Page 23 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 23


                                  K-SURVEY OF PRODUCTION
         117. Percentage of the net value of production in Canada. by provinces...  350
         118. Value of production in Ca,nada, by pro....inces, in 1933 and 19;34...  351
         119. Value of production, by industries, in 1933 and 1934  .          351
         120. Value of production, by industries and by provinces, in 1934..   352
                                     L-·NATIONAL WEALTH
         12L Estimated nationul wealth of CanS.da, by provinces, iu 1933..     353
         122. Estimated wealth of the Province of Quebec, in 1933 ...          354
           L Length of surfaeed rura.l roads, in the Provinee. . . . .  . .    355
           2. Lcngtb of surfaced rural roads maintained by the Government...   356
           3. System of main highways of the Province of Quebec, on the 1st )l"ovember, 1936.  357
           4. Highway bridges subsidized by the Government. . . . . . . . . . .. .  .  358
           5. Amounts paid by the Government of the Province for abolition of toU bridges and
                turnpike roadB, l'rom 1910 ta 1936....                         359
           6. Railway mileage 'in the Province. . . .  .   .                   359
           7. Railway mileage in the Province on the 31st December, 1935.      360
           8. Passengers and freight carried by tramways, in 1935  .           362
           9. Capital of tramway companies in the Province, in 1934  .         362
          10. Revenue of tramway companies in the Province, in 1935  .         362
          IL Automobile registra,tion in the Province of Quebec, from 1918 ta 1935...  365
          12. Number of motor yehicles registered in Canada, in 1935  .        365
          13. Automobile registration in the counties of the Province, in 1935..  366
          14. Automobile regi.stration in the cities of the Province, in 1935  .  366
          15. Automobile registmtion in towns of the Province, in 1935  .      367
          16. Automobile accidents, by months, in the Province of Quebec.      368
          17, Telephone statistics in Canada and the Province,. . . . .. .     369
          18. Num~r of telephones of the principal companics in the Province in 1934.. .. .....  369
          19. Financial statement of the principal telephone syst.ems in the Province, in 1934.. .  370
          20. Operating revenue Ilnd expcnses of the principal systems, in 1934,  370
          21. Te1egraph statistics by provinces..                          . ... 371

          22. :\Ioney orders issued and paid.....                          . ... 372
          23. Sunuual'Y of traffic through the canals of the Provinee. Total tonnage. . . . .. ..  373
          24. Total traffic (in tons) through the ca.nals of the province, in 1934 and 193.S... .  374
          25. Traffic through the canals of the Province.. ,. .                375

                                  X-ECONO)f!C ACTIVITY
           1. Imports and e""POrt.s at five port.s in the Province  '         , 376
           2. Value of external trade of the Province and of Canada, from IS70 to 1935  377
           3. Value of imports -Alld.exports- of the Province from 1870 ta 1936  .  378
           4. Value of imparts and exports of the Province, in 1935 and 1936  .  379
           5. Quota of t.he Pro~ince of Que.b~c in the ext.erna.l. t.rade of the DOIl;l.Înion  .  381
           6. Swnmary of l'etai! merchandlSlllg and serVIces, ln 1930, by countws  '. .  383
           7. Retail mCl'chandise trade, by kinds of business in the Province of Quebec, in 1930.  384
           8. Retail services, by Idnds, in the Province of Q.uebec, in 1930, , .. , . . . . .  .  . 390
           9. Retail merchandise trade in the Province of Quebec, by kinds of bu..<;iness, in 1931-34.  394
          10. Sumtnary of retail serviees, 1930, by countieE:  ,        ,    .  396
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