Page 383 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 383

MANUFACTURES                             345

         115 -  Statistiques des manu~acturespar cités, villes et villages de]a province, 1934 (suite)

         115--Manufacturing Statistics ofCities, TowDsand Villages of the Province, 1934 (Cont'd.)
              V<LLE:"- ET mLAG"'1  Établisse-  Employés  Salaires  1  Coût del'l  Valeur brute
                                                         et gage8
                                                                         de.!! produits
                            i                  Employee~
         CITUl8, Tow~" ,,-':'<D VILL.4.GES!  Egtablisb-."  1  Co.~t of  Gro~s Value
                               ments                    and 'Wage"  of Produeh
         ----------!--~--I                    -~--~--~I
                                         •                •        •        •
         Hull.                    4.   13,891,21\)'  2,229  2,088,100  4,090,224  8,844,517
         Huntingdon.               •     225,543    83     93,213   284,242  476,221
         IberviJle.               12     136,663    93      47,672  53,959   139,773
         Joliette....             44    1,970,38.1}  817   486,328  787,1G8  1,746,588
         JOll(}uière.             11    1..581,295  218    253,302  433,853  756,201
         Kamournska .              4     489,986 .. ,       1,370   16,848   21,320
         Kénogami. .... , .            15,242,665  830    1,116,713  1,609,120  4,112,003
         Kingsey Falls             "                        50,1132  171,596  351,228
         KDOWltoo, .               6      44,983i   11      6,418   93.308   119,290
         Lachine..                38   1;5,435,9531       2,234,601  2,873,772  ô,OôB,462
                                                   52! '
         Lachute... '.            12    3,53~:~61  1,844  1  812    858,833  2,227,734
         Lac-Bergcnt                                       411' 900  1  1,906  3,514
         LambtoIl       , . ..  1  5 "    10,830            1,015    6,127    9,332
         L'Annonciation.  .., ..   5      28,660    10      3,125   19,198   27,160
         La PÎ'radc" ..            5      43,2[l3   18      7,071  1  35,338  53,869
         t:~~f~~·....             10 7  24,621,046  1,208  1,383,609  4,833,317  10,633,150
         L'Assomption.                   135.944    39      24,277  56,699   102,459
         Lati:nière...             " 4    17,100     .,      972     6,779    9,377
         t:~~~~~ttie·.·· '::::::::::::1  13 ,  10,701,008  703 •  779,782  1,742,228  1,048,763
         Lauzon..                       1,969,077  183     213,698  151,614  584,494
         LaV3ltrie  .              3      24,'U9    39      Z3,402  49,874   83,035
         Lawrenceville.            4      65,000    23      13,292  17,560   36,746
         Lennoxville. ...   1      7     377,520    83     101,701  243,209  415,800
         L'Epiphanie.             13     387,929   224      89,B94  118,603  280,610
         LéVl9..•....             14     5(14,054  137      91,709  83,716   224,2,59
         Linière .....             7      33,525     7      1,820   20,753   20,379
         Longueuil. .             12    1,046,675  251     231,490  388,242  767,429
         Lorette'<"iUe            12     630,211   38f,    219,792  335,533  t\8<i,420
         Lothillière ..            3      12,150    4       1,175   17,049   20,213
         Louîseville.             Il    2,023,854  1,094   700'~~~1  1,566,6431  2,744,822
         Luceville.                3      10,844    4                9,590   12,436
         Lyster.                   3      90,486[   54      20' 350  19,312  51),409
                                   ,                            1
         Mlloamic.                        26,S01si   7      2.125    13,446  17,494
         Mllgog••.                18    7,588.606  1,541  1,232,426  6.762,508  9,5tl8,934
         Ma.lbaie. ,               fi     53,383    8       3,250   14,997   23,159
         'Maniwaki.                fi     29,696    •       4,418   30,605   45,476
         Marievilie.              14     650,32.5  356     210,049  512,593  860,343
         1\'l{igantic.. , .        8     558,917   250     131,404  118,618  337,514
         Mi:;tassini ..            3      19,226    4       3,441   23,191,  27,271
         Montauban ..              5      22,336    13      2.S84   11,417   20,719
         ~~~~=i~~ri~;.'..  .::l'   5 o    64.104    2()     9,568   10.254   25,686
         Montmagny..              19    2,612,845  625     391,886  713,325  l,ô37,817
         Montréal   .           2,360  373.098,770  88,131  84,228,834  18.5,459,720  361,058,212
         :Montré::ll-Est-EaEt     13   40,070,842  1,170  1,901,271  27,333,620  38,648,837
         Napien..ille.             •     300.062    ,        079    211.685  1  32,">,091
         Neuville  .               5      16,115    "       25, 1,295  1  6,520  10,700
         New Glasgow.              4      29,800    4       1,249    5,400    8,900
         Ni('.(llet  .            10     411,066   164              313,681  494,OlI
         NormaJldin                9      29,845    11      8~:Ôt~1  22,766  29,562
         OrnLlltown...             fi     89,538    21      lô,486  1  141,218  190,OU7
         Oulremont.                8    1,636,607  ,",0    341,.540  729,725  1,476,933
        PapineauviUe  .                   63,955
                         ...  1    4                19      9,439   171,214  201.798
        Pierreville  .             8      66,277    15      6,611   22,670   36,883
        PleMillville. _.. .. _..  l' ,  1,038,498  354     199,141  609,523  1,070,656
         Pointe-aux·Trembles             253,871           47,797   94,271   178,524
                            1                       "                   l
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