Page 21 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 21


         69. .Mining ticellEes and miner;' certificates  .                     309
          70. Workmen employed in mines, quarries and n.nnexed p1.a..nts.      309
         71. Non-fatal accidents in mines and quarries in the Province, in 1935.  310
         72. Accidents in annexed plants, in 193.")....                        310

         73. AnnUHl revenue derived from fisheries by the Govcrnment of the Provinee. .  311
         74. Chief commercial fishes in the Province.'. . .  . . . . . . . . . .  :HI
         75. Value of sea and inland fisherles of the Province.                312
         76. VaIue of sen. fish caught and marketed..  . . .  . , . . . . . . . . .  312
         77. Value of Sf'..a fish caught and marketed in the Province... . .  . . .  312
         78. '~uantity and value of sea fuheries of the Province of Quebec... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  313
         79. ~: alue of sea fish caught and marketed in Canada by counties and by districts. . . . . . .  314
         80. Quantity and value of fish caught in the inland 'watel'!3 of the Province und marketed  :31 4
         81. Number and value of vessels, et.c., used in the fuheries of the Province...... ..  315
         82. Total value of fisheries in the various provinces of Canada, from 1896 to 1935. .  316
         83. Fish canning and curing establishments in the Province. . . . . .  :318
         84. Fish canning and CUl'ing establishments in Canada, by provinces, in 1934... " ...  :319
         85. Number of WB,ge earners in fish canning and euring establishments in the Province...  319
         86. Fuel used in fish cB,nning and curing establishments in the Province. . . . . . .  319
         87. Fish curing and canning cst.ablishments in the Province, in 1934....  .  320
         88. Fish canning and curing est.ablishments in the Province classified according to the value
                of production and number of employees. . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . .. 320
         89. Power equipment used in fish canning and curing establishments in the Province. . . . . .. 320

                                     G-HYDRA.ULlC POWER
         90. Available and developed water power in qanada, by provinces, on January Ist, 1936.... 321
         91. Capacity of turbines insta.lled in Canada, by provinces, on the 31st December 1913-35 322
         92. lJtilization of developed water power in CB,nada, by provinces, in 1935....  , .... 323

                                H-CENTRAL ELECTRIC STATIONS

          93. Centml electric st.ations of the Province of Quebee, 1922-34  .  324
          94. Number and classification of generating stations of the Province  .  324
          95. Employees in central electric sta.tions of the Province, 1932-34..  326
          96. Number of custotnel'S of central electric stB,tians in the Province  .  326
          97. Pole line mileage   ,     . . . . . . .  .  .                    327
          98. Capital invested in electrical industry in the Province..        327
          99. Revenue of central electric stations iu the Province  .          328
         100. Expenses of central e1ectric stationi3 in the Province  .        328
         101. Total equipment incIuding auxilia-ry plant. equipment. . . . . .. .  .  329
         10'2. Electric energy generated by the stations, in 1934....          330

                               I-FUR BEARING ANIMALS AND PELTS
         103. Fur farms in Canada., by provinces, in 1933 .and 1934.... .  . . ,  331
         104. Value of pelta of fur-bearing animaIs in Canada. by provinces...... . . . . . . . . . .  .  332
         105. Number and value of pelts of fur-bearing animal.."!, taken in the Province, in 1934-35... 332
         106. RoyaIty collected on pclts, in 1933-3-1 and 1934-3.5....         333

         107. Industrial development of the Province of Quebec..  . . . . . •.  .334
         108. Fuel c.onsumption of ma.nufacturing industries of the Province. . . . .  336
         109. Power U!,cd in the manufactures of the Province, by groups, in 1934.. . .  336
         110. Prirlcipal statistics of the manufactures of the Province, by groups, in 1934. . .  336
         111. Capital invested in Irllmufactures of the Province, by groups, in 1934.. .  337
         112. Capital invested in manufactures of Canada, by provinces, in 1934.. . . . . .  337
         113. Number of cmployees in manufactures of Canada, by provinces, in 1934. . . .  337
         114. Manufacturing statistics of the Province of Qnebec, by groups of industries, in 1934.  338
         11.5. Manufacturing statistics of cities, tav.'TlS and villages of the Province, in 1934.... .  344
         116. Statistics of the forty leading indnstriCfl of thc Province of Quebec, in 1934... .  348
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