Page 65 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              35

                former Provincial Treasurer (April 3rd). Mr. Arthur Enstn.ce Morgan, M.A.,
                appointed Principal of McGill University (April 12th). Death of the Hon. Eugène
                Lafontaine, former Chief Justice of tha Court of Appeal (April 22nd). Death of
                Senator Henri S. Behnd (April 22nd). In London, the Silver Jubilee of the accession
                to the ThroDè of Their Majesties King George and Queen Mary is celebrated with
                great pompi impressive ceremonies are alsa held in aU the cities of Canada (May 6th).
                Death of the Hon. J. Eugène Roberge J Legislative COlIDcillor (May 7th). Death of MT.
                J. Maurice Gabias, roember for the St. lIenry-Montreal division in the Legislative
                AssembJy ().!ay 15th). The 4th session of the 18th Legislature ia prorogued (~ay
                18th). Great rally of Boys Scouts and Girl Guides on the occasion of the visit of
                Lord and Lady B&den~Powf'H, cmefs of these olJ!:a.nizationa throughout the world
                (May 21st). His Majesty the King confers hanours on several CllDadiallB on the
                occa.:lion of the Royal Jubilee (June 3rd). Death of Mr. J. J. Power, member for
                Quebec 'West in the Legislative Assembly (June lst). Swearing: in of the Hon. T.
                Damien Bouchard as Minister of Municipal Affaire, Trsde and Commerce (June 6th).
                The Reverend Philip Carrington elected Lord Bishop of the Anglican diocese of
                Quebec (June llth). Death of the Hon. Louis Tellier, former Justice of the Superior
                Court (June 17th). Inauguration of the Ishnd of Orléans bridge (July 4th). Death
                of M. J. A. Mercier, membcr of the House of Commons for Laurier-outremont
                (July 16th). Thc Hon. Arthur Sauvé appointed to the Senate and the Hon. AHred
                Duranleau, Judge of the Superior Court (July 20th). Appointment of a Commission
                for the Purchasing of Seigniorial Dues (July 2Oth). Consecration and enthroncment
                of the seventh anglican bishop of Quebec, the Rev. Philip Cll.trington (July 25th).
                De~üh of M. J, E. Phaneuf, member of the Legi.~lativeA3sembly for Bagat County
                (August 9th). Doctor Emile Fortin, melliber of the House of Commons for Lévis, i5
                appointed ta the 3enate (August 15th). M. Charles Bourgeois, member of the
                House of Commons for Three Rivers-8t. Maurice, is made a senator (August 17th).
                A delegatian of 320 French war veterans ie given an official reception at Quebec
                (Angust 18th). Commemoration of the 3rd centenary of the foundation of the first
                cIassieal college in America and inauguration of the Charles Garnier College in Quebee,
                by the Jesuits (September 25th). Departure of H. E. Lord Bessborongh, retiring
                Governor General, and of Lady Bessborough (September 28th). Federal eleetions:
                the Liberal party is returned ta power (October 14th). Appointment of an Electrlcity
                Commission (October 30th). The Hon. John Hall Kelly is appointed :\linister without
                portfolio (October 30th). The eightp.enth Legislature is dissolved (October 30th),
                ArrivaI of the newly appointed Governor General, Lord Tweed8IDuir t the swearing
                in ceremony takes place at Quebeo (November 2nd). Provincial elections; the Liberal
                party ÏB maintained in power but with a majorîty reduced to six (November 25th).
                Interprovincial conference held nt Ottawa (lJecember 9th), Dpath of the lIon.
                Camille Pouliot, Judge of the Superior Court (Deeember 2Oth).

                       14th Governor Genetal: Lord Tweed:Jrn'Ui, (1935 to ... )

       1936.-Appointment of the Hon. Lucien Cannon, memberof the House of Commons for Ponneuf,
                as judge of the Superior Court (January 15th). Deuth of H. M, King George V;
                H. R. H. the Prince of WaIe.s sueceeds ta the throne as Edward VIII qallWLry 20th),
                Changes effected in the Taschereau Cabinet (March 13th). Opening of the first
                8e>l:Iion of the nineteenth Legislature (March 2,tth). F:1~tion of the Hon. Lucien
                Dugas, member for Joliette, as Speaker of the Legis1n.tive Assembly (March 24th).
                Death of the Hon. C. A. \Vilson, Judge of the Superior Court (April 7th). Death
                of 8enator Emile Fortin (May 18tb). Bill to establish Old Age Pensions in the Prov.
                inee passed by bath Rouses and sanctioned by the Lieutenant-Governor (June lOth).
                The Legislature i13 dissolved; the Hon. L. A. Taschereau and bis cabinet resign;
                the Hon. Adclard Godbout is sworn in as Prime Minister (June llth). The Hon.
                Adélard Godbout fonllil il new ministry (June 26th). Provincial electiona: tbe National
                Union party takes 76 seats (August 17th). Swearing in of the Honourable Mauriee L.
                Duplessis as Prime Miniater IlJld of the members of his Cabinet (August 24th).
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