Page 120 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 120

      34 -  Maria~es, naissances et décès enregistrés dans la province, par comtés, en 1937.
      34---Marria~es. Blrths and Deaths Recorded ln the ProvInce, by Counties, ln 1937.

                              Population        N A.i."anoos-Birtb.  Déclla-Death.9
         COMT:f:S MUNICIPAUX   en 1937  Mariage.
                                                       P.... 1.000     Par 1,000
         MUNICIPAL COUNTIE8   E~timnl('d  Marri!  Nombre  habitant.  Kombro  habitantil
                               in 1937         Nmnber  Per 1,000  Numbe~  Per 1,000
                                                      PopulBt.'on      Populat'on
                                 47,000    181    1,6lJ6  36.0     478     10.2
                                 19.958    135     397    19.9     ]94      9.7
                                 28,426    222     813    28.6     359     12.6
                                 17.42<l   146     457    26.2     186     10.7
                                 46.493    377    l.152   31.2     1~3     ]0.6
                                 21,100    163     535    19.0     254      9.0
                                 22,735    158     632    27.8     215     10.8
                                 19,800    152     181    24.3     189      9.6
                                 36,790    260    ],178   32.0     384     10.4
                                 11,790    80      191    16.2     144     12.2
                                 25.830    139     358    13.9     179      G.\!
                                 28JOO     214     771    27.4     276      9.8
                                 48.730    372    1,544   31. 7    G08     12.5
                                 ]2,200    83      284    23.3     125     10.2
                                 69,780    509    2,563   36.7     798     Il.4
                                 18,770    158     156    24.3     179      9.6
                                 14,2.'i.0  91     300    21.0     143     10.0
                                 32.376    207     884    27.3     348     10.7
                                 30,060    ZSO    1,000   32.6     349     11 .3
                                 2,;,985   253     921    35.4     277     10.7
                                 27,0116   216     951    34.8     451     16.4
                                 10,470    ]03     387    37.0     121     11.6
                                 27,607    200     612    23.2     227      8.2
                                 38,633    361    1,000   25.9     409     10.6
                                 1I,1l00   lOG     199    16.9     ]29     10.9
                                 9•.531    71      228    23.9      94      9.1l
                                 8,761)    55      326    37.2      93     lO.ll
                                 20,84ll   189     772    25.Y     362     12.1
                                 2;;,011   170     609    27.9     23~      9.3
                                 20,B-19   186     686    32.9     21il    10.5
                                 22,tJ20   212     956    42.3     228     10.1
                                 17,000    99      385    22.G     170     10.0
                                 31,033    316     942    30.3     307      9.1l
                                 37,&07    220     797    21. 2    461     12.3
                                 20,225    127     592    2~.3     254     12.6
                                 26,720    161     782    29.3     339     12.7
                                 17,200    119     473    27.5     162      9.4
                                 21,320    201     709    33.3     235     11.0
                                 27,!100   282    1,013   3C..3    296     19.6
                                 37,400    297    1.047   2S.0     549     14.7
                                 20,605    129     394    IH.l     175      8.6
                                 la,G30    86      349    2!i.O    160     11.7
                                 21,000    140     601    28.0     272     13.0
                                 19,075    122     417    21.~     180      9.4
                               1,115,835  9,3W   20,235   18.1   12,401    Il. 1
                                 21,558    138     464    21. 5    202      Il.4
                                 29,,';00  190     800    27.1     363     12.3
                                 30,570    216     673    22.0     248      8.1
                                 21,680    125     108    18.8     185      8.5
                                 37,780    273     937    24.8     403     10.7
                                19.5.;000  1,412  4,903   25.1    2,993    15.3
                                 22,080    147     4i:!2  21.8     254     11.5
                                 22,692    202     590    26.0     261     11.5
                                 36.050    325    1.228   33.2     4~      11.6
                                 34,050    208     94\!   27.9     440     12.9
                                 40,757    284    1.441   35.4     377      9.2
                                 14,810    97      301    20.3     122      8.2
                                 2G.900    23G     636    23.6     433     16.1
                                 18,280    143     444    24.3     234     12.8
                                 75,060    616    1,986   26.4    1,040    13.9
                                 30,350    253     750    24.7     247      8,1
                                 4l,35ll   393     943    22.8     557     13.5
                                 8,670     42      1(j2   18.7      90     10.4
                                 24,810    236     5-16   22.0     239      9.6
                                 31,225    377    1,130   33.0     338      9.9
                                 24.430    188     814    33.3     266     10.0
                                 42,310    322     094    23.5     394      9.3
                                 .1\,710   67      218    18.0      96      8.2
                                 1:1,210   72      367    27.8     139     10.5
                                 19:~~     147     489    29.4     161     10.8
                                 1,520     18      50               32
          Pnovn,CF           .  3,135,000  24,1176  75,635  24.1  15,45&   11.1
         (1) Coml'ren.d les comu's de Hochelaga, Laval et Jac~ue,...CRrtier.-lnclude.the counl,'•• 01 Hochelaga, Laval
      and J",,~ues Carher.
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