Page 59 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              29

         1914.-The uEmpress of Ireland" sunk bythe <lStorstnd" off Father PoInt, 910 lives IOEit. Loss of
                  steamer "Montmagny", 14victims. War decJared with Germany. Gift by Provincial
                  Govenlment, of 4,000,000 lbs. of cheese (value $623,898) ta the British Government;
                  of $40,000 ta France, of $25,000 ta Belgium and of M,DaO ta the Hospital of the
                  French Canadian parishes in Paris.


         1915.-Inauguration of Transcontinental Railway between Quebec and Winnipeg. The Depart~
                  ment of Agriculture takes over the inspection of butter and cheese factories. The
                  Jibrnry of the Legislative Assernbly and that of St. Sulpice in Montreal inaugurated.
         1916.-Milita.ry contingents leave for Europe. Second disaster to the Quebec Bridg:e; 13 lives
                  lost. Destruction by tire of the monastery of the Trappists at Oka.

                      Jnt.h Governar General: The Duke of DelJOnshire (1916 io 1921)

         1917.-Provincial Bureau of Statistics takes first agricultural cenSU9 in the Province. Sanction
                 of Conscription Act. Quebec Bridge finished. Scott Act voted and applied. Federal
                 elections (l7th December) j 63 anti-conscription memhers elected out of a total of 65.
        19UL--Enrollment of conscript8. Orphanage of the Grey l\UM in Montreal burned; 53 children
                 lose their lives. The Federal Government refuses to exempt farmers' sona from military
                 service. Registration of aU persofiB of 16 years of age or over in Cana-da. Inauguration
                  of the Hebert Monument. Epidcmic of Spanish influenza; 13,000 deaths. Signlng of
                  Armistice in Europe.

                 12th LIEUTENANT-Go,,-eRXOR: SIR CHARLES FITZPATRICK (1917 TO 1923)

        1919.-Union of the Municipalities of the Province founded. of Sir \Vilfrid Laurier. W. L.
                 MacKenzie King chosen leader of the Liheral Party. Montreal University destroyed
                 by tire: loss $1,000,000.
        1920.-Foundation of the Catholic Farmers' "Cnion. Congress of Canadian universities hcld
                 at Laval Univemity. Unveiling of DoUard monument in Lafontaine Park. Unveiling
                 of the monument to Sir Georges Etienne Cartier at Quebec.
        1921.-Government assume9 control of the saJe of liquor (lat ~ay). Federal elections (6th
                 December); 65 LiberaIs elected in Quebec. Reception to Marshall Ferdinand Foch.

                          l1th Governor General: Lord BynO (1f!21 to 1.926)

        1922.-Appointment of a commission for the preservation of histOlic monuments. Institution
                 of a prize for literature. Grant of $10,000 to each classical eollege. Inauguration of
                 Laurier monument at Arthabaska.. Official inauguration of the 8chool of Fine Arts
                 of Quebec. Embargo against Canadian cattle lifted (Londou l 15th December).
        1923.-1nauguration of the Radium Institute at the University of Montreal. Erection of a
                 monument in memory of Abrnham )'1artin, tirat pilot of the St. La,wrence. ),10nument
                 erectcd to Cardinal Taschereau, first Canadian Cardinal. Death of the eminent
                 Canadiau historiant Benjamin Suite. Eucharistie Congress in Quebec. SchooI for
                 paper-making inaugurated nt Three Rivers.

                13th LIEUTENAN'I'-GoVERNOR: HOXOURABLE L. P. BRODEUR (1923 TO 1924)

        1924.-:Uerger of the Hochelaga and National Banks, the Provincial Government grantiog
                 them a loan of $15,000,000. The park of Mount Tremblant and Laurentides National
                 Park ereeted iota forest reserves. Official reception ta IL R. H. the Princc of Wales on
                 arrivaI in Canada. 09th October).
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