Page 294 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 294
2 - Superficie. rendement et valeur des grandes cultures dans la province.
2-Area, Yield and Value of Field Crops ln the Province.
SUD('Tficie~ Qllant.ités Rendement
enscmenc(.cg récoll"es à. l'acre Valeur Prix moyen
(en acres) (en uoh",au x) (en boisseaux) totale du boissea.u
ANNÊES-YEARS - -- - - -
Area ToInI Yield Total Aven~ge
Seeded Yicld per Acre Value Priee per
(in nor••) (in bw;hels) (lU bushels) Bushel
1()37 53,000 879,000 16.60 S 1,094,000 $ 1.24
{~~~: ~ :.. :.. .: ::: ~::..: :::: : 62,500 1,130,000 15.50 1,118,000 1.15
1934.. .. . 63.800 \,215,000 1\1. 50 1,214,,000 0.98
1933 ...........•................'.1 58,200 979,000 15.80 752,000 0.78
1032. .. _. .... ... • .• .. • . 53.000 952,000 18,30 695,000 0.73
1931.. . " . " . . . . 39,220 79 ,000 20.30 614,000 0.77
58,700 1.050,000 18.00 998,000 0.95
ai:·.·:::····:::::::::·:::::::·:·:: ':1 58,266 \)%,000 17.10 1.f>n,OOO 1.63
6\,000 1.049,000 17.20 1,846,000 1. 76
19~~... ·1 M.OOO 1,0\l4,000 17.10 1,915.000 1. 75
1920.. " . G::;,OOO 1.190,000 17.50 2,094,000 1. 76
J937 , , . 1.6<\4,500 35.8;}0.000 21 89 ~22'023'000 \ $ 0.61
1935. . .......•....... 1.IWO,2oo 17,182,000 27.90 1 23,:l2g,OOO 0.49
1935 ' . 1,614,400 4.j,161,000 27.00 19,397,000 0.43
1934 " . 1,619,800 4R,262,000 25.70 20,757,000 0.43
IU33, .......•.................... , ..•.. 1,11: ,000 44,8"0,000 26.10 10,379.000 0.36
1932 " . 1,73.1,500 51,024,000 29.40 1~,3r,~.000 0.36
1931. . . . " '" 1,(i.37,.152 47,223,000 28.50 \ 1(,94".000 0.38
1930...................•............... 1,S99.8OO 50,(\;15,000 21\. 60 23,79.0;.000 0.47
1929 . 1,82t1,OI2 41,H.1,000 2ô.00 3r,,01>I,OOO 0.70
1928... . . 1,741>,000 41,03l,000 23.50 30,7n,000 0.75
1927.... . . 1,782,000 50,60$1.000 28.40 35,9~2,OOO 0.71
1920.. . . ' . 1,856,000 .H),HI,OOO 26.80 31,831.000 0.04
1925..... 1,856,000 ,';1,010,000 29.10 32,!HO,000 0.61
1937.. ..•.............•. .............1 168,500 3,589,000 27.30 $2,875,000 1> 0.80
1~30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,900 4,0,,0,000 26.40 2,8R4,OOO 0.71
1935. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140,900 3,41).3,000 24.80 1 2.00S,000 0,57
1934. .. . .•... ... 132,ÎlOO 3,310,000 25.00 2,02:1.000 0.61
1933 " "....................... 130,ROO 3,117,000 23.80 1,62,i,000 0.52
1032 , , '" 114,300 2.9aS,000 25.70 1,557,000 0.53
1931. . . , . . . . . 9(\,71)2 2•.J.l9,OOO 25.30 \ 1,371,000 0.56
1930. . . •......... ' 151\,700 3,(i18,000 23.50 2,~91,000 0.55
1929. . . . . . . .. ],;'1,010 3,i,12,000 22.80 3,7,iR,OOO 1.07
1928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128,000 2,803,000 21.90 3.111,000 1.11
1927 , , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,000 3,088,000 24.70 3.304.000 1.07
1926 "............ .... 124,000 2,914,000 23.50 2,972,000 1.02
.::19:::2~5:.:...:..:.....:..:..:,...:...:.":..:':..:..:...:..:..:..:..:.,:..:,.:....':":':":'.:,':..:..:..:.:..:..:.:...:..:..:...:.:...~.I 124,000 2.916,000 24.00 3,006.000 l.01
1937 " ' . 6.700 107,000 16.00 $ 102,000 S 0.95
1936 ......•............................ 6,300 10(1,000 17.30 91,000 0.83
1935..... , .......•.... , ................• 6,100 92,000 15.00 69,000 0.75
1934................. . .•............ 5,;'00 91,000 16.50 62,000 0.68
1933 ,.... . . 5,100 82,000 16.10 59,000 0.72
1932 . 6,200 98.000 .15.80 67,000 0,68
1931 ......•.... ,., . ,';M3 86.000 15.50 60.000 0.70
1930.. .. .. 17,500 309,000 17.70 232,000 0,75
1929 , ' " ...•...... , 1O,n54 173.000 15.80 2,;5,000 1.47
1028......•....•. , . lZ,O()O 181,000 15.10 272,000 1. 50
1927.... . . 12,200 2.14,000 17.50 33~,000 1.58
1926 .. lZ.500 199,000 15.90 316,000 1.59
1925 . 13,000 238.000 18.30 326,000 1. 37
1931 , ................•...... 20,400 270,000 13.20 $ .569,000 1 $ 2.07
1936. .. . lS,,;()() 259,000 14.00 522,000 2.02
1935... .." . 18,tlOO 287,000 15.50 4M,OOO 1.62
1934.......•....... ,., . 19.100 317,000 1a.tlO 521,000 1. 65
1033 , . 18,nOO 308,000 10.30 471,000 1.53
1932 . 1n.300 320.000 16.60 45~,OOO 1.43
1031. 17,271) 282,000 16,40 412,OUO 1.46
1930. . , . :IS,ZOO 556,000 14.60 1,1[;8,000 2.10
1929.... . •. , . :I4,S06 539,000 15.60 1,5QO.OOO 2.95
19Z9 " , .•.... , ••...•. 35,000 508,000 14.50 1,453,O(JO 2.86
1927 , . :15,000 569,000 15.80 1,474.UOO 2.59
1926 . 3H,OOO 593,000 16.60 1AU4,000 2.52
1925 . 40.000 R20.noo 15.!iQ l.Il~7.000 2.64