Page 17 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 17

                                    H-LIQUOR COMMISSION
         82. ~lllIlber of stoores and amount of sa.lcs ...                     203
         83. Sales of wincs, in gallons ...                                    203
         84. Sales of 8pirituous liqnor~, in gallons  .                        203
         85. Annual revenue of the Liquor Commis.'lion ..                      204
         86. Trading profits realized ..                                       204
         87. Distribution of ,annual net revenue of the Liquol' Commt~::;iun.  204
         88. Number of permits granted                                         201)
         89. Number of convictions fol' dl'unkenneas, by provinces.            206


                                 A-FI:'IrANCES OF THE PROVINCE
          1. Ordinary revenue and expenditure of the Province of Quebec, 1933-34 tû 1935-36.. ..  208
          2. Stntemcnt of ordinary revenue and expen,diture of the Province of Quebee, for 1935-36.. 209
          3. Statement of the funded debt and temporary loans uf the Province of Quebee.  . ... 211
          4. 8tatement of public debt and temporary loans of the Province of Quebec, 30th June, 1936 212
          "). Revenue derived fmm Iaw stamps. . .                              213
          G. Revenue derived from registration stamps.                         214
          7. Revenue derived l'rom duties on successioIlB.                     21G
          8. Revenue del'ived from taxcs on commcrcial eorporation~.           217
          9. Revenue derived from duUes under the Alcoholic Liquor Act and licence..-,;. ,  218
         10. Summary of the estimated expcnditure of the' Province of Quebee for the liscal year ending
                30th June, 1937.                                               220

                                    B-MUNICIPAL Flr.-·ANCES
         J1. Basis of taxation in municipal eOl'porations of the Pl'o....inep.  221
         12. Revenue and expendîtureof eities of the Provinee, in 1934.        223
         13. Revenue and expenditllre of municipal corporations of thc Province.  223
         14. Balance sheet of the cities of the Provinee, in J934.             2_0
         15. Balanec sheet of municipal corporations of the Province, 1924--34 ..  22.5
         IG. Receipts and puyment.Y of county conneil", 1924-34.               227
         17. Balance 8heet of eoullty councils, 1924-34 ...                    227
         18. Amount of municipulloans authorized by the Government.            2:30
         19. :MunieipaI loans authorized fOl' unemployment relief..            2:Jl
                                     C-SCHOOL FINANCES

         20. Value of taxable property and amount of ~chool taxt's colleeted ..  233
         21. Financia1 statement of sehoo! corporations ...                    233
         22. Receipts of school cOl'porations, by countÎes. ..  ". .. . ..... .'  234
         23. Puyments of 8ehoo1 corporations, bv C.Qunties  ,.  . ..           235
         24. Estimn,ted value of immovable proPert.y of 8chool corporations.   236
         _<J. Assets of 8chool corporations, 1928-29 t.o 1934-3.5.             237
         26. LiabilitÎes of 8ehool corporations, 1928-29 t.o 1934-::V,i  .     238
         27. Arnount of sehoolloan8 authorized by the Government, from 1924 ta  :HO

          1. Govem!nent expenditlll'e for agrieultuml purposes, in the Provinee of Quebec ..  244
          2. A.rea, Yleld and \'alue of fidd Cl'OpS in the Province. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....  .,.  245
          3. Estimated acrcage Wldel' cultivation in Canada, by provÎncf's..  248
          4. Estüu1.lted value of field cro~ in Canada, by provÎnces. . ..  .  248
          5. ACl'eage and yield of field crops in the Province of Quebec. . . . . . .  .  .  249
          G, yield pel' acre and total value of field cmps in the Province of Quebec ..  250
          7, Variations of prices of agrieultul'al products in the Province from 1927 to 1935 ..  251
          8. Est!:ma.ted aereages under pasture in Canada, by provinces, 1929-35 .. _  .  251
          9. Esü:ma.ted gross allouaI ugJicultural revenue În the Pro....inee. . . . .. .  252
         10. Esti:ma.ted gross annnal agrieultural revenue, in Canada  .      252
         Il. Average value pel' acre, of oecupÎed fann land, by provinces  '.  253
         12. Estimated agricultural wea.Ith of Canada, by provinees, in 1935.  2;')3
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22