Page 15 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 15

         25. Percentage of convictions to charges for indictable offences, hy provinces.  165
         26. Sentences imposed for indictable offenc€::l, in the Provinee of Quebec ....  165
         27. Percentage of sentences compa,red to total convictions ..         165
         28. Occupations, birth-pIa.ces, etc., of persons convicted  .         166
         29. Number of cases deaJt witb by the dül'erent courts, in 1934.      167
         30. Summaz:y convictions, by provinees, i.n 1933 and 1934...          168
         3l. Summary convictions in the Province of Quebec. . .  . ..          168
         32. Juvenile delinquents convieted of Jllil,jor offences in Canada, in 1934 ...  169
         33. Juvenile delinqucntB convicted of minor oflenccs, in Canada, by provinces ..  169
         34. Total number of convictions in Canada, by provinces, in 1934 ..   170
         35. )jumber of pl'isoners pardoned in the Province of Quebec, in 1918-34 ..  170
         36. Police statîstics of cit1es and towns of the Province, in 1934 ...  171
         37. Seizures of immovables and sheriff's sales, in 1935.  .           173
         38. Number of documents registered, from 1917 to 1935 .....           173
         39. )jmnber of documents registered by the registra!'s, in 1935.      174


         40. Coroners' inquests and deaths investigated....                    175
         41. Inqllests with or without jury.-Classification of deceased, in 1935 ...  176
         42. Causes of deaths a,ccording ta înquests or the jury's verdict, in 1935 ..  177
         43. ~ationalit:r of deceased, in 1935 ..                              178

                                    F-PENAL lNSTITUl'IONS
         44. Movement of population of prisons, in 1934 .....                  179
         45. Nationality and religion of prisoncrs admitted in 1934.           180
         46. Civil status and literacy of prü;oners admitted in 1934           IBO
         47. Number of prisoners discharged during the year. . ... . . . . . .  . ....  181
         48. Cla.<!sification of prisoners admitted, according to age, occupation, etc..  181
         49. Classifiea,tion of prisoners senteneed, according to nature of offence.  182
         50. Nature of sentence.....     . ....                                183
         51. ~1ovementof the population of prisons, sinee 1914.....            18.1
         .52. Children in reformatory schools, on 31st December, a.nd expenses.  184
         53. Movement of the population of reformatory schools ...             184
         M. Children in reformatory schools on the Ist of each month.          185
         •15. Childl'en liberated c1assified according to cawc of liberation .....  185
         56. Children in custody on 31at Decembcr, c1assified according t.o age, ete..  185
         57. Statistics of reformatory schools of t.he Province of Quebec fol' the yeal' 1934.  186
         58. :Movement of population of îndustrial schools. . .  . ..          187
        .59. Numbel' of daYB of detention.-Financial statement of indmtriill schooI8..  187
         60. Pupils in industrial schoo1s on the lst of each month.            188
         6l. Classifieation, according to a,ge, etc., of pupils in custody on 31st Deeembel'.  188
         62. Statistic.s of industl'ial schools of the Pl'Ovince of Quebec for the J'car 1934...  189

                                 G---eHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS

         63. Reccipt08 of the Bureau of Public Chal'itie", in 1934-35 and 1935-36.  191
         64. Government grants to charitable institutions, by classes  .      191
         6.S. Receipts of the Bureau of Public Charities, sinee 1922  .       192
         66. Annual Government gmnts to charitable institutions, Binee 1922  .  192
         67. Loans contracted by charitable institutions and guaranteed by the Government.  192
         68. Movement of the population of charitable institutions, in 19:14.  195
         69. Disbursements of charitable institutions of the Province.        195
         70. Movement of pogulation of hospitals for iIll3ane~ in 1935.       196
         ïl. Receipts and dis ursements of h06pitals for insane  .            197
         72. Stat! and movement of popuk,tion of institutions  .              198
         73. Classification of patients treated, according to nature of diBea.<;e.  198
         74. Classification of patients deceased according to causes.     . ,  199
         75. Patients treated in dispensal"ies  ,             .               199
         76. 'Financial stat.ement of general and maternity hospitals and crèches.  199
         77. Statistics ot' anti-tubel'cular sll.nlltorio.  _  .              200
         78. Movement of population of anti~tuberculal' sanatoria, in 19;1! ..  200
         79. Financial stat.ement of anti-tube:rcular sanatol'ia  .           200
         SO. Statistics of homes, orphllJlages, refuges, etc... .  .          201
         81. Financial statelllent of homes, 01'phanage8, refuges, etc..       201
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