Page 296 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 296
2 - Superficie rendement et valeur des ~randes cultures dans la province.- (Fin)
2-Area, Yleld and Value of Field Crops in the Provlnce.-(Concl.)
Superficies Prix moyen
ensemencées Quantités Re.udewent Valeur l'unité de
(CIl acres) recoltées A t'Biare totale mes.ure
ANNÉES-YEARS - (1) (1) - (1)
Area Total Yield Total Average
Seeded Yield per Aere Value Priee par
(i.u acres) Uoit of
1937.. , ......•....•.............. 143,200 12,458,000 ~7.00 li 8,032,000 $ 0.64
1936.. .•. . . 131,2()() 12,336.000 !H. 00 la,27~,000 1.08
1935 .. 127.900 11,338.000 88.60 8.9OZ,OOO 0.79
1934 . 143,400 14,244,000 99.30 6,708,000 0.48
1933 . 133,100 13,444,000 101. 00 9,651,000 0.71
1\)32 . 132,500 11,476,000 8'7.00 7,220,000 0.63
1931. . 146,190 16,8il1,000 115.60 8,611,000 0.51
1930.. . ,. 165,800 13,491,000 81.40 12,816,000 0.95
192\! .. 102,411 15,429.000 115.00 19,740,000 1.28
1928 . 164,000 13,011,000 79.10 13,594,000 1.04
1927 . 162,000 14,115,000 81.50 18,569,000 1.31
1926 .. IW,Oao 14,615,000 92.30 20,548,000 1. 40
1925 , . 156,000 10,982,000 10.40 35,692,000 3.25
1937 37,600 6,226,000 166.00 $2,133,000 $ 0.44
1936 ... 37,200 7,86S,OOO 211.50 3,525,000 0.45
1935... .. . 37,800 7,308.000 193.00 3,087,000 0.42
1934. . . 38,BOO 10.204,000 263.00 3,411,000 0.34
11133... .. .. 3il,400 1,847,000 216.00 3,073,000 0.39
1932 ..........................•....... " 33;300 8,778.000 264.00 3,248,000 0.37
1931 .......•....•....................... 25,762 6,640,000 257.70 2.f.ll5ii,OOO 0.43
1930 .......•................. 59,300 10,840,000 182.80 5,420,000 0.60
1921) , . 40,431 8,333,000 206.10 5,333,000 0.64
1928.. . . 34,000 5,549,.000 163.20 4,106,000 0.74
11127.. . . 34,000 6,168,000 162.00 3,359,000 0.65
1926 .. 34,000 4,940,000 145.30 2,816,000 0.67
1925 . 34,000 3.682,000 108.30 3,682,000 1.00
1937 . 3,608,600 4,799,000 1.33 $36,756,000 $ 7.66
19311 . 3,575,800 5,559,000 1.60 311,134,000 7.15
1935.. .. . 3,506,200 6,087,000 1.45 42,337,000 8.32
1934 ............•...................... 3,535,800 4,848,000 1.37 57,433,000 11.84
193., . 3,384,000 3,279,000 0.97 30,160,000 .9.38
1032 . 3,455,100 4,837,000 1.40 34,343,000 7.10
1931. . 3,756,003 6.197,600 1. 65 40,284,000 6.50
1930 . 4,:iOO,OOO 0.771,000 1.50 62,635,000 9.25
1929 ..........................•.... 4,306,727 0,306,000 1. 46 71,258,000 Il. 30
11128. 4,278,000 6,203,000 1.45 62,092,000 10.01
1927 . 4,2;J6,000 6,778,000 1.60 67,509,000 9.90
1920 . 4,153,000 5,607,000 1.35 65,714,000 Il.72
1925 .. 4,112,000 6,703,000 1.63 68,617,000 1 8.13
1937........•.............. 47,300 467,000 9.87 S 1,885,000 $ 4.04
1936............. .. ........ 48,300 427,000 8.80 1,634.000 3.83
1935......•..........•............ 50,800 515,.500 8.76 2,161,000 4.19
1934 ...................................• 52,400 407,000 8.91 1,836,000 3.93
1933 . 44,200 470,000 10.62 1,3.57,000 2.89
1932 .. .51,000 497,000 9.75 1.326,000 2.67
1931 ...................•..•.... 44,146 469,000 10.62 1,642,000 3.50
1930.............. . .. 70,800 600,000 8.47 3,600,000 6.00
1929. 87,8711 88.5,000 10.07 4,301,000 4.86
1928 . 33,000 663,000 7.99 3.965,000 5.98
1927. 85,000 680,000 8.00 3,244,000 4.77
1926. 88,000 700,000 7.90 3,150,000 4.50
1925 90,000 82R,OOO 9.20 8,726,000 4.50
1937.. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . 1.5,300 84,000 2.20 $ 301,000 S Il. 03
1936... 13,000 3lI,000 2.80 303,000 8.42
1935.. . 11,100 25,700 2.32 242,000 9.41
1934.. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . 7,600 18,000 2.38 236,000 13. II
1933....... 5,700 15,300 2.68 172,000 11.21
1932... 13.400 33,500 2.50 285,000 8.51
1931.............................. 8,864 32,000 3.61 267,000 8.35
1930...... 14,200 31,000 2.18 388,000 12.50
1929....................... 24,078 46,000 1.91 539,000 11.72
1928 23,000 67,000 2.48 535,000 9.38
1927... . 23,000 63,000 2.32 415,000 7.83
1926. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 22,200 43,000 1. 95 3Z3,000 7.50
1925. 22,000 46.000 2.10 322,000 7.00
(1) Pomme. de terre, naveta, bettemveB, etc., en quintaux; foïo et Lrèfle, mal. et lu.erne, en tonnetl.-Potnt<>es,
turuip., beat., et•. , in cwt.: bay and .Iover, corn and BlIalfa, ie tollS.