:,  l.498  10.10iS  91,:>76  73.088  144
       Chambly             .   2,418  7,218    549   4,38l  \)1.217  89,468  2.109
       Champlairr.. . . .. .  ,  .  0.200  33,03U  11,220  13.259  144,238  l'JO.871  1,061
       Cbarlevoix. . . . . .. . ..•. ,  .  2,880  17,:HO  13,1l1  6.918  \H.OZO  7S.7:l-i  9
       CbâLeauguay         .   1.982  20,:1133  I,L70  Il,176  166,2.~14·  163.021  2,526
       CbiCOUl.lmi        .    4,636  26 O')')  14.721  14.123  141,510  130.3g2  982
       Complclll          ' ..  0.844  50;603  8,372  Il,024  100,363  103,4(}1  151
       Deux-l\lIHlt.lll,nH~.:i··-Two~h8.  4.897  20.332  1.724  Il,74g  1-18.8Gl  147.188  1.199
       Dûrche~tcr.         .   7,079  .Jl,24·5  17.981  20.200  233.200  227.903  437
       Drunll.nond.        .   5.976  35.58·.l  -1.303  12,7'14  1·10.485  136.7\l4  982
       }'rnrll,ena.c........•...• , ...•....  6.3U5  3U.5Ul  IG."50  9.814  74.283  73.482  14
       Gaspé         , ..•.... ,.  4,852  III ··ôO  11,218  9,554  U8.65!  97.853  .
       Hull.               .   7.300  -13:;~~n  13.527  17,517  109,197  IG2.648  476
       Hunl1ngdoD ...•...••.•...... , .  4.91\l  28,.'>71  77-1  1O.3U5  119.403  115,822  2.523
       IbC'rvillc. . .  .  , .. '"  .  3,512  17.28g  1,836  7.629  \l4,936  89,7g7  1.lll
       Joliel.le           .   ';,036  2ii,121  4,845  14.493  2G,'j,3J3  26:J.962  1.209
       l\:amourn.ska       .   4.949  2';,249  13,108  II ,4.;2  68,179  66.\l89  261
       Labelle             .   4.U24.  25.110  8.387  12.7G4  91.195  90.015  5[;
       L~c-,;t.•.lean-LakeSc. Jobn  ,  9.R07  [l{),S91  31.988  32.146  232,016  215,488  870
       Laprairic     '     .   4,U:35  10.08'1  1,075  8A\l4  143.069  127.822  2,426
       L'ÂsRumpt.lon       .   4,H(i5  17,4:'D  1,924  13.282  172,473  17l.041  1.519
       UVhj .......•....••.•.•..•.. ,.  2,ti07  13A(j5  2.073  \l,383  121,798  121,235  380
       L·lslc·L            .   3.755  16.151  9.481  8,035  53.448  51.315   565
       Lol.iJlnièro    '" ' ..  6.730  3/j.tI.j(j  8,883  18.320  18G.059  181,275  I.LUg
       Mnsi<inongé  ,      .   3,026  18,741  9.5~H  12,805  8a,619  81,252  1.345
       Malane    ,      , ...•  8.043  30,322  34.954  18.970  14;;,400  143,560  264
       Mé           .   7.543  4G,613  10,403  14.1\>6  181,243  178,833  187
       11issisQUOl ...••.....••.•. , , .••  4.93f>  31,028  1,328  10.550  82.029  76,204  1.390
       Mont.calm.  .       .   3.039  13,732  1,960  9.6\)2  \l2.524  91,311  860
       Monl.maguy          .   3,552  17,045  3,950  7.:1l\3  00.282  49.554  199
       1fonl.morcncy      '.'  2.162  12,768  2,272  3.859  82,369  80,125   87
       Monlréal &: Jé lBl's  .  5.tG9  13,28!1  317  7.690 ,  180,523  179.875  1,414
       Nnpicrville.. .. .  .   3.733  10/,:\6  870   6.607  1  93,095  8\>,470  859
       Nic:olet            .   8,629  45,703  9.200  24.809  214.129  20\l,071  2.470
       Papin(~au ........•.....••.....  5,%1  34.761  8.230  LO.402  137,941  134,175  I,Jl4
       Pontiac         '  '"   7,313  36.144  13,483  15.!l-H  150,144  143,770  474
       Porlnt,uI           .   5.740  32.20'./  :iA05  10,340  157,081  154,577  70\l
       Québec       '      .   2,455  9,116    398   6.458  109,360  101,479  401
       Richolieu           ,   3.490  1\>.859  2,018  li .045  91.175  88.290  1,128
       Richmond ..........•.........  5.004  30.540  3.631  0.471  73.077  70.883  179
       RirnouBki ......•...... ".' . '.,  0,298  30.591  25,51,;  1  15,225  122,120  120.839  378
       Rouvillo            .   4,31t1  23,002  1.\lU3  26,419  120.9\l\l  1\9,451  1,408
       Sa.guenny.  . .•........••..•.  774  3,094  2,8\)7  1.783  16.084  15.246  .
       ~hefford .........•.........•.  0.414  44.700  4.573  26,572  143.080  138.483  656
       bherbrookc    , ....•....  l,[IS8  14.657  G30  4.053  39,852  38.912  163
       SOu}:J,nges .. ,   '.'  2.7S:-,  10.472  \l47  7.476  87,616  81,710  l ,~89
       S(nna(ead       ,   .   4,42G  35.014  3,017  9,807  70,02,;  73.874  234
       St-Hyaei nche       .   4.97'9  21,517  1.833  20.234  157,953  157.122  2.478
       St-Jean-St. John's  ,  , .  3,599  14,739  G91  5.231  80.338  7G.972  1,560
       Sc.Mnurice          .   3,6il8  17.874  7.\l53  9,544  107;604  100,202  1.652
       Témi.scu,rni l1gue  , .. ,  .  3.933  25.894  9.90"  10.941  84.849  82,9lf>  195
       Témbcounta, .....•...........  9,021  46.905  1  36,6:>0  23.006  1'52.500  148,412  1.023
       TernA)         .   5,152  19,.';(;·1  4,208  10,829  209.061  207,225  864
       Vaudreuil.    ,  '  .   2.947  13.027  1  1.560  7,627  100.33U  \l5,250  2.030
       Verebêres.  . ."   ' ..  4,090  13.800  2.805  8.:320  141.084  140.500  1.351
       Wolfe               .   5.17\l  32tl21  Y.525  9.Q14  G9.411  68,197   98
       YanJs.gkn ,  ,     .    5.598  30,343  4.712  17,271  124.552  121,151  2.811
          PnOVlNCE.. '. '"  ., ..... ,.  313,229  1,752,954  527,479  1117,545  8,318,797  8,D57,432  62,275
         Extrait. de;eménl f..I.(J'ricoic, 1941, BuHehn tlO 33.  Extraet l,om AuricuituTal Ce113u3, 1941, BulieLin No. 33.
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