Page 386 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 386

348                           PRODUCTION
         116 -- Statistiques des quarante industries prindpales de la province de Québec, en 1934.

          116 -- Statistics of the Forty Leadins, Industries of the Province of Quebec, in 1934.


         Pulpe ",t papier-Pulp and paper.....
         Usioes électriQ.ues oontrales-Central' ~ie~:
           tric stations           .
        Filéset tlB8w>de coton-CottonYlUll and clotb
         Réduction et afIiIlage des métaux a.utres que
           le fer~Nvn~ierrousmetal smelting a.nd
           refining  '      - .........•  4  27,050,482  1,226  1,536,332  21,500,709  30,230,880
        Ta.b~"s, cigares, cigarettes-To"tJ1\OCo. {)igars
           and cigarettes          .   12   43,839,419  8,709  5,684,786  16,075,32'\1  31,995,54S
         Confection pour fewmes-Fllctory clothing,
           women's..... _.. . . ... . .. . . .. ..  300  9,985,337  9,609  7,452,197  18,417,5221  30,808,071
        Beurre et fromage-ButteT and . . . . .  1,272  15,894,352  4,356  3,065.&49  18.497,361 1  25,137,541
        Abattoim et salaisoDs--Slaughtering and
           meat packing,  ' .. _  .    31    8,669.108  1,802  },926,561  18,503,689  22,618,698
        Produits du pétrole-Petroleum products .  8  20,809,308  1,178  1,477,827  14,416,590  21,664,598
        Confection pour honunes-Clotbrug bctory,
           men's.. ,               .   113   8,624,873  4,496  3,760,678  12,568,846  20,835,234
        ChaU6~urr~ en cuir--Boot8 und .shor~, leather  127  12,683,140  9,473  6,188,138  10,192,745  18,879,785
        Soie et soie artifidelle-Silk and art. silk...  23,442,420  6,654  .5,103,364  7,147,587  18,092,687
         Matériel roulant de chemin de fer-Railway  191
           rolling stock        ,  .   11   35,683,853  7,003  7,172,102  7,827,156  15,303,o1tH
         Pain et autres produitb des boulangeries-  1
         Min~~ri~Ffo~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~'  1.010  12,490,2101  5,212  4,055,185  7,384,374  15,162,6.37
         Brasseries-Breweries  , .. ,  .  8  '18,084,555  1.505  2,027,390  4,861,713  12,998,942
         BonnetElTie et tricots-H(I~ery,knittedg(lod~  53  13,283,434  5,269  3,623,831  6,197.893  12,589,655
         Impression et édition-Print'g & publishing  69  14,256,012  4,058  5,130,658  2,428,759  12,350,607
         Bw('.uits, oonftBerie, cacao, etc.-BiscuiUi,
           oonfectionery, 000011., etc  .    8,917,525  3,154  2,308,458  5,758,857  11,309,224
         Article<! en caoutchouc (y comprlll chaus-
           sures)-Rubber good:8 (incL footwear),  Il  10,051,827  2,793  2,249,585  3,099,337  10,272,613
         Mercerie, homme.'l-FurnishÎllg goods, men'.s  73  6,163,376  4,314  2,299,839  6,165,687  9,899,765
         AppareiL> et fournitures électriques-Elec-
           trica,! apparatus il.nd supplies. . . .. ,...  24  18,941,439  3,239  4,218,447  4,050,245  9,800,455
        Coke et prad. du gag-Coke and gas pradets  5  13,H2.il6  847  1,265,168  3,057,49°  9,733,107
         Tô\eries-Sbeet meta.l product.<!.... .. . . . . . .  23  10,175,149  1,756  1,708,678  4,669,699  1  8,554,171
         Cou\age,pièces fonte-Castings and ïorgin.g:;.  76  20,010,991  2,841  2,1<19,874  2,933,063  8,Q93,725
         Impression et reliure-Printing-bookhinding  339  11,058,513  3,293  3,230,275  2,651.079  7,747,708
        Scieries---8awmills..... . . . . . . . ..  1,313  9.326,108  4,284  1,583,087  3,612,884  7,143,398
        Peintures et vernis-Painu., pigmentt; and
           varnishe<!     ,       "    22   10,586,845  1,105  1,558,070  3,050,651  7,089,881'
         Produit.<! du bronze et du cuivre--Brasr; and
           eopper produets...          26    8,092,766  1,133  1,184,527  4,758,379  7,219,090
         Machines-?.lacmnery.... ,...... ... ...  32  14,996,665  2,370  2,504,076  2,783,4311  6,527,220
         PrêparatiollB  médicinale~ et pharmace'J.-
           tiques-~ledicinal a.nd plmrrn. prepar.  61  7,144,001  1,180  1,43.5,182  1,956,980  5,906,813
         Café, thé et épices-Coffee, tell. a.nd spicea..  17  2,148,534  466  582,226  4,421,689  5,857,584
         Confection des fourrurœ-Fur gooda.......  126  4,752,442  1'315  }'263'802  3,808,989  5,817,700
         Bott~s, sacs papier-Boxes and bags, pa.per.  31  6,207,504  1,623  1,276,672  2,724,204  5,439,<144
        EXPl09ifS-EXPlO~ive9""""""""""1  4   4,08ô,267  951  964,063  1,723,854  5,347,108
         Prép. aJ.i.mentaires dîverse~-.Food.s, miscel-  38  3,644,445  615  643,513  1,858,853  5,277,504.
        FAl-uX gazeusoo-Aerated waters.... j\aneoUl>  118  4.912,125  956  1  989,712  1  1,31O,9S1  5,268,51)4
         Préparations des fruits et des Iégumes--  1     1
           Fruit and vegetable preparatiollB.... '.  57  5,135,619  1,326  702,llO  3.157,844  5,009,939
         Textiles div6l'l'!, n.R.e.-Mise. textiles ,....  7  9,329,559  932  1,113,627  2,171,071  5,007,630
         Clmpeaux et casquette_Rats and ('.8,p;> •  70  2,151,304  1,819  1,491,20:;  2,351,588  4,814,970
         TC/'l'AL D1!l8 40 INDt:STRIES Pl'U:NCIPALES...  1               1
           TOTAL FUR 'l'HE 40 LEADINO INDUSTRIES  6.1S4 1,411,1146.840 140,188 125.824,947 297,S75.4U 629,025,399
         TOTAL DE TOUTES LES INDl:'BTlllEB PROVINCE -~-~~-~-~---I-
           'l'OI.AL FOR ALL IND. OF THE l'Rü\'INCE.  8,168 1,678,486,302  181~6 161,197.S08 357,751.,720 766,491.000
         % dœ 40 indU6tries P,TÎD<!ipales  .
           % of tbe 40 leodins: lDdustne.ôo  .  85.68 77221  78.06   1S.26   82.06
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