Page 61 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 61

CHRONOLOGY                               31

         1925.-Berious seismic diaturbance felt throughout the Province. Beatification of eight Jesuit
                 martyrs of New France. Honourable P. C. Larkin. High Commissioner for Canada,
                 at London, returns to the City of Quebec the shield bearing the Arms of the King
                 of France which General Murray had taken from the gates of Quebec, in 1759.
                  The City of Hastings, England, custodian of thia trophy sinee the conqueet, conaents
                 to return it in recognition of services rendered by Canadian soldiers during the great
                 war. Judgment of the Privy Caunoil defining the rîghts and privileges of Federal and
                  Provincial governments to the beds of rivera; the Province of Quebec retains owner-
                 ship of beds of rivera and lots.
         192b.-A new Bj1!:tem of registering births, marriages and deaths is put into force. Sanction of
                  the aet prohibiting the export of electric power developed in the Province of Quebec.
                  Conflagration at Riviere du LoupJ 57 buildings destroyed entailing 10ss of $1,000,000.
                  Unveiling of an historical tablet to the memory of the patriots of 1837 J at "La place
                  des Patriotes", Montreal. Imperial conference in London. Inauguration of the Can-
                  adian Stuclents' Home, in Paris, by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.

                        12lh Governor General: Lord Willingdon (1926 io 1931)

         1927.-Destruction by fire of the Laurier-Palace theatre in Montreal causing the death of 77
                  children. Privy Council judgment concerning the Labrador peninsula. Diamond
                 Jubilee of Canadîan Confederation. St. Charles Hospice at Quebee destroyed by
                 fue, 33 children lose their lives. Inauguration of an air mail servicc between Murray
                 Bay and Seven Islands on the North Shore.
         1928.-Inauguration of an air mail service between Rimouski, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.
                  New Compensation Act put into force. Inauguration of an air mail service,
                 between Montreal and New York.
                        15th LIEUTENA....ltiT-GoVERNOR: SIR LoMER GOUI~ (1929)

                16th LIEUTENANT-GOVER:'fOR: HONOURABI.E H. G. CARROLL (1929 TO 1934)
        1919.-Annual grant of $1,000,000 of the profits of the Liquor Commission to public charitics.
                  Congress ta honour Virgin Mary held in Quebec. Council of Agriculture r&-Qrganized.
                 Fi':'e destroys the oldest part of the college of St. Joseph nt Thrce Rivers (13th Nov-
         1930.-Interprovincial conference for the purpose of adopting uniform legislation concerning
                 stoek exchanges and brokerage fum:: (14th February). Inauguration of the Jacques~
                 Cartier bridge J Montreal ( May). Co.nonization of eight Jesuit martyrs put to
                 death by the Indians in tbe first days of the colony (29th June). Federal elections:
                  Conservative party vict-orious (28th July). The giant ainlhip R-lOO of Great Britain
                 sueces~fullycrosses the Atlantic and moors at the mast construeted by the Canadfan
                  Government at St. Hubert. near Montreal (31st July).

                       t3th GoverlWr Geneull: The Earl of BessborO' (1931 to 1985)
        1931.-Iaterprovine!al conference at Ottawa; tbe Westminster Act is approved (7th April)..
                 Appointment of Il Commission to promote utilization of forest products (30th July).
                  Creation of the Dairy Commission (14th August). Workrnen's Compensation Act,
                 put inta force (September lst). Foundation of zoological garden at St. Pierre de
                 Charlesbourg A judgment of the Priv)' Council confirm:s the right of the Provincial
                  Government to appoint cornroiss.ions such as the Public Service and 'Workmen's
                 Compensation commissions and others (24th November). Mgr. J. M. Rodrigue
                  Villeneuve appointed Archbishop of Quebec (16th December). Death of Honourable
                  Sir George Foster, senator, a 8Îgnatory to the Treaty of V",rsailles and promoter of
                  the work of thc League of Nations in CaMda (30th December).
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