Page 25 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 25


                                     B-TOURIST TRAFFIC
          11. TourÎBt traffie in the Province of Quebee .....                  397
                                    C-CHARTERED BANKS
          12. Number of branches of chartel'ed banks in Canada, by provinces_.  398
          13. Montlùy exchanges of the clearing houses..                       399
                                    D-BUILDING PERMITS
          14. Building permits is.9ued in 35 cities, br provinces, from 1924 to lm);).  400
                                 E--INCORPORATIONS, FAILURESi
          15. Joint stock companies inoorpomted, since 1870  _  ,              401
          16. Cormnercial failw:es in Canada, by provinces! in 19:34 and 19as  402
          17. FWlUl'es in Cana,da l by classes and provinces...                403
                                   F-PRICE FLUCTUA.TIO!'OS
          18. \Veighted general wholesale priee index-numbers, by months, 1926-35  .  404
          19. Weighted index-numbers of whalesale priees, by groups, in Canada  .  405
          20. Index-numbers of whaJesale pl'iees in Canada, grouped accordlng ta purpose.  406
          21. Index-numbers of wholesale prices in Canada, grouped acoordlng ta origin  .  407
          22. Family budget (staple foods, fuel! light and rent) in sixty cities in Canada  _.  408
          23. Index numbers of a fnmily budget, in Canada, by provinces      . 409
          24. Cost per week of a family budget of staple foods! fuel and lighting and rent in tel'llli3 of
                the average l'etail priees in each province..... _....         410
          25. Cost per week of budget of staple fooda, fuel and lighting and rent in tel'I11S of the average
                retail pliees in aixty-nine cities in Cau!1da   .              411
          26. Average yearly l'etail priees of provisions at various CanadiaD eities, 193fi...  412

                                  XI-4JRGANIZED LABOUR
                             A-STRIKES, LOCKOL'TS, UNEMPLOYMENT
          1. Labour disputes..... , , .....................•.                  413
          2. Percentages of unemployment in trade uniollS, by provinces  .     414
          3. Expenditure for unemployment relief from June 1st 1930 to June 30, 1935.  415
          4. Direct relief reeipients in the Province and the principal cities....  416
                                    B-LABOUR INSPECTION
          5. Kumber of inspections made in 1934-35...                    . .... 417
                                  C-eMPLOYMENT BUREAUX
          6. Operations of employment bw:eaux, from 1918 ta 1935,..  . ...    '118
          7. Operations of employment bureaux in 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934~35....  421
                                    D-LABOUR ACCIDENTS
          8. J\umber of accidents involving payment in the Province, by countie6, in 1934.  423
          9. Kumber of accidents involving payment~ by classes of industries, in 1934.  424
         10. Compensation costs by classes of industries, in 1934  .          424
         11. KUlllber of accidents reported! involving payment and files elosed  .  425
          12. Benefits awarded ta injured workers....                         425
          13. SUl'plus account of the Commission.                             425

                            XII-PROVIDENT INSTITUTIONS

          1. FinaneiaI statement of iI19uranee companies licensed by the Province, 1935.  426
          2. Financial statement of joint stock insurance companies. . . . . . . . . .  427
          3. Operations of joint Brock and mutuaI companies (fire)..........  428
          4. Operation of mutual insurance companies (fire,]. . . ... . . . . . . .  429
          5. Life insurance bU5iness transacted in the Province since 1932. . . . .. . . . . . .  430
          6. Insuranee business other than Iife transacted in the Province, aince 1932. .  430
          7. Premiums wl'itten and losses paid by the me illSuraneecompanies.  . . .. . . . . . ..  432
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