Page 57 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 57
7th Govemor General: LD7'd i.lJinto (1898 I{) 1904)
1899.-Reduction ta 2 cents of the postal rate on lettera in Canada. C-onsolidation of the Educa-
tion )aWB and the laws relating ta the Provincial fisheries. Mgr. Diomède Fa.lconio
appointed permanent Apostolic Delegate o.t Ottawa.. Beer war. Despatch of the
first Canadian contingent ta South AIries..
1900.~Second contingent sent ta South Africa. Extensive oonflagration at Hull and Ottawa.
Losses $10,000,000, also 7 lîves.
1901.-Great tire st Montreal: losses $2,200,000. \ station installed at Belle
Isle. Population of Canada; 5,369,666 sauls of which 1.648,898, in the Province of
Quebec. Visit of the Pl"ince of '\Vnles to Canada.
1902.-First Congress of the French Spealcing Medical Association of ~orth Amel'ica.. Mgr
Donat Sba.retti, 2nd Apostolie Delegate to Canada.
1963.-Congress of the Boards of l'rade of the British Empire at Montreal. Purchase by the
Govecnmcnt of the St Hyacinthe dairy schoo1.
8th Governor General: Earl Grey (1904 to 1910)
1904.-Erection of the diocese of Joliette.
1965.-Alherta and Saskatchewan enter Confederation. Erection of the Apostolie Vieariate of
the Gulf of St. lawrence. 'Vithdrawal of the Illst Imperial troops stationed at Halifax
and EsquiIll<.
1906.-Settlement of the Federal suhsidies ta the provinces. Quebec receives $1,110,486 more
than previoUBly.
1907.-School of Higher Commercial Studies at Montreal and TechnicaJ schools of Montreal and
Quebee founded. Collapse of the Quebee hridge, 80 lives lost. Sehool of Surveying
founded nt Quebec and affiJiated with the Arts li'seulty of Laval University.
1905.-CeJebra,tion of the l'ereentenary of Quebec's foundation. UnveiIing of the Laval Monu-
ment. Quehee sends an agent-general to London. Conflagration at Three Rivers:
300 houses burnt; loss $1,500,000.
1909.-First plenary council of Quebec. Law relative ta workingmen's accidenta. Revision of
the Sta.tutes of the Provinee of Quebec. Creation of the Public Utilities Commission.
1910.-Quebec Forestry School e.stablished. Employment bureaux instituted at Queboo and
Montreal. Great Eucharistic Congress at Montreal. Temperance congress at Quebee.
A court for juvenile delinquents organized at Montreal. Opening of the School of
Higher Commercial Studies st Montreal.
9th Governor General: His Royal Highne88 the Duke of Connaught (1911 io 1916)
J911.-A third transcontinental rnilway (the Conadion Northern) connects 11.-Iontreal with Port
Arthur. St. John's College founded. Canada/s population 7 1 206,643 of which 2,003,232
in the Province of Quebec. College of St. Alexandre de la Gatineau founded.
19U.-Greation of the Roads Department. "LIlgava added to the Province of Quebec. increasing
ifs area 351,780 square miles. lst Congress of the French language in Canada held
at Quebee. Part of the town of Chicoutimi burned. Mercier monument unveiled at
1913.-Creation of Quebec Bureau of Statistics. Erection of diocese of Mount Laurier. Encoura-
gement given by the Government ta music. Ungava given the name of "New Quebec"
Appointment of firBt six agronomists.