Page 19 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 19


         13. Index numbcl's of priees of a~rîculturalproducts in the Pl'ovincp. of Quebee...  25t
         14. Average wages of farm help ln the Prov.mce  >  .'  •••  •  •••••••••••  •  25.s
         15. Average wages of farm help in Canada, in 1935.                    255
         16. 8tatistics of co-{)perative agricultural associations in the Pl'Ovincc of Quebee.  256
         17. Agricnltural societies and fal'lliers' clubs in the Province of Qutlbec..  257
                              B-LIVE-STOCK AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS
         18. l\umbel' of anima.Is on farm~ in the Province of Quebee..         258
         19. Estimated value of Eve-stock in the Province of Qlwbec.           258
         20. Number of fllrm poultry in the Province of Quebee.                258
         21. Number of live-stock on Canadian farms...                         259
         22. Value of live-stock on Canadian farms.                            260
         23. Average value of fa.rm animaIs and of wooL.                       261
         24. Revenue derived frOll farm animaIs....                            262
         25. Index numbers relating to animaIs on farm~..                      263
         26. Origio, by countieEh of Iive-stock marketed, in 1934 and 1935..   264
         27. Live-stock fllau~hteredin Canadian inspected abattoirs, in 1935.  265
         28. Animal8 slaughtered in abattoirs and packing houses, in 1935.....  266
         29. Value of materials used in abattoirs and packing houses, in 1934..  266
         30. Outpui of abattoirs and packing houflefl in the Province of Quebec.  267

                                     e-DAIRY INDUSTRY
         31. Total production of creamery butter and factory cheese in the Province.  269
         32. Organization of dairy factories. . .  . ..                        270
         33. Production of aIl buU,er and cheese factorie~ of the Pnwince.     270
         34. Dairy factories, 1935: organization and expenses....  . ...       272
         35. Dairy factories, 1935: fat. rpceived: quantity and value of products made..  278
         36. Total value of dairy products of t.he Province of Quebee....      284
         37. Quantity and value of ire cream IlUlde in the Province of Quebee..  284

                                     O-FOREST INDUSTRY
         38. Approxirnate area of fOre8t8 in the Province of Quebec..          285
         39. Staff employed in forest protection, in 1935  .                   288
         40. Number of tires and acreage burnt, in 1935     .                  288
         41. Permits ta burn Ïilsued and :Lereage of slashes burned, in 1935  .  288
         42. Quantity! in feet board measure, of timber eut in the Province..  290
         43. Qu.n.ntity and value of timber eut in the Province ...            290
         44. Value of timber and other forest products in the Province..       290
         45. 'Timber eut on private lots and limit~, in 11)34 and 1935.... . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..  291
         46. Quantity and value of forest pn-Jducta in the Province, in 1934 and 1935  .  292
         47. Timber eut on private lots in the Province of Quebec, in 1935  .  293
         48. Capital invested in pulp and p.a,per industry, in Canada, by province!)  .  294
         49. Value of production of pulp and paper industry, by provinces  .   294
         50. 'Wood-pulp production, by processes, in the Province, since 1918  .  295
         51. 'Vood-puIp production in Canada, by pl'ocesses and by provinees  .  296
         52. \\Tood-puIp pl'Oduction in Canada, by provinces! since 1930.....  296
         •>3. Wood used (in cords), by processe.", in the Province, in 11)34 and 1935  .  298
         54. '\Tood used (in cords), by provinces and by proces:ses, in 1934 and 1935  .  298
         55. Vlood used in the manufacture of pulp in Canada, by provinces  .  298
         56. ·Wood used in the manufacture of pulp in t.he Province, ]920-]935  .  299
         57. Paper production in t.he Province of Quebec, from ]9]8 to 1935  .  300
         58. Paper production in Canada, by kind8 and by provinces, in 1934 and 1935...  300
         59. Apparent production of pulpwood in the Province, flince 1915...   302

                                     E-MINING INDUSTRY
         60. Value of mineraI production in the Province, .-ince 1901.  .      303
         61. lmportance of the mineraI production of the Province of Quebec, in 1935..  304
         62. Average priees of a8beEto~ a.nd yeady production     _..          305
         63. Gold, siIver and coppel'                   .                      306
         64. Ochre, mica, phosphate, graphite, slate and minerai wat.ers.      306
         65. Quarry products: cement, lime, bricks..                           306
         66. Value of lime stone, granit.e a.nd rnarble..                      308
         67. Value of sand, sandstone, etc       '    _             .          308
         68. N umber of workmen employed in mines and quarries of t.he Province  .  308
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