Page 63 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHIWNOWGY                               33

       1931.-Legislative Assembly adopte & resolution against canalizlltion of the St. Lawrence (14th
                January). Privy CauDeil rules that communica.tion by radio ie within the jur.isdic~
                tian of the Dominion Government CIOth Fcbruary). Municipal Commission appointed
                (18th May). Provincial Cabinet accepts the Dominion Government'ij plan ta pIllee
                a thousand unemployed on land (30th June). Signing of treaty for canalizo.tion of
                the St. Lawrence (19th July).  Imperial Economie Conference opened nt Ottawa.
                (21st July). 8igning of twenty-four commercial agreements and closing of the Impe-
                rial Economie Conference (20thAugust). Total eclipse of sun, visible in the Province
                of Quebee (31st Augnat).
       1933.-Valcartier Camp is used to concentrate 2,000 unemployed. Removal from Boston ta
                Montreal of the aahes of Calîxa Lavallée, composer of the music of the national
                anthem "0 Canada", who died in 1891. An Hnlian squadron of 24 hydrop1anes,
                from Orbetello, Italy, on flight to Chicago, stops at Montreal (July 14th). Celebration
                of second eentenllJ'Y of Beaumont chureh (AugUBt 6th). Inauguration of North
                channel of St. Lawrence, East of IsIs.nd Orleans (Scptember 29th). Plenary meeting
                at Quebee of the archbishops and bishops of the Catholic dioceses of Canada (October
                4th). Death of Sir Arthur Currie, Commandant of the Canlldian army in the Great
                War and, since 1920, Principal and Vice-Chllneellor of McGill University (November
                30th). InterpTOvincill.1 Conference on transportation, held at Ottawa (December

              17th llEUTENANT-GoVERNoa: HONOURABLE E. L. PATENAUDE (1934 TD ••• )

       1934.-Interprovincial conference on unemployment held at Ottawa (January 17th). CongreBB
                at Quebec ofdelegates of the Canadian Institute of Mining and :Metallurgy (ApriI3rd).
                Mgr. Anastase Forget, firnt bishop of the diocese of St. John (May 16th). Meeting
                in Quebec of the Royal Society of Canada (May 22nd). Inauguration of the new
                cathedral of St. Anne de Beaupré (May 27th). Appointment of the members of the
                new Dairy Commission (May 31st). French-Canadian delegation leaves for li'rance
                to attend celebration of 4th centenary of Cartier (June 23rd). Three Rivers eelebrates
                tercentenary of its founding (July 3rd). Interprovincial conference on unemployment
                held at Otto.wa (July 30th). Appointment of the Electricity Investigation Commission.
                Celebration at Gaspe of the 4th eentenniaJ of the diseovery of Canada by Jacques
                Cartier. Unveiling of cross of granite of the sarne dimensions as that which Cartier
                erected (August 25th). Laying and blesaing of the corner stone of the future cathedral
                of Christ King at Gaspé (AugUBt 26th). ArrivaI in Quebee of the French, English and
                American delegates to the Gaspe celebrations. Opening of the conference of Freneh-
                speaking physieians and of the press conference. Celebration of the 3rd centenary
                of the founding of B.~auport (Septernber 2nd). Inauguration of 8. colonization congress
                at the Parliament Buildings, Quebee (October 17th). A new accord is signed with
                the Federal Government coneerning unemployrnent assistance (October 24th).
                Hamage is paid to the memory of the late Honoré Mercier, former Prime Minister
                of the Province (November 4th). 1ilationnl conference on touriBm held at Ottawa
                (November 5th). Organization of diocesan societies for the recruiting of colonists
                (Noveruber 22nd). Mgr. Comtois appointed Bishop of Three Rivers (December 24th).
                Death of Captain J. Elzéar Bernier, famous Canawan Aretic explorer, at the age of
                82 years (Decanber 26th).
       1935.-0pening of the fourth session of the 18tb Legislature (January 8th). The rcport of the
                Electrieity Commission i5 hnnded to the Prime Minister (Ja.nuary 215t). Agreement
                between the governments of Ontario and Quebec relative ta industrial companies
                desirous of estahlishing themselves in either province (February llth). Death of M.
                Armand Lavergne, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons and member for
                Montmagny (March 5th). The mayors of about a hundred Canadian cities and
                other municipalities hold a meeting in Montreal (March 25th). The French Academy
                tenders a gold medal to Laval University în grateful recognition of signal services
                rendered ta the French language (Mareh 29th). Death of the Hon. Walter MîtcheU,
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