Page 311 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 311

270                          PRODUCTION

         6-Superficie, rendeJTlent et valeur des grandes cultures dans la province.-(Suite).
              6-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops in the Province.-(Cont.)

                                     Sunerfide~  Quantitéo  Rondement
                                    ensen: (-:nc~ef'  récolt6es  :ll'acre  VAJeur  Prix moyen
                                     (en ""res)  (eu boioseau.) (en boisseaux)  totale  du boi.seau
               ANNÉE3- YEAns           -        -        -       -        -
                                      Ates     Total    Yield   TQt~l   Averll.JCC
                                      Sceded   Yield   per Acre  VlÙue  Priee p'et
                                     (iu a"rcs)  (iu busbela)  (in bUllhel.)  Bushel
       1942                        .   13.000  223.000  16.5  S 676,000  S  3.03
       1941                        .   13,900  227.000  16.3    ~45,000    2.84
       1940                        .   9,200   153,000  16.6    375,000    2,~5
       1939  ' .........•..... , ...•.............  7.700  126,000  16.4  260,000  2.00
       1038           " .' .•....... ,  .  7,900  134,000  17.0  261,000   1.87
       H137.................................•...  7,500  132,000  17.6  279,000  2.11
       1936.. "  , ...•........•............  4,600  82,000  17.8  193,000  2.35
       1935..................  ..  .   4.500   72,800   16.2    121,000    1.66
       1934                  ..        4,400   68,600   15.6    120,000    1. 76
       1933       00       •••  ..     3,900   50,000   14.0     93,000    1 59
       1932                        .   2.200   36,000   10.6     56,000    1. 55
       1~31.         ,        ..       5,834   117,000  20.1    213,000    1.82
       1930        '      ,  .         24,100  416,000  17.3   1,040,000   2.50
       1942..           .        .     79.000  1,793,000  22.7  S 1,327,000  S  0.74
       1941   ,      , ,    ,    , ..  86,\100  1,773,000  20.4  1,312,000  074
       1940, ., .. '   , •..... , .'" .,  .  104,500  2,144,000  21. a  (1) 1.436,000  (1)  0.67
       1939             "       ,. " .  122.100  2,483,000  20.3  1.607,000  0.65
       1938   " .. ,  , .• ,  , ,  ,.  145,400  2,710,000  18.6  1,897,000  0.70
       1937...• " .. , ...•........................  15:3,100  3,168,000  20.7  2,683.000  0.82
       19.36    , .......• "  ,  ,  .  ) IH,400  3,454,000  22.8  2,330,000  0.67
       1035        '  ' ....•.....•.......  147,000  3,187,000  21.7  1,866.000  0.59
       1934 .. ,...........•....•... ,  .  146,200  3,337,000  22.8  2,011.000  0.50
       1033• ........•.••.•................•... , .  135,400  3.12l,000  23.0  1,743,000  0.66
       1932                   .       116,000  2,794,000  23.9  1,341,000  OA8
       193L.      ..                  95,767  2,358,000  24.6  1,368,000   0.68
       1930             ,   .         lf,6,900  3.635.000  32.2  2,654.000  0.73
                             MAIS A GRAIN-COnN Fon HU8KING
       1931....  ..               .    6,712   183,000  27.3  S 168,000  $  0.92
       1930     00                .   31,400  677,000   21. 6   677,000   1.00
       1929......•............................ ,.  32,055  733,000  22.9  1,019,000  1.39
       1928   '      00        ,  ••  '"  29,600  626,000  21.6  876,000   1.40
       1927.. " .............•......... ,  , ., ...  29,000  629,000  21.7  9~G,000  1.44
       1926.................•...................  30,400  927,000  30.5  1,307,000  1.41
       1925                ,      .   31,000  828,000   26.7   1,176,000   1,42
       1924                 .         31,400  857,000   27.3   1,303.000  1. 62
       1923 .. "    , ..••......      32,3!t4  747,000  23.a   1,148.000  1.54
                             GRAINS lI1ÉLANGÉS-MI,XED GRAINS
       1942                     .     272.000  8,976.000  33.0  S6.014.OO0  S  0.67
       1041....          ..     .     191,000  5,539,000  20.0  3,656,000  0.66
       1940     , ............•...... '  .  163,300  4,502,000  27.6  2.373,000  0.63
       1939                  , .,  .  168,400  4,763,000  28.3  2,8Gl,000  0.60
       1938    00            00  ..   142,700  3,472,000  24.3  2,293,000  0.55
       1937                  ,    .   133,800  3,159,000  23.0  2,350,000  0.74
       1936           ,           .   128,800  3,M7,OOO  28.3  2,329,000  0.64
       193.~  " .. , ........•............. '  .  ]22,500  3,246.000  27.3  1,795,000  0.65
       1934                       .   118.600  3,432,000  28.9  1,790,000  0.52
       1<)33             ,        .   109,200  2,838,000  26.0  1.443,000  0.51
       1932                 '         99,000  3,010,000  30.4  1.384,000  0.46
       1931.                    ·  .  109,092  2,687.000  24 6  1,397,000  0.52
       1930          , ., ...•... ' ...•.....  143.700  3,7,",2,000  26.1  2,439,000  0.65
                                    LIN-FLAX8EED (2)
       1939                            3,100   32,000  10.3    $ M,OOO  S  2.00
       lQ3S.                           :3,000  27,000   9.0     41,000    1.50
       193;          ··   · ..•. ····  .  2,800  26,000  9 ..3  51,000    1. 96
       1936.  .  , ..•........•............ ,  2,900  28,300  9.8  55,000  1.94
       1036..                          2,'>90  25,200  10.1     49,000    1. 95
       1934 ....                       2,300   21,400   9.:3    34,000    1. 59
       1933 ..                         1,800   15,000   8.4     24,000    1. 60
       1932              ' ..          1,400   14,000   9.9     25,000    1. 83
       1931  ..                        1,208   16,000  13.2     32,000    2.01
       1930.                           5,300   51,000   9.6     110,000   2.15
       1929......                      2,996   36,000  12.1     92,000    2.54
        (I) Chillres re\~"".s.               (1)  Re'Vi.~e:ù figuJ'('g.
        (2) Cla,," avec les eulturea spécinle:< depUIS 1940.  (2, CI:l:3sified wiLh :-;pecial crop~ since HHO.
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