Page 27 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 27

          8. Net u.mount of premiums written, by provinces, in 19.35.....      433
          9. Net amount of lossef:l incurred, by provinces, in 1934 and 19:3.5..  433
          JO. Fire l088es in cities, etc., in 19.35  .                         434
         11. Causes of fires in the Province of Quebec, in 1935....            435
          12. F'ire losses in the Province accOl'ding to variolL'3 properties, in 1935.  435

                                B--MUTL'AL BE~EFIT SOCIETIES
          13. Financial statement of mutual benefit associations, in 1935 ...  436
         14. Sununary of opeTatiofu3 of mutual benefit associatioIlB....      436
                                     C--SAVINCS BANKS
         15. Amount of deposits in La CaiBRe d'Economie de ~otre Dame de Quebec. .  437
         16. Amount of deposits in The Montreal City and District Savings Bank. _. . . . . . . . . . . ..  437
         17. Balance sheet of La Caisse d'Economie de Notre Dame de Quebec, ~ov. 30th 193,:'i..  438
         18. Financial statement of The h:lontreal City and Di.strict Savings Bank, 1935.  439

                               D--eO-OPERATIVE PEOPLE'S BANKS
         19. Comparative summary of operations of Co-operatlve Poople's Ba.nks, from 1931 to 1935 441
         20. Progress of Co-operative People's Banks. . . .. . . . . .        441
         21. Variations of capital stock: of People'" Banks....               442
         22. Variations of deposits in People's Banks.                        442
         23. Laan transactions of People's Banks. . . .                       442
                                      LIST OF CHARTS
         Percentage inerease in the population from 1921 to 1931.              .59
         )latural increase in the popula,tion of the Province..                81
         Tht'ee principal caIlBes of death in the Province. _..                93
         Ratio of deaths due to tuberculosis per 100,000 population.           115
         Eurolment in primary schools from 1919-20 to 193:3-34 ..             107
         Receîpts of the Bureau of Public Chal'itJes  .                       193
        .Unount of sales of the Liquor C-omnllssion  .                        205
         Assets and liabilities of the school corporations..                  239
         Value of butter and cheese manufactnred..                            271
         Pulp production in the Province....                                  297
         Papel' production in the PrO\"Înce.                                  301
         Gold production in the Province .                                    307
         Value of fisheries of the Province  .                                317
         Receipts of central electl'ic stations (electricity sold).           325
         Gross and net values of production of manufactures.                  335
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